Easy breeding catfish ?

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Easy breeding catfish ?

Post by I_Xeno »

I want to breed a catfish in my 60Ã?30Ã?40cm tank.
I already have succes with corydoras paleatus and corydoras panda.

What is a good pl*co to breed in this tank ?
I was thinking of Rineloricaria sp. (L010a) but is this fish easy to breed ?

Other suggestions are very welcome 8)

Thanks, Ben
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Post by Marc van Arc »

You might want to start with breeding Ancistrus; the common available species are not too difficult.
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Post by I_Xeno »

One year ago i had 3 ancistrus sp 3, 1 male and 2 females they where 3 weeks in the tank and the first spawn was there, i haven't maneged to get them grown up because there where other fish in the tank (aequidens maroni)
They had a lovely meal that's for sure.

But i just want to say that breeding ancistrus is a little bit to easy.
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Post by matthi22004 »

what do you think of breeding the peckoltia vittata ?
http://www.planetcatfish.com/shanesworl ... cle_id=257
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Post by I_Xeno »

good id !

which fish is the easiest to breed ?
L010a Rineloricaria sp. or L015 Peckoltia vittata
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Post by matthi22004 »

I have no idea wich one is the easyst to breed
but here is someting about someone who had eggs from L10a but it's not really a breading article
http://www.aquaforum.nl/ubb/ultimatebb. ... tml#000003

and this article you have already probably red it is about breeding the peckoltia vittata
http://www.planetcatfish.com/shanesworl ... cle_id=257
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Post by MatsP »

Both Rineloricaria and Peckoltia, from what I've read about them, belong to "Level 2" in the difficulty, as in they can be bred, but may require some effort from the owner (of course, there's plenty of posts here to say that Ancistrus sp(3) won't necessarily breed all by themselves either if they aren't feeling like it...).

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Post by I_Xeno »

Which fish belong to "Level 1" in the difficulty ?
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Post by MatsP »

bennyvis wrote:Which fish belong to "Level 1" in the difficulty ?
Ancistrus sp(3) for example. The ones where if you do things right in general aquaristics, they will spawn and fry will survive without much "special" works. Perhaps a cool water change or special feeding for a few days to trigger, but not sensitive to for example water condition changes or such.

That's what I'd call the "beginner" level.

Level 2 is for the "adveanced learner", requires for example suitable feeding or water change regimes to get them spawning and/or require more effort to make the fry survive. Peckoltias and Hypancistrus generally fall in this category.

Level 3 would be further more difficult to either get to spawn or fry survival. Previously not bred fish in general fall here.

There's probably a Level 4 as well, and that is the species that require HUGE effort of some sort (I'd put the species that migrate from marine to freshwater to spawn in this category - not that there's a pleco that does this, but just to give an example of the level of difficulty - managing a salinity level change to match the migration from a estuary/marine conditions to low-conducitivity

A word of note: It's not necessarily harder to spawn the Level 3 or higher species - just that you don't necessarily have a "recipe" to follow.

And I just made those levels up right when I posted the first post in this thread, so it's not an "official" list or ranking.

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