Search found 2 matches

by FixxYurFace
06 Jan 2017, 08:32
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Help ID my Synodontis
Replies: 2
Views: 1296

Help ID my Synodontis

I purchased this fish at LFS in New York State 2-3 years ago. I don't recall what they marked its name as when I got it. He has gotten up to 4-5 inches and was hoping to ID so I could possible find a mate for it (don't know if I have a make or female either). Thank for looking
by FixxYurFace
22 Mar 2014, 05:35
Forum: For Sale (USA & Canada)
Topic: L183 1.25-1.5" TL
Replies: 9
Views: 3373

Re: L183 1.25-1.5" TL

Looking to get around 3, what would shipping to ny 14779 be. Also are you able to sex em yet?

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