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by christhefishes
12 May 2007, 12:52
Forum: Other Catfishes
Topic: austalian eel tail/freshwater catfish
Replies: 16
Views: 9036

Hi to all, I discussed with Andrew abot Porochilus rendahli several month ago. Those are really peacefull and shy. They only feed on small prey such as bloodworms, brinshrimps or prepared food, even dry food. They are in 350 l tank with gudgeons, rainbows (some are only 4-5 cm) and Madagascan ...
by christhefishes
05 Feb 2007, 20:31
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Neosilurus rendahli
Replies: 19
Views: 7165


About Porochilus rendahli, another question is to know of the female or/and the male are guarding the eggs or if the fry happens over sand, rocks or even in full water.

If Andrew could help me...


by christhefishes
04 Feb 2007, 16:41
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Neosilurus rendahli
Replies: 19
Views: 7165

Hi, It's done. I'd set a trio Porochilus in a 150 l tank with a big bamboo, really bushy, with lots of Java Moss and some caves and rolling stones on fine sand. Temperature is on 29 °c (± 83°f). They are now four days in the tank. When the sun begins to get down (a small lightning only on the tank), ...
by christhefishes
24 Jan 2007, 07:41
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Neosilurus rendahli
Replies: 19
Views: 7165

Hi Andrew "Good work Christian, the fish in the photos look in quite good condition. How many do you have in total?" I have four wich I think there are two pairs. I think more would be better but these are not small fishes. Often the biggest female is "flirting" with two males but still no eggs ...
by christhefishes
17 Jan 2007, 15:45
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Neosilurus rendahli
Replies: 19
Views: 7165

Thanks for postig pictures of this wonderful catfish Maybe it can be adjuncted to the comments that there is no problems with small tankmates and that those fishes likes to hang in the plants. They are living in shoals and females are bigger than males. Temperature seems to me to cold. They are ...
by christhefishes
14 Dec 2006, 10:48
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Neosilurus rendahli
Replies: 19
Views: 7165

Hi Andrew, Thank you for the information. I was thinking exactly the same about behaviour of our Neosilurus. They are relatively shy and stand the all days in the plants, sometimes hanging vertically, very funny. A German friend of mine has seen the same but in the spawning mops he has set to ...
by christhefishes
03 Dec 2006, 10:16
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Neosilurus rendahli
Replies: 19
Views: 7165

Salut àtous, J'avais promis de poster des photos et de donner des nouvelles de mes Neosilurus rendahli Ce poisson-chat est très pacifique et vraiment innofensif avec les petits poissons (au-dessus de 4 cm quand même). Il adore les daphnies, les artemias mais mange aussi des comprimés pour ...
by christhefishes
03 Dec 2006, 10:16
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Neosilurus rendahli
Replies: 19
Views: 7165

Salut àtous, J'avais promis de poster des photos et de donner des nouvelles de mes Neosilurus rendahli Ce poisson-chat est très pacifique et vraiment innofensif avec les petits poissons (au-dessus de 4 cm quand même). Il adore les daphnies, les artemias mais mange aussi des comprimés pour ...
by christhefishes
21 Jul 2006, 10:10
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Neosilurus rendahli
Replies: 19
Views: 7165

Thank you for searching informations, Yann. Merci de demander des infos. En Australie, ils reproduisent Tandanus tandanus àl'aide d'hormones et par fécondation artificielle. C'est un poisson de table fort apprécié. Mais le but n'est pas le même en aquarium où il faut amener les anim ...
by christhefishes
11 Jul 2006, 18:20
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Neosilurus rendahli
Replies: 19
Views: 7165

Neosilurus rendahli

Bonjour àtous, J'ai posté un message dans la rubrique "Other Catfishes" àpropos de mes Porochilus (ou Neosilurus) rendahli. Ceux-ci sont arrivés en Belgique via un import que j'ai fait d'Australie avec un ami allemand. Vu leur élégance et leur gentillesse (ce ne sont absolument pas ...

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