Search found 45 matches

by moonbunny
23 Jun 2014, 14:47
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: There's probably a simple answer to this, but...
Replies: 4
Views: 1491

There's probably a simple answer to this, but...

Why don't all Corys have a C# (likewise, why don't all loricariids have L#s?)

Thanks so much!
b ^:)^
by moonbunny
12 Jun 2014, 00:37
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Does Panaque nigrolineatus exist?
Replies: 2
Views: 860

Re: Does Panaque nigrolineatus exist?

I couldn't get the profile to pop up this morning. Thanks, Atmichaels (*)
by moonbunny
11 Jun 2014, 15:06
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Does Panaque nigrolineatus exist?
Replies: 2
Views: 860

Does Panaque nigrolineatus exist?

Which is more or

The question regards whether Panaque nigrolineatus exists.

by moonbunny
12 Jun 2013, 10:55
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Where might I find online info on aquascaping principles?
Replies: 1
Views: 1166

Where might I find online info on aquascaping principles?

Hi, I need to order a few things this week, including driftwood for a tank re-vamp. Ordering online is a bit like buying blind, but I was hoping that if I studied the basics of aquascaping that, when the pieces come, that I could be more or less ready to place them with some rhyme and reason in mind ...
by moonbunny
27 May 2013, 15:29
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: How would you interpret "minimum aquarium size 60 cm"?
Replies: 4
Views: 4960

Re: How would you interpret "minimum aquarium size 60 cm"?

Hi Richard,

Thanks for writing.

As long as the tank is that length, how would you calculate the volume of water needed (size of the tank)?
by moonbunny
27 May 2013, 12:40
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: How would you interpret "minimum aquarium size 60 cm"?
Replies: 4
Views: 4960

How would you interpret "minimum aquarium size 60 cm"?

Hi all,

When a suggested tank size is listed as "minimum aquarium size 60 cm", is this number referring to the minimum length of the tank? If so, if there are many tanks sizes that have this one dimension the same, how do you know which size tank's being recommended about?

Thanks so much
by moonbunny
25 May 2013, 14:44
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: What is the water hardness range for a Mustard Pleco?
Replies: 2
Views: 682

What is the water hardness range for a Mustard Pleco?

Hi all,

I've looked all over and I can't find a water hardness range for Panaqolus albomaculatus/L031/The Mustard Spot Pleco. Might anyone here know what it is?

Thanks so much,
by moonbunny
22 Apr 2013, 12:54
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Planted tank renovation, opinions appreciated
Replies: 2
Views: 1491

Planted tank renovation, opinions appreciated

Hi, I'm in the lucky spot of being about to receive a high output plant light, so I'm thinking I'd like to renovate my 55 gallon tank as a low-tech, kind of easy, planted tank. The reno would be almost starting from scratch--substrate, decor, plants and fish. I'm hoping that a few people here who ...
by moonbunny
24 Dec 2012, 03:23
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Suggestions for Pleco-like cats?
Replies: 4
Views: 1084

Suggestions for Pleco-like cats?

Hi, I adore plecos, but I understand you can only have maybe 2 or 3 per 55G tank (I already have 2 pleco girls and I don't have enough space for pleco fry.) I just think they're beautiful fish and would love to have others in the tank that at least remind me of them. I also have a cory and am ...
by moonbunny
14 Jun 2010, 00:24
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: I have a fish head...
Replies: 7
Views: 1317

Re: I have a fish head...

I've just been reminded that my parents went to see a Carolina Mudcats baseball game when they visited my sister, so I pulled the page up to show all of you--my favorites: Muddy the Mudcat's Bio and Ask Muddy a Question :-D And they have Mudcat hats and merch, too. ...
by moonbunny
12 Jun 2010, 04:41
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Stocking: Would *so* appreciate advice : )
Replies: 15
Views: 2703

Re: Stocking: Would *so* appreciate advice : )

Oh boy! Who knew fish stocking could be so tense (I'm having a nice cup of tea now, though :wink: ) But I think I have it narrowed down, so please tell me what you think... As to fish...You guys have convinced me, no Dojos, and no Kuhlis for now. I'd *adore* being able to put another BN in with ...
by moonbunny
11 Jun 2010, 11:02
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Stocking: Would *so* appreciate advice : )
Replies: 15
Views: 2703

