Search found 7 matches

by Mr. Namazu
14 Sep 2006, 08:24
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Please help: Microglanis iheringi sick
Replies: 3
Views: 1091

well, that microglanis iheringi passed away. But I would still like to know why might have caused this death, and how i can prevent my other microglanis iheringi from dying this way in the future. again, any suggestions are helpful. thanks.
by Mr. Namazu
14 Sep 2006, 05:28
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Please help: Microglanis iheringi sick
Replies: 3
Views: 1091

Please help: Microglanis iheringi sick

I've been keeping several of them in my 55 gallon tank for close to 3 years. i just noticed today that there was something wrong with one of them. Its mouth is constantly open (with gills opening) as if it's gasping. I can definately tell that it's weaker than usual. So i moved the fish to a ...
by Mr. Namazu
23 Nov 2005, 10:39
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: petricola and kribensis
Replies: 2
Views: 809

petricola and kribensis

hi everyone.
recently, i've been talking with the staff at LFS about what types of cichlids might be good tank mates for petricolas. he strongly suggested me cichlid kribensis. i purchased couple kribensis, and introduced them to my tank with petricolas. interestingly, the petricolas and kribensis ...
by Mr. Namazu
06 Aug 2005, 14:11
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Question: Tanganyika Tank
Replies: 3
Views: 752

thank you for all the great suggestions, Sidguppy!!
by Mr. Namazu
06 Aug 2005, 13:09
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Question: Tanganyika Tank
Replies: 3
Views: 752

Question: Tanganyika Tank

Hello. I am thinking about trying to create a Tanganyika theme based tank for my synodontis petricola. Can anyone provide some suggestions for what specific plants and substrates are best suited for the tank? thank you.
by Mr. Namazu
06 Aug 2005, 12:41
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Question: Synodontis Petricola in Community Tank
Replies: 8
Views: 5147

thanks for the suggestion! :D
by Mr. Namazu
04 Aug 2005, 12:05
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Question: Synodontis Petricola in Community Tank
Replies: 8
Views: 5147

Question: Synodontis Petricola in Community Tank

Hi. i have a synodontis petricola that's been in a community tank with several corydoras for about 3 months. For the first 2 months, my petricola seemed to be doing perfectly fine with the corys. However, recently i've noticed that my petricola started to attack and drive off the corys. Is there any ...

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