Ok well i made the switch from gravel to sand, i did it over a week, and its a bit cloudy but that should settle,
Here's what i have done...
Notice there are no heaters, filters and such like, well there are i have put them on there side at the back, near the top so when your stood infront of it there is no viewable equipment in there to wreck the look.
I cleaned the filter and pulled out the gravel and the tank went super cloudy but after 2 hours i got it all out, the method i used was to use my large net,
i did 3 30% water changes over a week and then i sucked up all the poo and removed everything from the tank and put all the equipment at the top and aimed the nozzles of the powerhead for maximum water flow.
I washed 2 bags of Silica Sand in a bucket until the water ran clear, about 12 fillups of the bucket (use warm water as cold water cools the sand so when it goes in it caused a sharp drop in temp), i filled up my net and then lowered it into the tank and tipped it out at one end.#
After about 20 minutes i had a masive mound at one end which i pushed down the tank to make sure i did not bury an little critters. once this was done i added the rocks and fed them.
This was done with all the fish in and they are fine. Its just hard to get the guts to start.
Here are 3 pics...
Ill get some pics when it settles.
I also got some new fish so here is my stocking list...
1x Iporangensis Geophagus (Earth Eater)
1x L022 Pleco
1x L001 Pleco
2x Tiger Pleco
4x Clown Loach
5x Congo Tetra
1x Marble Loach
2x Colbolt Gouramis
1x Apple Snail