What fish is this?

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What fish is this?

Post by L.Z »

Taiwan just imported fish,this fish is uses L600 import to Taiwan.






It and the under fish are same. (Japan)

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Post by Silurus »

Some kind of <i>Pseudacanthicus</i> that has been featured in the Cat-eLog.
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Post by L.Z »

Yes, you are right.

The TKP fish is very beautiful.

That is the new fish?

Thank Subject.
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Post by L.Z »

The regret, I thought I spoke incorrectly.

I just discussed this matter with the friend, lets me have the different idea.

I photograph in the picture and the Japanese website is dissimilar.

Had determined a moment ago on my picture fish was the L600 juvenile fish, but is not Pseudacanthicus.

In the Japanese website fish is Pseudacanthicus.

http://www.planetcatfish.com/ilibrary/l ... /912_f.htm Pseudacanthicus

As a result of in Japanese website fish, forehead spot although is minority, but still had the spot existence.

On my picture fish, its forehead is completely does not have the spot, similar L600 appearance.

Before has the import with to approve a bigger fish, at that time very was definite is L600, now is that batch of juvenile fish.

Therefore I determined is the L600 juvenile fish.

In the Japanese website fish, I thought is "L114 var." In the childhood forehead the spot is minority, after grows up, the forehead spot increases many.

The body is golden yellow.
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Post by Silurus »

Have you read this thread?
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Post by Yann »


Could it be a hybrid between Pseudacanthicus spinosus and Pseudacanthicus leopardus...
this fish seem to look a bit like a combination of both.
How big are the 2 fish presented here?
It is a possibilites.
Is there any given information from where you got it?
Any catching place given...
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Post by L.Z »

Hi, Subject

In front of me has not read that content.


Hong Kong some fish are import from Taiwan, in trade business that knew TKP the fish is uses L114 to export from Taiwan to Hong Kong.

Therefore I said that is special "L114 var". Without the difference selling price.

This fish is not normal L114, the spot is very few, also body color similar yellow orange color, after but grows up, the spot still could develop to the forehead position.

I to the L600 cognition, I knew this fish forehead since childhood time starts not to have the spot existence, when is mature, the forehead still does not have the spot the existence, when has is the growth, the fish tail spot is develops from front toward back.

But the major part L114 spot is the reason part starts after the tail to the front half development.

L600 is the extremely beautiful fish.

I am such think and the classified use.


http://www.planetcatfish.com/ilibrary/l ... /208_f.htm


http://www.planetcatfish.com/ilibrary/l ... /810_f.htm

http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfis ... ge_fin.htm

http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfis ... pardus.htm

L114 var

http://www.planetcatfish.com/ilibrary/l ... /912_f.htm


*Sorry, English is not my specialty language.
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Post by TKP »

This is my new fish 5/3/2003 picture
This is a update picture, you can found that the spot of his body is increase.
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Post by Dinyar »

Isn't that an L273, Titanicus?
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Post by Plec0maniac »

n0pe thats not an L273, it myt b an cross or a morph of an pseuda. Morphs happen even in the wild. These are unique and are uncommon :)
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Post by L.Z »

The Tkp fish is special L114 var.
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Post by Plec0maniac »

Its really hard to choose from a batch of L114. For example we have a shipment of L114 arriving with around 80pcs, U could choose plenty of different vars. but when they grow they almost looks the same :?
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Post by Yann »


What we should not loose in sight is that body marking for animals are like finger prints and body shape for us; a way to seperate individual from a same species between each other.
We shall wait and see him growing to maybe be able to tell to what species he belongs to.
If it is a Pseudacanthicus cf leopardus, the intersting thing to know would be does he come from the Rio Negro bassin or from the Rio Rupunini bassin.
It would also interested to see how close or how far these 2 populations are form eachother.
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Post by L.Z »


You may see in the Japanese website Pseudacanthicus leopardus- L 144, but I thought his serial number is wrong, should be special L114.

http://www.petlog.co.jp/aqua/Pleco/Listo-pleco.htm Japanese web.

http://cichlidae.netliberte.org/loricar ... pardus.htm General L114.

I recently photographed that special L114var (16cm), was similar to in front of me idea, when juvenile fish on the forehead the black spot was less shapes, but along with the growth, the black spot were more, the body color still was partial to the golden color.

The L600 juvenile fish forehead does not have the black spot existence since childhood, the grown-up time forehead still does not have the black spot existence.

I photograph L114 Var.(16CM)




I photograph General L114. (16CM)



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Post by L.Z »

In that three pictures L114. Is obese, his appetite is very good.
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Post by L.Z »

But I saw that "L114 var" the dorsal fin is spacious.

Only is knew will at present is buying and selling with this name, how future be?

I anticipate its legitimate name.
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