New Unidentified Corydoras

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New Unidentified Corydoras

Post by Coryologist »

Greetings All,

I have just returned from the All Aquarium Catfish Convention, in Laurel, MD, USA. Had the opportunity to pick up a dozen of what we believe is the first shipment into the U.S. of a new Corydoras specie. Ian said that the paper naming the fish will be released in December. Supposedly, it is native to the same area as C. weitzmani. It is a beautiful fish. Extremely active. I placed it in the photo tank and it was 4 hours before it took a break from swimming and only then to root through the substrate. When kept in a bare-bottomed tank, painted black - it shows slate gray on its flanks. When placed on natural substrate, the gray disappears within minutes, almost chameleonlike. More info to follow. - Frank

P.S. They are currently being called Corydoras teniente on export list and are averaging $50 U.S. per fish.


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Post by Jon »

I've always wondered what that fish in the cat-e-log was called. Very nice. :D

I assume you picked up more than one?
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Post by mona o »

What a beauty! :D
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New Cory

Post by Coryologist »

Jon wrote:I've always wondered what that fish in the cat-e-log was called. Very nice. :D

I assume you picked up more than one?
Hi Jo. Yes, I have a dozen, with more on the way. Trying to put a few spawning groups together. - Frank
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New Cory

Post by Coryologist »

mona o wrote:What a beauty! :D
Hi Mona. TYVM. :D - Frank
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Re: New Cory

Post by mona o »

Coryologist wrote:TYVM. :D - Frank

Dare I ask...?
I'm afraid I don't know what TYVM stands for... :wink:
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Post by MatsP »

TYVM = Thank You Very Much

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Post by Jorge »

Excellent pics :!: :D

and why Corydoras teniente?? :?:

for those who dont understand spanish, "teniente" means "lieutenant"... :roll:
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Post by Coryologist »

Hi. I have been in contact with the person who claims to have first discovered this fish. I will be writing him, today, and will inquire about that. Will LYK what he says. - Frank
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Post by Silurus »

I am guessing the spot on the body is somewhat reminiscent of an officer's epaulettes on a military uniform
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Post by Coryologist »

Hi. Works for me! - Frank 8)
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Post by corysrus »

Jorge wrote: and why Corydoras teniente?? :?:

for those who dont understand spanish, "teniente" means "lieutenant"... :roll:
Teniente Astete, Peru is the location they were purported to have been collected from.
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Post by Jools »

Anyway, it's not a great idea to propagate that name although it'd make a cracking common name once we have the scientific one.

It will have its name soon enough...

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