inbred petricola - load warning

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inbred petricola - load warning

Post by RoseFishWatcher »

I posted a while ago about my petricola and their deformed fins (<a href=" ... =">here</a>).

Finally got some tolerable pics of them :

One with nice fins:

One with deformed fins:

The source is two local breeders (I got the group of 6 in two batches, so I don't know if they're all from the same breeder or not).

Here's a few more pics:

I would like to be sure these are actually S petricola and not some sort of crazy hybrid. Assuming I am correct that they are just inbred, I kind of have to wonder how much inbreeding it would take to get these kinds of deformities. All 6 fish eat and play and seem very happy - some of them just look a bit funny.
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Post by Marc van Arc »

These are NO hybrids, but - as you already noticed - some are a little deformed by inbreeding.
If you like healthy offspring yourself, get rid of the deformed ones and add new specimen from a good source.
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Post by RoseFishWatcher »


That's what I figured, but knowing for sure is much more comforting. I have no intentions of breeding these particular fish (due to the deformities only), but I will keep them cuz I love them. When I have more money and room and time I do hope to get a group for breeding.
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Post by Rickzfish »

The deformities do not gaurentee that it is from inbreeding. My WC group are definetly from different parents, and they sometimes throw some deformed fry. I would say that the deformities may be from how they are raised once hatched, ie. water conditions, food, etc.. I would ask the breeder, or better yet visit his set up if he is local.
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