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by Mikael
13 Apr 2006, 16:21
Forum: All Resolved Issues
Topic: SL & TL in Cat-elog
Replies: 8
Views: 1313

I agree on the cluttering argument. I think it might be worth trying to make "SL" a link. It might be useful to have have some sort of graphic on the target page of the link in addition to a definition in text. Especially for non-native-english-speaking readers, a figure will help, I think.

by Mikael
12 Apr 2006, 10:19
Forum: All Resolved Issues
Topic: SL & TL in Cat-elog
Replies: 8
Views: 1313

Clicking on size gives you this page:

Does that answer the question?

It does, in a very clear manner, sorry.

I agree with racoll that it would be nice if it was possible to make it even more clear to first-time visitors (those mostly ...
by Mikael
12 Apr 2006, 07:56
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: A quick question to keepers of L001.
Replies: 14
Views: 3226

sorry to continue this somewhat off topic discussion, wouldn't a simple solution be to make "SL" a link to the definition in the FAQ? I suppose the pages are generated through some kind of template so that ought not be too much work for Jools to change.
by Mikael
04 Apr 2006, 07:56
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: L204 semi-eaten?
Replies: 2
Views: 883

The poor fish did not survive.

Waldo, interesting to hear that you've found them agressive. And with those teeth for eating wood I suppose it's easily done for a dominant male to deadly wound another male. I really hope the ones still alive in my tank are a male and two females, time and odontodes ...
by Mikael
02 Apr 2006, 22:04
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: L204 semi-eaten?
Replies: 2
Views: 883

L204 semi-eaten?

I hoped I would never have to post one of these "oh-my-pleco-is-ill-posts", but, how wrong I was...

Tonight when I came home and had a look at my aquarium with my four L204 Panaques and some other plecos I found one of them (a male as far as I can tell) almost upside down in a corner. Looking ...
by Mikael
25 Mar 2006, 08:33
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: What do you think of my new tank plan?
Replies: 9
Views: 1778

I believe you are aware of this, but just as a safty reminder: keep the outlet on the pipe taking water from the sump back to the aquarium at water level or above in the main aquarium. This will avoid the pipe ending up as a siphon, taking the content of the main aquarium down to the sump in case of ...
by Mikael
24 Mar 2006, 19:41
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: River tank
Replies: 3
Views: 1202

BTW, what is the definition of a river tank?
by Mikael
24 Mar 2006, 19:30
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: veggies raw or boiled?
Replies: 31
Views: 7187

pictus_man_77 wrote:can you feed fish carrot?
My L200 chews carrot loudly! I can hear the sound of his/her teeth when eating. (Not to mention when algea on the background are scraped...)
by Mikael
20 Mar 2006, 21:25
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: What do you think of my new tank plan?
Replies: 9
Views: 1778

A few technical comments:

1. The powerhead, as drawn, is placed in the main tank, sucking water from the sump. I don't think this will work as most powerheads are useless for sucking water. I would suggest putting the powerhead in the sump pushing water into the main tank. Then of course you can ...
by Mikael
17 Mar 2006, 16:10
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Breeding L204
Replies: 10
Views: 2339

Janne (or someone else breeding these Panaque):

What would you say is a suitable size of aquarium to breed L204 or a similar species?

by Mikael
11 Feb 2006, 11:51
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: zebra pleco pricing
Replies: 48
Views: 12176

This is completely anecedotal information. We have no studies to support this statement or to support that said anonymous collector ever said this or based it on any fact. Where was this quote taken from?

I'm quoting Yann's post earlier in this thread:
@ Shane!
No study has ...
by Mikael
10 Feb 2006, 20:49
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: zebra pleco pricing
Replies: 48
Views: 12176

Are CITES capable of reacting quickly to changing populations?

I presume they will need at least one paper to be written before action is taken. As no such paper has been produced with relation to H.zebra , it is no surprise that they are not on the list.

This does not mean they are not under ...
by Mikael
10 Feb 2006, 20:17
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: zebra pleco pricing
Replies: 48
Views: 12176

Well, it should be possible to harvest fish for sale even from species with K-strategies, however, only as long as the breeding population is let alone and a sustainable part of the offspring is caught. (I feel sad seeing old and mature wild caught specimens in the stores, for this reason)

Looking ...
by Mikael
09 Feb 2006, 22:16
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: zebra pleco pricing
Replies: 48
Views: 12176

I am totally against the non-sustainable harvesting of fish from the wild, but I imagine I am in a tiny minority of people on this site.

At least you are not alone in that. What I find very dificult is to get a good grasp on how sustainable this whole thing is. There are differences among species ...
by Mikael
06 Feb 2006, 07:35
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Blue Panaque
Replies: 11
Views: 2601

That's interesting. My little Blue panaque chases of the L204s and the bristlnoses from both my pleco tabs and suchini. It even happens that it tries to chase of the doubly sized L200... But all this is when it is extremely calm in the room around, like only me sitting completely still watching them ...
by Mikael
24 Jan 2006, 08:33
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: PH testing question
Replies: 1
Views: 588

Although I have no personal experience with that specific test, I would not worry in your case. If the manual says the values are to be read straight after addition of the test liquid to your water sample, that is the time when the test is calibrated. The later colour change is most probably due to ...
by Mikael
20 Jan 2006, 22:11
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Tank mates for L204...
Replies: 8
Views: 1773

Seems like a few bristlenoses should not be a problem for the L204s or vice versa. Currently I have a 330l tank with 4 L204, 1 L200, 1 Blue panaque and curently 4 bristlenoses. The L204s keep to themselfs and none (maybey expect the blue panaque) seems to be bothered or bother them. On the other ...

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