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by yellowcat
13 Aug 2024, 04:04
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Batrochoglanis Transmontanus
Replies: 2
Views: 1443

Re: Batrochoglanis Transmontanus

10" TL I saw on MFK that someone found one for sale online and got one. Looks just like a Batrochoglanis Raninus...
by yellowcat
07 Mar 2024, 19:17
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!
Replies: 13
Views: 4108

Re: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!

Hi Koltsix, thanks for your comments and observations as well, good to compare notes about keeping these fish with so few in captivity. Nice that your fish show similar feeding behaviors to mine. I got in touch with the vendor where I got them when mine started showing possible pre-spawn behavior ...
by yellowcat
06 Mar 2024, 22:15
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!
Replies: 13
Views: 4108

Re: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning?

Update, well it didn't happen beyond the behaviors that ensued for a few weeks, mostly nest building, excavation at one end of the tank and both spending time there, then doing the same at the other end of the tank. I was looking for any evidence of a gravid female (assuming the larger fish is ...
by yellowcat
01 Feb 2024, 23:22
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Park lake Pleco!
Replies: 6
Views: 1904

Re: Park lake Pleco!

The lake has an abundance of 2-3" silverside minnows, some folks use them live or dead, along with worms and carp baits and rarely will catch pleco's. Seemingly omnivorous common pleco's may be pisciverious as well, the lure I was using resembles the silversides...
by yellowcat
31 Jan 2024, 20:23
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Park lake Pleco!
Replies: 6
Views: 1904

Re: Park lake Pleco!

Thanks Eric for narrowing down the possible species, to my eye it most closely resembles P. Pardalis based on it's skin patterns. IMG_2123.jpg Also likely is a hybrid of many species under the heading of 'common pleco's' similar looking but with differences as to dorsal fin sizes, etc. I once talked ...
by yellowcat
30 Jan 2024, 20:51
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Park lake Pleco!
Replies: 6
Views: 1904

Park lake Pleco!

Near my house in So.Cal is a suburban lake fed by a water reclamation treatment plant, part of the process is that the water released into the lake is heated and stays warm year round. Aside from the usual array of domestic species, there exists a large population of overgrown H. Plecostomus that ...
by yellowcat
24 Dec 2023, 19:12
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!
Replies: 13
Views: 4108

Re: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!

Update today. More suspicious activity the last 2 days. At one point it seemed they had lost interest but late yesterday the size and depth of the potential nest was enlarged by the male fish. As to Viktor's previous question, I'm assuming the smaller fish is male, it has been the smallest over time ...
by yellowcat
23 Dec 2023, 18:50
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Update on Batrochoglanis cf. villosus
Replies: 10
Views: 13094

Re: Update on Batrochoglanis cf. villosus

Eric, I'm very saddened to read of your tragic loss. I for one have followed your experiences with those fish since you first collected some on your Peruvian expeditions and ever since, seeking knowledge about their species and sharing your findings with all of us who seek to know more from your ...
by yellowcat
23 Dec 2023, 00:43
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!
Replies: 13
Views: 4108

Re: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!

Thanks Viktor! I didn't say but the large one is the female. Once the giraffe cat was removed, I sensed that the pacman cats felt more at ease, free to move about as they please. I don't think the pacman's recent emergence triggered the giraffe cat as there have been periods in the last year when ...
by yellowcat
22 Dec 2023, 18:17
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!
Replies: 13
Views: 4108

Re: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!

For Eric, sorry, caught up in my own thing and failed to comment on your situation with the B. Villosus as I intended. Since both of us are in uncharted territory with insufficient data available to predict spawning behavior with either species, the need to experiment is surely worthwhile. I suppose ...
by yellowcat
22 Dec 2023, 17:17
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!
Replies: 13
Views: 4108

Re: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!

Hi Eric, well congratulations may be a bit premature, not ready to hand out cigars just yet! As of this morning both fish have sort of abandoned the nest area for now, just going their separate ways as before. Maybe it's just a trial run for them as one may not be ready. I would think there would be ...
by yellowcat
22 Dec 2023, 00:00
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!
Replies: 13
Views: 4108

Re: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!

