Bristle's on a bristlenose pleco

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Bristle's on a bristlenose pleco

Post by AtC »

I have juvi (what I assume to be common) bristlenose plecos; 2 brown and 2 albinos. What size/age do the bristle's begin coming in?

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Post by MatsP »

Depends on their environment (not to mention individual differences - I'm sure you'll remember from school that some boys got quite a bit of beard growth at 12 or so, whilst others had none at 16?).

But around 2" they should start showing some growth in the bristles.

I wrote this FAQa while back to give some other keys to look for when determining the sex of a bristlenose.

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Post by butterfly »

That was very informative, Thanks!
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Post by AtC »

Thanks for posting that faq. I will take a close look at the body shape to see if I can determine anything regarding their sex.
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Post by MatsP »

AtC: Can you add your "location" in your Profile - it's part of the Forum Rules, but also a good idea to get better advice when asking about things where your location will be useful for the solution of the question (such as "Where can I buy xxx" or "What medication should I use for yyy", as the answer will depend on where you live.

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