Hi! Right now I'm planning on setting up a mixed Rift Lake tank, about 70~125 gallons. But for bottom dwellers(not "scavengers") I'd like some African catfishes. But my only options are Synodontis eupterus and decorus. Right now I have two eupterus in my tank, but the decorus really catch my eye. Since they are expensive, I'm thinking about getting 2~3 of them. BUT the questions; would they get along with the eupterus and adjust to the hard water conditions? And are they okay with the aggresive Rift Lake cichlids? The eupterus are having no trouble in the tank, but I'm worried about adding the decorus. SO the main question is; Would 2~3 Synodontis decorus do well in a mixed African cichlid tank?
Besides synos, I'd like to add a few bristlenose plecos, they'd like the caves and shelters piled up for the cichlids. Is it okay?
Just as some people like cichlids, you guys must love catfishes, so please help!