I have just returned from the All Aquarium Catfish Convention, in Laurel, MD, USA. Had the opportunity to pick up a dozen of what we believe is the first shipment into the U.S. of a new Corydoras specie. Ian said that the paper naming the fish will be released in December. Supposedly, it is native to the same area as C. weitzmani. It is a beautiful fish. Extremely active. I placed it in the photo tank and it was 4 hours before it took a break from swimming and only then to root through the substrate. When kept in a bare-bottomed tank, painted black - it shows slate gray on its flanks. When placed on natural substrate, the gray disappears within minutes, almost chameleonlike. More info to follow. - Frank
P.S. They are currently being called Corydoras teniente on export list and are averaging $50 U.S. per fish.