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by smilingSyno
16 Apr 2003, 09:09
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Undergravel filter
Replies: 14
Views: 4519

I live in Hollywood FL..... my patio is full of UGF panels that I yanked out
of my tanks... for sale.. really really cheap!!
by smilingSyno
16 Apr 2003, 08:57
Forum: Asian Catfishes
Topic: Acclimating new asian bumblebee cat
Replies: 13
Views: 3993

I have one... about 6" ... the cat hides most of the time in driftwood....
comes out sometimes when I do the feedings...
I feed with Spectrum pellets..... the small ones.... He also comes out
sometimes when I put some spirulina disc (Wardleys) in the tank....

I have him with a bunch of synodontist ...
by smilingSyno
01 Mar 2003, 16:07
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Suggestions for Tankmates for Pleco Tanks
Replies: 6
Views: 2313

I have a 37 gallon with very fine sand and a couple of flower pots
cut in half.... Only plants is a big blob of java moss.
Tank is full of cory cats so I got a dozen lemon tetras to fill the mid
and upper portion of the tank...
Lemons are nice to have in that they are very interactive with
each ...
by smilingSyno
28 Feb 2003, 16:54
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: apple snail laying eggs
Replies: 8
Views: 3199

Tank is planted with mostly jave ferns... I put some
zucchini in there sometimes, but not all the babies
flock to it.... normally I feed my fish a variety of foods
as well as spirulina disc.....
the adults seem to be doing good with all their breeding
activity and the pooo that they deliver about ...
by smilingSyno
28 Feb 2003, 16:37
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: UV sterilizer as an insurance policy?
Replies: 2
Views: 1741

I have a 150g tank heavily loaded with catfish, i.e. most synodnotis...
feather fins (10), Alberti (5), lace (1), angelicus (2), (2) hammerheads,
and (10) USDers....
As well as 4 hopols, and 3 plecos..... oh yea, an American catfish and
an Asian Bubblebee catfish.....
I run a wet/dry bio-rocker on ...
by smilingSyno
28 Feb 2003, 16:18
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: apple snail laying eggs
Replies: 8
Views: 3199

I have a pair that has laid 4 clutches of eggs within about 2 months....
the first batch hatched... took about 2 weeks... then the day they
were hatching I noticed the female laid another clutch under one
of the whisper 3 filters.... then a week later another batch under
the other filter.... and ...
by smilingSyno
22 Feb 2003, 04:06
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: some new photo of my tank
Replies: 21
Views: 7363

Nice Pic of L095, orange cheek. I have one about 11" long.
How big is yours? I feed mine zucchini and spirulina disc....
What does your's eat?
by smilingSyno
16 Jan 2003, 03:13
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Please Help Me Identify This Catfish...
Replies: 16
Views: 11755

maybe the fish could be a
Ameiurus catus, the american
white catfish.
I have one about 4" long that
the lfs got in with its ghost shrimp
when it was about 3/4" long.[/i]
by smilingSyno
15 Jan 2003, 01:30
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Reef Tanks
Replies: 1
Views: 2281

tank capacity in triple digets? ~cholula
by smilingSyno
14 Jan 2003, 07:09
Forum: All Resolved Issues
Topic: The new look
Replies: 22
Views: 14632

I don't speak Japanese either but this web site is sooooo cool! 8)
You can see a different fish every time you click on him.
Just saw the S. nigriventris and C. schwartzi. So cute! Thanks for the link.
by smilingSyno
14 Jan 2003, 01:09
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Pics of my Fish
Replies: 7
Views: 4957

Wow nice pictures! You must have a really good camera.
We have hillstream loaches too. How can you tell if they're male or female?
by smilingSyno
13 Jan 2003, 00:52
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Can ID this fish?
Replies: 12
Views: 9059

Hey at least I was right about Asia :mrgreen:
by smilingSyno
13 Jan 2003, 00:45
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Can ID this fish?
Replies: 12
Views: 9059

This link works just fine: ... CI0056.JPG
Looks like some kind of Asian catfish to me, maybe a Mystus?

PS: ooops... didn't know HH already had the pic :oops:
by smilingSyno
12 Jan 2003, 08:18
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: How to refurbish this tank
Replies: 14
Views: 7811

Good, I'd hate to hear about your red tailed cat eating your hoplos one day! :wink:
Make sure to tell the store what he is so the next person who buys him knows what to expect.
Just from the pictures I would say the smaller tank looks better. I love the canopy and the rocks! Are those plants real ...
by smilingSyno
12 Jan 2003, 07:57
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: The old fish house
Replies: 14
Views: 7013

Hmm... give her a catfish for her birthday! Or name one after her. A pretty one please!!! :wink:
by smilingSyno
12 Jan 2003, 00:21
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: How to refurbish this tank
Replies: 14
Views: 7811

