Looking for info in L134 and L204

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Looking for info in L134 and L204

Post by Carmencatfish »

I am soon to be moving my L260's to another tank, hopefully to breed. They are currently in our 4ft community tank, which is a very peaceful tank.

I have found some L134's and L204's at various LFS's and was wondering what their behaviour is like. I have researched their feeding and tanks needs, but wanted to know what others have thought of these two. I am looking for plecs that aren't too shy (our L260's are pretty shy). We are also looking at plecs that don't get too big and these two are the right size for us.

Any info will be appreciated.

Thanks :D
48"x15"x18" Tropical fish tank,planted with few fish and we also have a 24"x15"x15" Tropical, used mainly to raise Corydoras fry(panda, bronze and Trilineatus) and Oto fry
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Post by MatsP »

From my experience with , I'd say that the would be the least shy of the three species mentioned in this post.

My can be seen occassionally, but they are definitely not "out and about" as much as the the Peckoltia.

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Post by racoll »

I keep Panaque L204, and they are not shy in the least, but it depends on how comfortable the fish will be in your tank.

Do be warned though, as they are pretty boisterous and poop almost constantly.

Mine spend most of their time either munching on wood or causing trouble.

I've kept several of the mini Panaque species, and they are great fish that are always active. I've had to get rid of most of them though, as they just charged around chasing anything that moves. The L204 don't seem as bad as the P. albomaculatus or the L002, but they aren't mature yet :twisted:

If you get some, your community probably won't be very peaceful or clean for very long!
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