Re: Stocking: Would *so* appreciate advice : )

(laughs)...I'm feeling dizzier than a Dervish! And I keep coming back to the above catfish (although Peppered Corys are *so* beautiful, too!) I know I need to focus, but the other night when I was scoping out the local fish store my eyes settled on Dojo loaches, which then led me to wondering if I'd ...
by moonbunny
07 Jun 2010, 10:08
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Stocking: Would *so* appreciate advice : )
Replies: 15
Views: 2703

Re: Stocking: Would *so* appreciate advice : )

(Big Smile!) What I wouldn't give for an auto-changer, naturalart! I've been drooling over them in the catalogs, lol! Also, true re: the calculator...I've already found one big fix it'll need :wink: So true, MastP...I hadn't thought about it, but the new tank has *is clean* with only a tiny smidge ...
by moonbunny
07 Jun 2010, 08:55
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Stocking: Would *so* appreciate advice : )
Replies: 15
Views: 2703

Re: Stocking: Would *so* appreciate advice : )

Here's the tank as it sits... (true, it's bare, but on the way to getting better :D )
by moonbunny
06 Jun 2010, 07:45
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Which part of the world are you from?
Replies: 712
Views: 584736

Re: Which part of the world are you from?

North America, USA---born in Michigan (is it any wonder I'm a freshwater fish person?) stranded in Arizona :wink:
by moonbunny
06 Jun 2010, 02:05
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Stocking: Would *so* appreciate advice : )
Replies: 15
Views: 2703

Re: Stocking: Would *so* appreciate advice : )

Thanks guys! You speak words of such commonsense wisdom :D I've been crunching the numbers over at (which is fairly accurate, you take a few bits of salt,) and here's what I've figured out so far: Presuming my so-called "55G" aquarium has a realistic water volume of about 40-44 gallons ...
by moonbunny
05 Jun 2010, 09:19
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Stocking: Would *so* appreciate advice : )
Replies: 15
Views: 2703

Stocking: Would *so* appreciate advice : )

Hi all! It's been ages since I've been here and I'd dearly appreciate some stocking advice. The last time I was here I think I was just managing RA/Fibro, mostly, but this last year's been wicked--Lupus, Sjogren's, bad Anemia, really bad Vit. D deficiency...all sorts of stuff that wear me out and ...
by moonbunny
20 Oct 2009, 10:49
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: New tank-OVERWHELMED-re:products to buy/
Replies: 1
Views: 478

New tank-OVERWHELMED-re:products to buy/

Your two-cents=my sanity, lol :lol: O.k., so I’m setting up a “55 G” tank with hopes of making something of a catfish paradise (beginning, at least, with bristlenose plecos,) only my eyes are dizzy trying to plan and place an order for what I’ll need (incl. a bit of wisdom re: stocking)—so your input ...
by moonbunny
15 Sep 2009, 00:20
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Can bn plecos (or any catfish) be trained?
Replies: 12
Views: 1727

Re: Can bn plecos (or any catfish) be trained?

:D This is pretty great news! Thank you! It'll be a little bit before I can get my bn pleco Minnie some friends (really, I've already started the process over at Aquabid to find her some young bn pleco females for tankmates and am just waiting to find out from whence they'll come,) and I was ...
by moonbunny
13 Sep 2009, 03:23
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Can bn plecos (or any catfish) be trained?
Replies: 12
Views: 1727

Can bn plecos (or any catfish) be trained?

