Search found 14 matches

by The-Wolf
20 Jul 2007, 12:50
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: not a L007 or is he?
Replies: 6
Views: 1120

that is the closest but not a perfect match.
thanks, so i'll just go with unknown baryancistrus for now then.
by The-Wolf
20 Jul 2007, 09:17
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: not a L007 or is he?
Replies: 6
Views: 1120

not a L007 or is he?

hi all
I brought this little chap about 6 months ago as a L007 vampire plec
he has not grown at all since then (T/L 3.5 - 4")
I don't see the V in the mouth so I'm thinking he is not a L007 so what is he?
[img:615:945]http://img ...
by The-Wolf
10 May 2007, 09:44
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Channallabes apus
Replies: 4
Views: 1103

I see what you are saying and I freely admit that my estimations are sometimes on the exageration side,
however on this one my tank is 18" wide and he was laying perfectly still with his tail touching the back glass and the whiskers touching the front.

I will endavour to get a pic against a measure ...
by The-Wolf
09 May 2007, 15:02
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Channallabes apus
Replies: 4
Views: 1103

I won't promise that will happen soon, but when it does, I will post the pic for sure.

at least I know now you are willing to amend the entry when proof is provided.
by The-Wolf
09 May 2007, 09:28
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Channallabes apus
Replies: 4
Views: 1103

Channallabes apus

how do I get the listing on planetcatfish amended for Channallabes apus?

I have an 18"(T/L) speciamine that shows no signs of stopping growing.
when I purchased him a few months ago he was at 12"
and I expected him to stay that size, after looking at the listing here and on other places ...
by The-Wolf
01 Jan 2007, 08:50
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: confirmation required on ID
Replies: 4
Views: 1263

Silurus wrote:These look like Batasio affinis and Glyptothorax dorsalis.
thank you :)
by The-Wolf
23 Dec 2006, 19:04
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: confirmation required on ID
Replies: 4
Views: 1263

confirmation required on ID

hi all
I work in a LFS and these I brought home
on our list as 'burmese mountain catfish'
I think they maybe batasio affinis

on list as Glyptothorax macromaculata, but i can find no info under that name. ...
by The-Wolf
30 Jan 2006, 18:24
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: what is this cory?
Replies: 7
Views: 2399

thanks to all; I have confirmation from a cory breeder in the states that it is indeed a C41
by The-Wolf
14 Jan 2006, 12:44
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: what is this cory?
Replies: 7
Views: 2399

what is this cory?


purchased as C.aeneus "grey", but as there is no such thing...

anyone have any ideas?
will try and get more pics soon, but these are extreamly shy.
by The-Wolf
13 Dec 2005, 08:23
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Acanthicus adonis
Replies: 9
Views: 1496

Thanks for all the replys
It looks like I won't be buying one untill I have a very big tank. What a shame as it is a really stunning fish.

I will go for a L128 instead
by The-Wolf
12 Dec 2005, 19:10
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Acanthicus adonis
Replies: 9
Views: 1496

Acanthicus adonis

Hi all
I'm looking for the "true" adult size of a Acanthicus adonis. I have read so many sizes from 15cm to 90cm.
this site states 60cm.
is there anyone with personal experiance that can shed some light on this.

I'd love to buy one but my biggest tank is 48"L x 18"W x 24"H
if 60cm is the true size ...
by The-Wolf
11 Nov 2005, 19:05
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: keeping plecs together
Replies: 4
Views: 1029

I would never have any fry as I keep danios,
they will eat any and all eggs, even their own :lol:

so bottom line
if the plecos are from the same water
conditions they will be fine together.
by The-Wolf
09 Nov 2005, 16:19
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: keeping plecs together
Replies: 4
Views: 1029

keeping plecs together

I was wondering if it is ok to keep two, three or several species of pleco in the same tank?

I currently have a L002 and a L200 in different tanks
I'm looking at adding a L128 to my stocks.
can these three be in the same tank?

What plecos should you not put together?
by The-Wolf
13 Oct 2004, 11:40
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: what am I?
Replies: 1
Views: 698

what am I?
this is te best pic i can get
the pleco is dark with light spots, it has pale yellow on the tip of the dorsal fin and on both tips of the tail fin (no continual band of colour).

I wish to know how big this will get and any other ...

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