I´m confused, when I look at the ...back of the fish?, caudal fin, and I don´t see the black V.
Help, please!
If you (or someone else) got some pictures, that would be a great idea to have, even in the Cat-eLog perhaps.Richard B wrote:Hi everyone
A decent picture would enable us to give a positive ID on a species in most cases. There does seem to be a contaminant element sneeking into imported batches that i presumed educated retailers would identify & label correctly (in the uk anyway), more than there has been in the past.
I am becoming more alarmed at the amount of new hybrids i'm seeing and the (forgive the description) "variation in quality". Some are blatantly obvious whilst others are really nice looking fish without body deformity or curved dorsal spines etc. When i get round to it i must get some photos done & submit for a "rogues gallery" if one can be produced - there seems to be a need as people are often buying what they genuinely think are true species but turn out to be hybrids - nothing wrong with that if it's your thing & you know you are buying a hybrid.
Any further thoughts anyone?
Richard B