looking for synodontis dhonti

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looking for synodontis dhonti

Post by granulosus »

Please let me know where i can get a few of them thanks.
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Post by sidguppy »

too bad you're across the pond; I know a wholesalesfirm in Germany - http://www.airfish.de - that has dhonti's; they have them labelled as "Synodontis tanganicae". the pictogram behind the name is a link to a picture and the fish in that pic is obviously a dhonti.

their website and stocklist can be viewed in English as well and they DO ship. i don't know if they ship to Canada or how expensive it would be.

another retail/wholesales firm is http://www.verduijncichlids.com in the Netherlands wich have dhonti's mixed in with wildcaught polli's (true polli's, not "polli White") on a regular base. their website is also viewable in English and they too ship.
these are what's called by Dinyar "dwarf dhonti" wich means they share all the looks of a dhonti except they don't loose their spots and they rarely if ever pass 6-8"in length instead of a foot and a half like a true dhonti should. they're visible by clicking (in the Tang stocklist) on "Synodontis diverse soorten Zambia".
Valar Morghulis
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Post by Richard B »

They make their way over to the uk as contaminants in shipments of wild multis, but seldom are passed on as what they actually are, but more realistically go to retailers who buy large batches of multis & someone gets lucky. I saw several recently but they were at a wholesaler who did know what they were & they weren't for sale.

All the best

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Post by stackersteve »

One place to keep an eye on is That Fish Place, That Pet Place in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I've found some of my best finds there. There is a place in Ohio around Cleveland also. I cannot think of the name right now. They also order alot of off the wall cats the smaller shops won't mess with.
At least these places can meet your shipping needs a little easier.
Good luck
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Post by stackersteve »

RMS. That's it. Cleveland, Ohio. Don't know about a web site but you should be able to find the contact info with the name. We lived up there a bit and that was a must see at least 2 times a month. It was about 70 mile ride. Our Chiclid club meetings were held up there.
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