*laughing* yes get many holpos!
125 gallons... what are the measurements? Our 150 is 6 feet long, 18 inches deep and 24 inches tall. In the picture it looks like the 125 might have the same foot print. If that's true go with a taller tank, it takes up the same room but you have more water. And with ...
by smilingSyno
11 Jan 2003, 04:44
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: The old fish house
Replies: 14
Views: 7013

Rusty that is not true!!!
My husband got me addicted to fish about a year ago. :mrgreen:
I got a 10" Pellegrini pleco for Christmas LOL
by smilingSyno
11 Jan 2003, 01:18
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Probably easy if I could get a decent picture
Replies: 7
Views: 4961

Nothing to worry about, they just like to hang upside-down. 8)
Hope you have some driftwood in your tank or something else they can hide under. Their common name is feather fin syno BTW. How many of these fish do you have? We have 10
They are ...
by smilingSyno
11 Jan 2003, 00:07
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: i need recamendations on fish
Replies: 11
Views: 4604

Why don't you just get some more pepper cories if you have the room.
They would be happier in a group of about 6. What size tank is it?
by smilingSyno
09 Jan 2003, 18:28
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Need breeding help...
Replies: 12
Views: 7962

Hi, I'm basically in the same situation with my Corydoras paleatus.
Don't have any ramshornsnails. Will trumpet snails or pond snails do the job?
by smilingSyno
09 Jan 2003, 08:02
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: C. paleatus just spawned - what now?!
Replies: 1
Views: 2469

C. paleatus just spawned - what now?!

Hello. I need some help from cory experts. I know next to nothing about breeding corys and I didn't plan to either but our Corydoras paleatus have spawned tonight! We have over 40 eggs and right now they are in a net suspended in the tank where they were laid. Here are the pics:
http://www12 ...
by smilingSyno
07 Jan 2003, 20:29
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Riverbank aquarium, day by day building
Replies: 38
Views: 11621

Wow, looks nice! Interesting project. What size tank is that?
Can't wait to see fish in there. Sure they'll love it.
by smilingSyno
07 Jan 2003, 19:55
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Two different names for L-095?
Replies: 3
Views: 4171

Thanks for your replies.
Gibbo, he is now 10 inches long and shouldn't get a whole lot bigger than that. I read that the largest specimen ever found was 35 centimeters (14 inches). Wish we could have gotten a smaller one and watch him grow up but for some reason they said they can only get adults in.
by smilingSyno
07 Jan 2003, 01:27
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Two different names for L-095?
Replies: 3
Views: 4171

Two different names for L-095?

Hi, we got a beatiful pleco last Saturday. Looked him up in the library and they call him Pseudorinelepis genibarbis. At other web sites I found the name Pseudorinelepis pellegrini. At the store we were told he was a Pellegrini Pleco and his L-number was L-095. So I guess Pseudorinelepis genibarbis ...
by smilingSyno
06 Jan 2003, 21:50
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: L- number for this pl*co?
Replies: 6
Views: 5506

I got a question for you, BobsUncle. You say your pleco is only one and a half years old and already a foot long? Wow, I didn't know they grow so fast! Is that true or did I misunderstand your info? Some of my plecos I've had for months and they don't seem to have grown a bit :?
by smilingSyno
06 Jan 2003, 08:38
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: L- number for this pl*co?
Replies: 6
Views: 5506

Every pleco is special :D

Just looked up Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps in the library... it has a bunch of L-numbers:
L083a, L083b, L083c, L083d, L164 and L196

Now is that confusing or what? :|
by smilingSyno
06 Jan 2003, 02:36
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Air gulping Sailfin?
Replies: 8
Views: 5742

*agrees with HH* Nothing to worry about. My pellegrini pleco does it too, not so frequently though. Only strange thing about it is that you have never observed this behavior before. Oxygen level in your tank might have dropped, have you changed anything? I don't know the reason why he does it now if ...
by smilingSyno
06 Jan 2003, 00:10
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Sand in cory tank
Replies: 16
Views: 8110

Yes, the java moss is just floating, not attached to anything. It collects in a big cloud on the bottom of the tank and some gets stuck on the filter intake and the heater. You just have to stir it up every once in a while so the filter can pick up dirt that collects in it. The cory cats like to get ...
by smilingSyno
05 Jan 2003, 02:42
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Syno Notatus or Nummifer?
Replies: 17
Views: 9810

So we have three species to choose from. That doesn't make it easier.
Thanks a lot for the info!
by smilingSyno
05 Jan 2003, 02:02
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Breeding corydoras Schwartzi
Replies: 4
Views: 4729

I have five schwartzis, they are some of my favorite cories and looked for info about breeding them too. Couldn't find anything either, some web sites say C. schwartzi has never been successfully bred in captivity and all the specimens you see at the stores are wild caught. They are seasonal too and ...

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