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by EdWalker
30 Jun 2018, 05:43
Forum: For Sale (USA & Canada)
Topic: Received less fish, dead fish, sick fish from seller in this forum
Replies: 29
Views: 9780

Re: Received less fish, dead fish, sick fish from seller in this forum

If I were you I'd file that paypal dispute now.

And if that does not work, file a chargeback with your bank/credit card company.
by EdWalker
21 Dec 2017, 17:36
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: One of my corydoras died - opinions
Replies: 5
Views: 1671

Re: One of my corydoras died - opinions

Apologies for the slow reply. To clarify, I have always put Prime in my tanks as a precaution. I've been running both of these tanks for about a year now, a 55 and a 40 gallon along with a 10 gallon quarantine tank. When my little albino cory got sick the other day I tested the water and found that ...
by EdWalker
19 Dec 2017, 13:12
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: One of my corydoras died - opinions
Replies: 5
Views: 1671

One of my corydoras died - opinions


I have been lucky so far I suppose in the sense that I have lost very few fish in my time in the aquarium hobby.

And the one thing I want to make sure of is that I know what it is that kills the ones that I have lost. Yesterday, I noticed that one of my albino corydoras was a very bright ...
by EdWalker
30 Nov 2017, 14:07
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Misinformation
Replies: 8
Views: 2730

Re: Misinformation

Sometimes I think there is too much information out there on the 'net. And contradictory information at that.

I ran into this issue in the last few days with my plecos. I have a female bristlenose pleco and a male albino bristlenose pleco. I had no clue they would actually "mate"...that is, until ...
by EdWalker
08 Nov 2017, 04:39
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Are there any top/middle dwelling catfish species?
Replies: 5
Views: 1800

Re: Are there any top/middle dwelling catfish species?

Thank all of you for the replies. I will check all of these out!
by EdWalker
07 Nov 2017, 22:31
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Are there any top/middle dwelling catfish species?
Replies: 5
Views: 1800

Are there any top/middle dwelling catfish species?

Just curious if there are. I have a 55 gallon that I want 100% devoted to smaller catfish species and I would love to find some middle dwelling catfish for it, if any such species exists of course.
by EdWalker
29 Jul 2017, 06:07
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: ID needed for Bob
Replies: 3
Views: 1459

Re: ID needed for Bob

If you can, find him (or her) a partner. I have a lot of corydoras in my tanks and I actually picked up two of this type out of pity for them from Wal Mart. Within a couple of weeks they became the most active corydoras that I have! While all my peppered cory's hang out at the bottom, my two like ...
by EdWalker
25 Jul 2017, 00:00
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: New and clueless
Replies: 2
Views: 1202

Re: New and clueless


I now own a catfish due to a family issue. I've posted in the ID thread. I don't know what is good or bad so thought I would join here.

I'm almost 30. Have 3 cats a husband and I study classical languages, history and classical studies. I also work and other stuff :)

I think my love for ...
by EdWalker
13 Jul 2017, 20:25
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Driftwood Bonanza
Replies: 26
Views: 6458

Re: Driftwood Bonanza

Okay, I dropped the pieces that in last night and the Albino immediately had to go check them out. When I got up this morning the regular bristlenose was giving them a try. The rubber lip is still doing his regular "whatever, leave me alone" thing and the clown is chilling, as he always does ...
by EdWalker
12 Jul 2017, 16:27
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Driftwood Bonanza
Replies: 26
Views: 6458

Re: Driftwood Bonanza

I have 4 plecos in my 55 gallon. 1 albino bristlenose, 1 bristlenose, 1 rubber lip, and 1 clown pleco :)

There are also 6 corydoras, 2 SA bumblebees, 3 pictus, and a striped raphael.
by EdWalker
12 Jul 2017, 04:56
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Driftwood Bonanza
Replies: 26
Views: 6458

Re: Driftwood Bonanza

I've been collecting driftwood from the Potomac (Piscataway Park in Maryland) for the last few months now and have some gorgeous (at least to me) pieces that I would love to put in my tanks.

I've boiled and boiled and boiled these pieces and I guess I'm afraid to take the next step and actually put ...
by EdWalker
04 Jul 2017, 02:37
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: I'm back and Killer the Pleco is 10!
Replies: 2
Views: 1467

Re: I'm back and Killer the Pleco is 10!

Thats awesome. I can only hope I'm good enough at this hobby to keep my plecos alive that long. Doing everything I can to succeed!

I have four as of now, 3 juveniles (albino bristlenose, bristlenose, and rubber lip) and a ~4 year old clown pleco that was given to me.

I took the liberty of ...
by EdWalker
10 Jun 2017, 02:12
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: How long can an Albino BN pleco handle 86 degrees?
Replies: 3
Views: 2139

Re: How long can an Albino BN pleco handle 86 degrees?

Thank you both for the valuable information. I have two airstones in there now and keeping a watchful eye over my fish.
by EdWalker
10 Jun 2017, 02:06
Forum: For Sale (USA & Canada)
Topic: Anyone in the Washington DC area like Iridescent Sharks?
Replies: 0
Views: 1313

Anyone in the Washington DC area like Iridescent Sharks?

I notice that the Wal Mart in Franconia has 3 of these guys if anyone in the area is on the look out for them. Not the best place for fish I know, but still the only place I've seen them.
by EdWalker
06 Jun 2017, 14:00
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: How long can an Albino BN pleco handle 86 degrees?
Replies: 3
Views: 2139

How long can an Albino BN pleco handle 86 degrees?

Hi guys and gals,

I'm new to the whole fish hobby (started in January) and I'm beginning my first battle with Ich as two of my pictus have it.

I am reading varying opinions on how long to keep temperature at 86 in the tank, anywhere from 2 weeks to a month. My favorite little fish is my albino ...
by EdWalker
31 Mar 2017, 01:48
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Which part of the world are you from?
Replies: 712
Views: 598275

Re: Which part of the world are you from?

Arlington, Virginia
by EdWalker
31 Mar 2017, 01:39
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: New guy. Looking for advice on what type of cats to put in my 55 gal
Replies: 2
Views: 1170

New guy. Looking for advice on what type of cats to put in my 55 gal

Hi!! I live right outside of Washington DC and I look forward to chatting with you all.

I just purchased a 55 gallon tank and am currently cycling it. I plan to stock only catfish varieties in it.

I have two Salt and Pepper corys that I've had since January and I LOVE them! I plant to get a ...

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