Pictus Cats in 29 Gallon

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Pictus Cats in 29 Gallon

Post by Fishdude »

I'm looking to redo my tank and I would like to get some Pictus Cats. Would Tiger Barbs be good tank mates with Pictus Cats are would they nip at their whiskers? If Tiger barbs would not be a good tank mates how many Pictus Cats could I fit in my 29 gallon tank alone.
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Post by corybreed »

Tiger barbs would get along fine in a 29 gal tank with pictus cats. A school of 8 to 10 barbs would be fine with 5 pictus cats in a 29 gal tank. You would have an active tank with the barbs at mid level and the pictus patroling the bottom.

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Post by courtnee »

I am not looking to start a spat. I am still newer to this hobby and would like to put this up in the air.

5 spotted pictus cats that grow to 6" = 30" of fish on the bottom of a 29gl tank? Also since they hide and need places to hide for 5 pictus, where would the room be for them to move in there and swim across the bottom? That is if they are spotted pictus. Four-line pictus which I have learned first hand can and will be sold with spotted pictus. They look pretty much the same small, just a duller color and I didnt even notice the lines. Those get even bigger.

I ask this because I feel topped out at 4 in my 55gl tank. I have two spotted pictus and two four-lines. They are all still smaller yet. 1 four-line is the biggest at about 5inches.

I have two logs, 1 wrecked ship, plants on the bottom for them to hide in and they each have their own spot and do not share spots well. Mine race and swim back and forth on the bottom and I have had to be Martha Stewart with my tank in design to make sure they have room to swim on the bottom freely. With the hiding places and plants it has taken some work.

I look at my 55gl that is not decorated heavy at all and placed creative for my pictus and cant imagine adding one more pictus and cramming it into a 29gl tank.
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