Where was I, OK here's a photo of the females belly showing the pigmentation, the male too: IMG_2021.jpg I should mention another behavior, last week the male fish was also nipping at the female's caudal penduncle causing some shredding, now stopped and healing after adding a bit of Melafix: IMG ...
by yellowcat
21 Dec 2023, 23:08
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!
Replies: 13
Views: 4108

Lophiosilurus Alexandri Spawning!

Where to start, well first a backstory, I bought a pair around 16 months ago @ 3 1/2" & 4", Since then they have grown to 11" and 12" TL. Up until now they shared my 130G tank with my Auchenoglanis Occidentalis- Volta River strain giraffe catfish, originally @ 10" now about 15" TL male fish. Until a ...
by yellowcat
06 Aug 2023, 21:08
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Rhyacoglanis aff. pulcher (nope, they're Pseudopimelodus) from the Rio Huallaga
Replies: 23
Views: 18279

Re: Rhyacoglanis aff. pulcher from the Rio Huallaga

At one point prior to 2017 these species were all considered to be pseudopimelodus until the revision split the genus into pseudopimelodus and rhyacoglanis. If photos in the cat-eLog are any indication your fish so closely resembles image #1 under R. aff. pulcher although probably not scientifically ...
by yellowcat
30 Jul 2023, 19:58
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Which Doradids are being kept by PC members?
Replies: 6
Views: 5621

Re: Which Doradids are being kept by PC members?

I have a few also: Anadoras Grypus 4" kept 3 years+
Rhinodoras Dorbignyi 2 specimens 6" & 8" kept 3 years+
Wertheimeria Maculata 2 specimens 6" & 7" kept 1 year-8 mos.
by yellowcat
30 Jul 2023, 19:48
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Rhyacoglanis aff. pulcher (nope, they're Pseudopimelodus) from the Rio Huallaga
Replies: 23
Views: 18279

Re: Rhyacoglanis aff. pulcher from the Rio Huallaga

Enjoyed the video, Eric! They seem to be a very active species if your video is any indication. Congratulations in finding them for sale and being the first on here to show them off. Their behaviors seem a bit different than Pseudopimelodus Bufonis for example that in my experience, their movements ...
by yellowcat
29 Jul 2023, 18:16
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Which Pseudopimelodids are being kept by PC members?
Replies: 3
Views: 4941

Re: Which Pseudopimelodids are being kept by PC members?

I have just 2 species, a Batrochoglanis cf_villosus and a pair of Lophiosilurus Alexandri...
by yellowcat
15 Jul 2023, 19:28
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: 2 Pac Man Cats & African Giraffe cat too
Replies: 3
Views: 4703

Re: 2 Pac Man Cats & African Giraffe cat too

Good question Viktor, It was because of you who identified the fish as a 'Volta' variant when posted for sale on MFK that made me decide to buy it as you have reported that they are inclined to remain smaller than other versions of A. Occidentalis. Having searched for scientific ways to determine ...
by yellowcat
12 Jul 2023, 21:48
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: 2 Pac Man Cats & African Giraffe cat too
Replies: 3
Views: 4703

2 Pac Man Cats & African Giraffe cat too

My 130G tank collection, first some photo's This is the first one in, originally 10" long, now grown to 14" an Auchenoglanis Occidentalis-Volta river variety: Volta cat.jpg The two Lophiosilurus Alexandri cats, early on.. IMG_1163 2.jpg Right away they started to bury themselves in the gravel ...
by yellowcat
12 Jul 2023, 18:23
Forum: Asian Catfishes
Topic: Rita rita or R.gogra in a Community Tank?
Replies: 7
Views: 5843

Re: Rita rita or R.gogra in a Community Tank?

