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Ahoy there

Post by WaterPond »

Hey everyone,

My name is Jason, I'm 15 years old, and i am an aquariumaholic :razz:

at the moment i have 10 tanks and 1 pond up and running, i plan on cutting back on some smaller tanks though pretty soon

I have kept channel catfish in my pond for the season, my brother catches them in a local river while scuba diving, i always releas them at the end of the ponding season though.

Currently i keep
-sailfin pleco(1-- I am currently trying to find a new home for it, it was sold to me as a clown pleco)
-spotted rapheal catfish(1)
-planda cories(6)
-otocinclus cats(1-used to have three)

I have found this site very helpful, i have been coming here for info an cats for about a year now, but i figures i have enought catfish to join the forums now, so i did :razz:
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Post by gakirby »

Nice to have you join PC

Quite a collection of tanks and catfish you have there... I'm sixteen and you're probably beating me with years of experience and definitely years of tanks.
Greg Kirby
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Post by Peanut_Power »

Awesome!! Ye shure do have a lotta tanks eh? Awesome!! What are you plans for the pond? Pl*co breeding project? That would be TIGHT!!
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Post by MatsP »

First, warm welcome to WaterPond.

Second, it's considered "unsuitable" to take wild fish, keep them for a while and then release them. You don't really want to be doing that... There are several reasons, the main one is that you may bring new diseases and parasites from your pond to the wild - and you don't REALLY want to have a visit from the local wildlife agency saying "can we have a sample of water from your pond to see if the death of all the fishes in the river are caused by your fish", right? [I don't think the risk is great, but there IS a risk - and that's enough that you shouldn't be doing that...]

I don't think Ontario is a good place to breed plecos in an outside pond - indoors, yes, of course...

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Post by gakirby »

Good calls MatsP I hadn't even noticed that part of his post. I was still stuck on the fact that he was 15 years old and had 10 tanks and 1 pond already at such a young age.
Greg Kirby
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Post by WaterPond »

yeah, the channel cats, i dont agree with, but my brother is being nice by doing this in his way for me...

Tell you the truth, i only did that once, and it was a few years back, before i was into serious fishkeeping...

Anyways... thanks for the welcomes.
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