Search found 3 matches

by rupertj
24 May 2013, 22:59
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125
Replies: 99
Views: 86140

Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

I think that I will hire someone who knows a lot about fish tanks and it will provide a great fish tank at a reasonable price.
by rupertj
13 May 2013, 00:14
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125
Replies: 99
Views: 86140

Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

I can't believe you're gonna change that tank.
by rupertj
13 May 2013, 00:13
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125
Replies: 99
Views: 86140

Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Those are some incredible pictures, good job.

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