What pleco?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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What pleco?

Post by Plecos4eva »

I was in my LFS today and i saw some really nice plecos, they were still small (about 2 inches) and they were black with tiny blue specks on them, and i thought they were so pretty. They were £29.00

I have completely forgotten what they had called them, so can anyone please help me indentify them? I would greatly appreciate any links to pictures.

Thanks in advance :D
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Post by Yann »


Spectracanthicus sp L254 maybe??!!

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Post by I_Xeno »

Hemiancistrus sp. (L128) maybe :P
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Post by Jools »

Maybe they might be L030 too AKA peppermint pleco, L128 appear to be sold in UK most commonly as blue phantom plecos, perhaps the common name will jog your memory.

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Post by Plecos4eva »

Thanks for all your help, unfortunately all the plecos you have suggested do not fit the plec I was thinking.

The specks on the plecos you suggested are way to big compared to the pleco I saw. He was really small (obviously still a baby), and he was black with really really tiny spots of shiny blue specks on him.

Not to worry, I will look at the name next time i go there.

Thanks again :D
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What Pleco

Post by grahams »

L 016 perhaps ?
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Post by Plecos4eva »

Hummmm, nope i dont think thats the one, but thanks anyway.
30 gallon- breeding pair of bristlenoses, fry and other fishes.

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