Search found 25 matches

by blb
17 Feb 2007, 19:42
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Please ID this pleco I think is a common with long tail...
Replies: 2
Views: 901

Thank you! :)
by blb
16 Feb 2007, 23:36
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Please ID this pleco I think is a common with long tail...
Replies: 2
Views: 901

Please ID this pleco I think is a common with long tail...

Hey all. I got this pleco at an auction in november. I think it was labeled as a common. The thing that is confusing to me is it has two long threads on it's tail. Right now it is over 4" long. Here are some pics.

http://i40 ...
by blb
24 Jan 2007, 15:39
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Kinda stupid question
Replies: 2
Views: 630

Thanks racoll. I have wood and big rocks that should break up the tank. I don't want anyone hurt but I really need to get the L333 out of the tank they are in now.

Just send the L333 through cyber space.. I'll catch her on this end. :P
by blb
23 Jan 2007, 16:09
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Kinda stupid question
Replies: 2
Views: 630

Kinda stupid question

Ok, I did read up on these guys but would like to hear what other people would say.

I have 3 L134's in a 20L. They still babies, a little over an inch long. I also have 3 L333's males in a 29g. I moved fish around and I don't think the L333's are getting much food at night. I would like to put ...
by blb
10 Jul 2006, 20:48
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: What is this pleco please?
Replies: 4
Views: 1026

Thank you. A bought from someone who messed up and sent me those instead of a different pleco i wanted. He said they were wild orange spots. I didnt' think so. I do like them though. They get along well in the bn grow out tank. I will never buy from this guy again.

Do you know how big they will get?
by blb
10 Jul 2006, 17:32
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Battle of the pseudocanthicus
Replies: 17
Views: 6996

I just wanted to say Thanks for the great pics!
by blb
10 Jul 2006, 17:28
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: What is this pleco please?
Replies: 4
Views: 1026

What is this pleco please?

I got these from someone who said they were 'orange spot' plecos. I looked on the pictures you have of orange spots and mine don't look like them. Does anyone know what they are? They are between 2"-3". Thanks

by blb
27 May 2006, 01:01
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Help on placing plecos.. (long)
Replies: 2
Views: 790

Thanks for your reply. I will put it in there after the weekend.

What about the quarrentine problem? How should I split up the plecos?
by blb
26 May 2006, 00:07
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Help on placing plecos.. (long)
Replies: 2
Views: 790

Help on placing plecos.. (long)

I have a problem. I will be getting in a bunch of plecos and am wondering about how I am going to put them in qtank and also main tanks.

First off I have a LDA33 in the qtank. He will go into a main tank next week (next week is when I am hoping the rest of the plecos will get here). I have just had ...
by blb
07 Mar 2006, 23:14
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Care of L 077
Replies: 4
Views: 989

Thanks again! The info is very helpful in taking good care of him!!
by blb
07 Mar 2006, 13:28
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Care of L 077
Replies: 4
Views: 989

Do you think temperment will also be the same?
by blb
07 Mar 2006, 03:47
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Care of L 077
Replies: 4
Views: 989

Care of L 077

I found this guy in a mall pet store. They had no idea what kind of pleco it was so I was able to get it cheap. On the ID thread I found out it is a L 007 or Bruno Pleco. There isn't any info on how big, water conditions, food and such. I have it in a 20L q-tank for now. Does anyone know how well it ...
by blb
07 Mar 2006, 03:42
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Please help ID pleco..
Replies: 2
Views: 726

Thank you so much for your quick reply.

by blb
07 Mar 2006, 01:37
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Please help ID pleco..
Replies: 2
Views: 726

Please help ID pleco..

I was at the pet store in the mall and saw this guy. It was only $5.99 so I rescued him. I have him in quarentine by himself. I think he is some sort of Pan but am not sure which one. Here are some pics. ...
by blb
17 Feb 2006, 22:26
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: L-007, Vampire Pl*co
Replies: 5
Views: 1342

Because it is going to be a growing out tank for 10 angels.
by blb
17 Feb 2006, 02:17
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: L-007, Vampire Pl*co
Replies: 5
Views: 1342

THanks for the info. The 75g is heavily planted but doesn't have co2 injection. The water is kept at 80 and has a canister filter plus a hot filter. It isn't as bad as it sounds. I will have to think about this. I can keep the vampire in the quarentine tank which is a 55g. It has corys but no other ...
by blb
16 Feb 2006, 14:32
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: L-007, Vampire Pl*co
Replies: 5
Views: 1342

L-007, Vampire Pl*co

I just aquired a beautiful Vampire, a little over 6" long. He(She) is now in a quarentine tank. I would like him to go into my heavily planted 75g. The 75g now has bottom dwellers corys and 2 clown pl*cos. Do you think the vampire would be ok there? The clowns are 3"-4" long.

Thanks, Beth
by blb
02 Jan 2006, 15:00
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Buying online?
Replies: 6
Views: 1523

I buy online a lot too. I haven't bought from either place you mentioned. I buy from It is mainly a place where you can buy from other hobbiest. I also buy most of my fish food and supplies on line too. Even with shipping it is cheaper than the local stores.

by blb
17 Dec 2005, 13:58
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Weighing Down Veggies
Replies: 26
Views: 7447

I am cheap too. I get a big rock and use a small rubber band to hold the veggie to the rock. It seems to work well.
by blb
04 Nov 2005, 23:07
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: What type of snail is this?
Replies: 17
Views: 4354

You can also get a plate and put lettace or zuccinni slices on it. Put it in the tank at night and lift up the snails that are on the plate in the morning and throw away. It is cheap and an easy way to control snails.
by blb
27 Oct 2005, 19:37
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Gold Nuggets
Replies: 10
Views: 2395

Thank you both for your replies. I also don't believe in medicating in less I have too. With fancy goldfish you do need to medicate when you get new fish because the odds that they have flukes is overwhelming. I just wanted to make sure that wasnt' the case with GN. I have been changing 1/10 of the ...
by blb
27 Oct 2005, 13:18
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Gold Nuggets
Replies: 10
Views: 2395

Thanks all! I saw one of them in the cave! I have 2 caves and some cypress wood. You are right jurassic they love the wood! I am even thinking of putting in some more wood for them. Today I am 'painting' a rock with egg whites and crushed food like your article suggested mats. Even though I have ...
by blb
25 Oct 2005, 22:20
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Gold Nuggets
Replies: 10
Views: 2395

Another question. I also have bristlenose pl*cos. I know they need a tight cave. What kind of caves do Gold Nuggets like?
by blb
25 Oct 2005, 13:48
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Gold Nuggets
Replies: 10
Views: 2395

Thank you both for your replies. I feel more confident in taking care of my GN.

by blb
24 Oct 2005, 23:41
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Gold Nuggets
Replies: 10
Views: 2395

Gold Nuggets

Hey all. I love this site! I have read everything here on Gold Nuggets. I just aquired 2. They are around 3"-4", total body. Yes I know they will get big and I am prepared for it. Right now I have them in a 33g long. Nothing else is in the tank and the tank is cycled. I have very low Ph 6.0 from our ...

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