Search found 11 matches

by FishyMcFishFish
15 May 2018, 08:15
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: P.buffei in Serious trouble! I need some serious help!
Replies: 6
Views: 3743

Re: P.buffei in Serious trouble! I need some serious help!

I didn't clean the sponge filter and I didn't replace any of the sponges in the main filter apart from the filter floss, all I did was give each sponge a few squeezes in a bucket of tank water to remove some of the excess waste. I will keep checking the water just in case but I have never seen any I ...
by FishyMcFishFish
13 May 2018, 21:52
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: P.buffei in Serious trouble! I need some serious help!
Replies: 6
Views: 3743

Re: P.buffei in Serious trouble! I need some serious help!

Thanks for your reply Viktor!
there is a small red patch where his pectoral fin was and his nose just looks a little upturned and white. He is surprisingly active tonight and is being chased about by the black neon tetra. But he spent all day trying to wedge himself behind the filter. I have got an ...
by FishyMcFishFish
12 May 2018, 22:27
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: P.buffei in Serious trouble! I need some serious help!
Replies: 6
Views: 3743

P.buffei in Serious trouble! I need some serious help!

after doing a water change I sat down to look at my juwel lido 120 and after I had been distracted by my phone for a few minutes I hear a wierd noise coming from the tank that lasted about half a second. I looked up from my phone and notice one of my three stripe african glass catfish (P.buffei ...
by FishyMcFishFish
23 Apr 2018, 19:14
Forum: Wanted (UK & ROI)
Topic: Catfish Wanted
Replies: 1
Views: 16155

Re: Catfish Wanted

I know this is very late but my lfs has some mystus bimaculatus at the moment, I even bought three of them myself. However, Cheshire Aquatics is located in Cheshire and i'm not to sure if they can ship them but it might be worth giving them a call. There website isn't very good and there current ...
by FishyMcFishFish
15 Dec 2017, 17:46
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Male died whilst on eggs?????
Replies: 1
Views: 842

Male died whilst on eggs?????

Upon returning home today I noticed that my male calico bristlenose was on his back at the back of the tank behind a large amazon sword, dead. I had raised him since about an inch and he made it to just under 4. he was in his second tank (from a 64l to a 120l) and had 4 batches of fry with his ...
by FishyMcFishFish
08 Dec 2017, 18:03
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Buffei or Debauwi?????
Replies: 2
Views: 993

Re: Buffei or Debauwi?????

Thanks for the quick reply, I will assume they are p.buffei due to your helpful reply and description! Since adding them to the tank 7 are swimming in a tight shoal with 1 occasionally swimming away from the others, whilst 2 are sitting almost motionless at opposite ends of the roots of my massive ...
by FishyMcFishFish
08 Dec 2017, 17:20
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Buffei or Debauwi?????
Replies: 2
Views: 993

Buffei or Debauwi?????

I have just bought a group of 10 pareautropius from my lfs which were being sold as p.debauwi. However, due research that I had done previously it has come to my attention that these have a high possibility of being p.buffei! The employee who served me, a very knowledgeable hobbiest, didn't know ...
by FishyMcFishFish
28 Nov 2017, 22:00
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Help!!! Sick corydoras habrosus
Replies: 2
Views: 1133

Re: Help!!! Sick corydoras habrosus

Sadly the little guy passed away over night.
by FishyMcFishFish
27 Nov 2017, 19:02
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Help!!! Sick corydoras habrosus
Replies: 2
Views: 1133

Help!!! Sick corydoras habrosus

I have just noticed that one of my new (been in for 1 week) corydoras habrosus has developed a sand like colouration across the first half of it's body and I am very worried about it. There are 9 other corydoras habrosus in the tank, 4 of which are adults whilst the rest are new. Sharing the tank ...
by FishyMcFishFish
18 Oct 2017, 22:17
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: My juwel lidos
Replies: 1
Views: 1403

Re: My juwel lidos

I meant 6 corydoras leopardus not 7 and as a side note they are wc
by FishyMcFishFish
18 Oct 2017, 21:45
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: My juwel lidos
Replies: 1
Views: 1403

My juwel lidos

Hi! this is my first post on here and Its good to be able to finally have a voice and reply and give opinions so...yay! woo! Now onto the important stuff (to me anyway)

So. I have two 120litre juwel lidos that are set up next to each other that contian my pride and joy.

In tank 1 there is a ...

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