Post pictures of your beloved catfish aquaria here. Also good for pictures of your (cat)fish rooms or equipment discussions. If you are posting pictures of identified catfish, please do so in the appropriate husbandry and reproduction forum above.
I recently went to an auction and got a lovely piece of bogwood with some ferns attached only problem is that I have now got a massive snail infestation (never had snails before).
Has anyone used eSHa Gastropex or any other treatments on their tanks with their fish in ?
Is it catfish safe ???
I have 2 L200's, 1 LDA33, 8 Sterbai's, 2 Tatia Perugiae (looking for more), neons, molly's etc.
Check out the stuff I used - however, I didn't have any fish in the tank at the time, and the plants took a big hit (although some recovered, and the Java fern was unaffected)
This stuff solved my snail problems. Do you know what type of snails they are?
300L S. American Community
57L Cory breeding project
and a 60L Hex tank for my Otto's