Search found 2 matches

by rentspel
25 Aug 2021, 09:34
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Best gravel for catfish?
Replies: 9
Views: 8350

Re: Best gravel for catfish?

I suggest JBL Sansibar sand.
You can mix "dark" with "white" or "river" if you find it too dark.
I use "grey" for some of my tanks.

It looks amazing! Thank you for the tip!
by rentspel
25 Aug 2021, 09:33
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Maxillary barbels whiten and soften at the ends?
Replies: 3
Views: 5344

Re: Maxillary barbels whiten and soften at the ends?

It sure sounds like an infection I am afraid :(

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