German Wholesaler

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German Wholesaler

Post by Ancistrus »

Does anyone know any german wholesalers or german forums where I can find some. I need them to specialise in plecostoums.
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Post by Marc van Arc »

I have a site in my favourites, but it suddenly doesn't work anymore. Perhaps it's temporarily off line? Have a try.
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Post by f3mg »

Check out

Their January list had around 200 possibilities...


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Post by Marc van Arc »

f3mg wrote:Check out
Their January list had around 200 possibilities
You can't view the list unless you're a customer. Or did I miss something?
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Post by sidguppy »

A few German (whole) salers that do carry L numbers and other fish; some do also sell to hobbyists, and -as I recently found out- some ship across Germany and beyond for little extra!

these two carry mostly South American fish; cichlids, piscivore cats and L numbers.

This one's a Malawi/Tanganyika seller, but carries a fine list of Lnumbers too.

This one's the same, but their list of Lnumber's significantly smaller. they do have em though.

and if you don't mind a trip: Blecha Discus Zierfisch-center in Witten Stockum near Dortmund is a great place to visit and especially in "fishy season" (end september to march or april). they tend to have weird South American fish, sometimes just a few, sometimes lots. they DO have a large variety of Loricariids year round, ranging from Parancistrus and all kinds of spiny critters to weird sandsifters like Pseudohemiodon and the like.
no stocklist but well worth a visit IMO.
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Post by husky_jim »

Daniel is one of the best!
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Post by Ancistrus »

Thanks for your help.

I am trying to use daniel but we cant find a way to get them here.
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