To answer, tank mates with the R. Gogra were of similar or larger size. At the time Bagrid species along with S.A. predatory species were the focus of my hobby back then. I did get a pair of small R. Rita but they didn't last long. I raised up a S. Aor in same tank to 14" also a B. Yarelli to same ...
by yellowcat
10 Jul 2023, 20:13
Forum: Asian Catfishes
Topic: Rita rita or R.gogra in a Community Tank?
Replies: 7
Views: 5843

Re: Rita rita or R.gogra in a Community Tank?

Many years ago I found a Rita Gogra at my LFS, it was a trade-in from a previous keeper. They didn't know what is was nor did I. At the time I assumed it was some sort of rare South American pseudopimelodid species as it resembled something like a mini L. apurensis based on coloration and general ...
by yellowcat
10 Jul 2023, 19:44
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Update on Batrochoglanis cf. villosus
Replies: 10
Views: 13094

Re: Update on Batrochoglanis villosus

Yes sedentary is an understatement with these fish! Were you to publish a scientific paper such based upon the nocturnal and diurnal behavioral characteristics of Batrochoglanis Villosus you could probably complete it during your lunch break! The most interesting thing is how their color/pattern ...
by yellowcat
11 May 2023, 18:58
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Update on Batrochoglanis cf. villosus
Replies: 10
Views: 13094

Re: Update on Batrochoglanis villosus

Too bad for your friend's cichlids, invariably the rarest fish are the first to go, with lophiosilurus and batrochoglanis they will try to or eat fish half their own size I've found. Wishing you success in the spawning endeavor! I find it most interesting that you are able to keep a group in one ...
by yellowcat
09 Jul 2022, 19:52
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus
Replies: 5
Views: 2787

Re: Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus

Thanks Eric for providing the links to the maps and to the organizations that track the occurrences of species found through collecting samples worldwide. Nice to have more resources to search when investigating the rarer species where data can be so very limited or absent compared to more commonly ...
by yellowcat
08 Jul 2022, 23:18
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus
Replies: 5
Views: 2787

Re: Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus

20210722_132053~2.jpg (7.4 KiB) Viewed 2782 times
Further proof of b. villosus sp. found in Iquitos Peru collected by Bekateen last year!
by yellowcat
08 Jul 2022, 22:55
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus
Replies: 5
Views: 2787

Re: Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus

P1013142 2.jpg
One more photo, this one helped with the sex verification, she helped with choosing to take a nap with the ventral side to the glass, a first! Typical behaviour amongst Lophiosilurus and Batrochoglainis, resting on their side and even upside down, at times..
by yellowcat
08 Jul 2022, 22:39
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus
Replies: 5
Views: 2787

Notes on Batrochoglanis Villosus

I am now keeping my third specimen of b. villosus. As with my two former one's, this one is also imported from Peru. Interesting is that through research there is little if any evidence that this species is endemic to Peru, even FishBase shows them to exist only in Venezuela, Colombia, Guyana and ...
by yellowcat
26 Dec 2021, 18:24
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Brazil wishlist
Replies: 17
Views: 10392

Re: Brazil wishlist

Good news! According to the list regarding pseudopimelodidae, the lophiosilurus alexandri, formerly banned remains so but the fish formerly known as cephalosilurus fowleri, now included in to the genus lophiosilurus as lophiosilurus fowleri may now be exported once again after being banned for ...
by yellowcat
13 Dec 2021, 17:15
Forum: All Resolved Issues
Topic: Adding Fish
Replies: 15
Views: 9212

Re: Adding Fish

Thanks Jools! I thought it was odd that after a few tries, the old image kept appearing using my (Mac) desktop but I checked later on my iPhone and the new image appeared? Good to know it wasn't the site or perhaps my lack of expertise with cyber stuff that created the problem, thanks for making ...
by yellowcat
12 Dec 2021, 23:03
Forum: All Resolved Issues
Topic: Adding Fish
Replies: 15
Views: 9212

Re: Adding Fish

IMG_0761 2.jpg I don't know if it applies to the above problems stated but when I try to add a new photo of my Wertheimeria maculata to "My Cats" page, nothing changes. Tried to delete original photo and start over with the new one, upload new one, click on 'save & publish' and nothing changes, no ...

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