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by 9'ofglass
12 Sep 2012, 21:39
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: S.angelica not settling in
Replies: 20
Views: 5576

Re: S.angelica not settling in

Just as you said Birger, they are now more settled, coming out at feeding time and on the blue/red evening LEDs. S.angelica now behaving normally and looking rather splendid!
by 9'ofglass
07 Sep 2012, 08:10
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: M.thoracata and wild-caught C.callichthys?
Replies: 4
Views: 1188

Re: M.thoracata and wild-caught C.callichthys?

A better shot of the cat in question...

by 9'ofglass
06 Sep 2012, 20:21
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: M.thoracata and wild-caught C.callichthys?
Replies: 4
Views: 1188

Re: M.thoracata and wild-caught C.callichthys?

Thanks Bijn...I will try to get a daytime shot of him; what differences should I look for? There are so many variations!
by 9'ofglass
06 Sep 2012, 09:28
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: M.thoracata and wild-caught C.callichthys?
Replies: 4
Views: 1188

M.thoracata and wild-caught C.callichthys?

pics a little dark, but thats where they keep still...and vid dark ...
by 9'ofglass
05 Sep 2012, 22:17
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: S.angelica not settling in
Replies: 20
Views: 5576

Re: S.angelica not settling in

Update...S.angelica out of hiding on day 3 (final day) of eSHa Exit, looking for food for the first time in 3 weeks, in fact since introduced to the tank. Sincerely hope this is a sign of a turnaround for him. 11 S.nigriventris have settled in well with no Ich signs, and the worst of my 3 remaining ...
by 9'ofglass
02 Sep 2012, 19:39
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: S.angelica not settling in
Replies: 20
Views: 5576

Re: S.angelica not settling in

hope the above link works, went onto Youtube to d/l videos as photobucket renders too dark.

Racall, I am thinking you may be absolutely right..wish I knew what to look for, but I noticed one of my Ctenopoma acutirostre has pin-prick white spots over caudal fin, around ...
by 9'ofglass
02 Sep 2012, 00:02
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: S.angelica not settling in
Replies: 20
Views: 5576

Re: S.angelica not settling in

Thanks Racoll, no white spot; the photo is taken at night on long exposure so giving a false impression of fade - he is faded but I think should colour up once settled. I enquired of the LFS as to what they were feeding him; they said he wasn't fussy and took pellet, granule etc. if I remember ...
by 9'ofglass
01 Sep 2012, 19:19
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: S.angelica not settling in
Replies: 20
Views: 5576

Re: S.angelica not settling in

Thanks Scleropages - yes I think he(?) is settling down; still not really eating that I can see, but may be picking up odd bits that the others aren't taking...again he was active as the food went in at 6pm today, but didn't take anything. This is an improvement in behaviour so I have fingers ...
by 9'ofglass
31 Aug 2012, 22:37
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: S.angelica not settling in
Replies: 20
Views: 5576

Re: S.angelica not settling in

Thanks unblinded, I may well get some more bottom-dwelling life in there then; plenty of room and hiding places to accommodate all. After that its a waiting game until the Congo Tetras and Leopard Bushfish mature, before adding the rest of my African stock; 3 or 4 P. buchholzi ABFs, and finally a ...
by 9'ofglass
31 Aug 2012, 22:07
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: S.angelica not settling in
Replies: 20
Views: 5576

Re: S.angelica not settling in

So, caught a long-exposure shot of my angelica 'hiding' tonight; such a beautiful fellow, I hope he settles in. I have kept fish on and off for many years, and the cats are my favourite I think overall...I have a ...
by 9'ofglass
31 Aug 2012, 18:40
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: S.angelica not settling in
Replies: 20
Views: 5576

Re: S.angelica not settling in

Thanks for the advice...will do photo over the weekend and post. Nice to know that the guy can go without for that period of time, it takes a lot of the worry away. I should have stated that the tank was fishless cycled a month ago and so was ready for stocking at that time.
I think the little ...
by 9'ofglass
31 Aug 2012, 09:30
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: S.angelica not settling in
Replies: 20
Views: 5576

S.angelica not settling in

I recently bought a S.angelica, approx. 13cm in length. He is with 12 P.interruptus Congo Tetra (2cm) and 6 Cteopoma acutirostre (2cm) in a 5' home-build 480L tank, cycled and running for about a month. All water parameters good; the water is alkaline and hard (7.8 and 18-20 dgH), temperature 23C ...

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