Just curious... Does anyone know of an incidence of bn plecos or any kind of catfish being trained (i.e. for feeding time, or even for tricks?) It seems as if nearly all other fish are able to be trained (goldfish, bettas, puffers, etc.) to some extent, but I've never heard of bn plecos or any other ...
by moonbunny
21 Aug 2009, 15:24
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Help : ) Getting canister and giving my bn plec company
Replies: 18
Views: 1995

Re: Help : ) Getting canister and giving my bn plec company

I'm thankful for the advice. Even unexpected advice can be elucidating and is appreciated :) That's why I'm here. Reality and I are on familiar terms, I'm only seeking answers beyond the obvious :D It's just that when I sign on to a life--a person, an animal, a plant or any other thing, I'm ...
by moonbunny
21 Aug 2009, 11:56
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Help : ) Getting canister and giving my bn plec company
Replies: 18
Views: 1995

Re: Help : ) Getting canister and giving my bn plec company

Just the kind of sage advice I was hoping for :thumbsup: I've been racking my brain trying to guess at so much, such as...I know the formula for buying used tanks (generally $1/G if in good shape, 50-cents/ G if in not-so-good shape,) but it just feels like guesswork trying to estimate & get a ...
by moonbunny
21 Aug 2009, 03:20
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Help : ) Getting canister and giving my bn plec company
Replies: 18
Views: 1995

Re: Help : ) Getting canister and giving my bn plec company

O.k. sagacious ones ... : ) (in advance, please pardon me for not listing this under the Equipment forum) Here is a phrase I've mentioned too many times to count (but really do mean it this time)...I'm looking to buy my final aquarium (and set-up.) It began as a search for a canister for Minnie ...
by moonbunny
20 Aug 2009, 12:24
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Help : ) Getting canister and giving my bn plec company
Replies: 18
Views: 1995

Re: Help : ) Getting canister and giving my bn plec company

You're both absolutely right --both about the fish by mail and avoiding the in-tank filters--Thank You! :D (The calico bn's at Aquabid are *adorable*! Now I just have to figure out which sellers to trust and the best way to pay.) I've now entered the "In for a penny, in for a pound" mode, lol! With ...
by moonbunny
15 Aug 2009, 13:36
Forum: Wanted (USA & Canada)
Topic: East of Phoenix, AZ--seeking bn plecos to adopt
Replies: 1
Views: 690

East of Phoenix, AZ--seeking bn plecos to adopt

Hi, Thanks for looking in! My bn pleco Minnie needs some friends and I'd love to adopt 1 or 2 bn pleco friends for her. She's an *extremely* peaceful and affectionate fish (likely about 4-5 years old,) she considers all fish smaller than her to be her "kids" or "pets" or "friends" :D She lives in a ...
by moonbunny
15 Aug 2009, 13:11
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Help : ) Getting canister and giving my bn plec company
Replies: 18
Views: 1995

Re: Help : ) Getting canister and giving my bn plec company

Wow! It's been a crazy search looking for tankmates for Minnie. I was loving the idea of at least 1 more bn pleco to keep Minnie company and panda corys...but to no avail : ) There seems to be a real dearth of catfish in AZ presently (although I've seen bronze & albino corys as well as upside down ...
by moonbunny
06 Aug 2009, 04:12
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Help : ) Getting canister and giving my bn plec company
Replies: 18
Views: 1995

Help : ) Getting canister and giving my bn plec company

Hello everyone, I could really use some help and I couldn't think of anyone better as my beloved bn pleco, Minnie, dearly needs some friends and I dearly need to buy a fluval canister genaration 5 to do a better filtering job than my Aquaclear HOB 70 :D Anybody up for a few questions? Alright, my ...
by moonbunny
25 Jun 2009, 07:29
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Need help stocking tank, please--cats only
Replies: 7
Views: 1199

Re: Need help stocking tank, please--cats only

Hi MatsP : ) Thank you so much for writing back :an: and for caring! My pup (well, she's 8 years old,) has given everyone a run for their money, lol. First her disolving stitches disolved too fast, so the gory, raw 5" hole had to be medically stapled and bandaged at her dr's office. A day and a ...
by moonbunny
19 Jun 2009, 10:20
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Need help stocking tank, please--cats only
Replies: 7
Views: 1199

Re: Need help stocking tank, please--cats only

Hi there, everyone : ) Thanks for writing :D Sorry about the delay, though (our pup had surgery to remove a mass in her leg--luckily completely benign : )--but "kid" has had a few complications in the last week or she can't sleep on her big bed upstairs (so it's downstairs, now, we sleep ...

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