I have a 37G tank (same footprint as yours, just taller) and have some C.Sterba and C.Metae, and also one bristlenose pleco as well, they all seem to get along with no problems or fighting.
I also keep one pr of adult Bolivian rams in this tank and they seem to be very good with the corys and never ...
I bought some that looked just like that last Christmas from my LFS :- It turned out that these corys were a C.Sterba X C.Metae cross and had arrived in a batch of Sterba from one of the breeders that the FS used,
I was at the same fish store last week and saw some more of these crossed up corys in ...
I have Peace River in one tank and Rio-Grand in my daugters tank, both tanks are lightly planted, with java fern, Anubias barteri, and sword plants, both substrates seem to be ok and the roots of the plants hold very well, and also I can not see any visible ware to my corys barbles.
Don't think that it's just the South Americans that make this mistake, I saw a whole tank of about 100 C.trilineatus that had been farm bred in Asia at my LFS a few weeks back, they had been marked as "C.julii" as well.
Ian, thanks for your input in this thread, now at the risk of making myself ...
That's a nice fish as well EDGE, b-) I wonder if these two species, like to hang out in the same place's in the wild and that may be why they turn up in mixed batches of wild caughts at LFS?. (not at my LFS though #-O )
BTW: Anyone care to back my up with my guess that prairiefire's fish are in ...
To answer the first posters question about them being rare.
I would think not, as I saw about 100 stuffed into a tank at my LFS yesterday, they were priced at $4.99 each or $11.99 for three, think that the ones I saw must have been mass bred from one of the fish farms, the albino strains always ...
Thanks for posting these photos, I am going to stick my neck out and say that both of these fish are Corydoras trilineatus but in a spotted form, and yours are a very handsome fish too, if I may say so :YMAPPLAUSE: .
The only thing that I am confused by is that my book says they only come from Peru ...
Oops my bad they came from Colombia 8-} Oops my bad as well for not asking before posting your photo on this forum :ymblushing: (had to copy and paste it to my photobucket as I could not get the link from Jorgs post back at GTAA forum to show the photo here :-\ Hope that you not offended by that ...
Thats a good point Birger, as I assumed that it was a male and female in the front, but now I have looked at it closely, the smaller of the two does look like is has a "Rounder nose" :-\ will just have to wait and see if the seller comes good with side view shot of them.
That is a photo from the seller and are supposed to be wild caught fish, (have just sent him a message asking for a side view photo) but if you are sure that there are 2 different species there, I don't think that I will bother ordering them as shipping these things around the ...
Got another Cory for you to ID, I have checked my book and think that they may well be Corydoras Leopardus, but am not 100% sure about that (they are being sold as C. Jullii) I think that the one's in the photo have long nose's and C.Jullii are more blunt nosed looking?.
I don't know if this will help at all, but I bought some hatchet fish a few months ago that developed ich in my main tank.
Although none of my other fish looked like they had contracted it , I decided to treat the tank as if they had, I use a product by Mag-Float Labs called "Ick-Ease" http://www ...
Over feeding maybe? I just thought that I would mention that because that is what I did when we were first given or 10G tank, all the fish looked sick and all of my daughters swordtails died plus her guppy. After I did a large WC and then some 10% one's each day things soon got back to normal.
I would think that you should take the rocks out and do a major water change, it maybe that the rocks have changed your PH in some way or maybe there was some polution in the river that they came from?.
Check your PH to see if it has changed in some way.
Thank you very much for all the information and photo’s Guy’s.
All this is very interesting to me and I am learning a lot of stuff from your comments, I am planning to return to the LFS later today to have a chat with the Guy there and try to find out the source where these little Cory’s came from ...
YIKES!!! looks like I bought a load of crap then =((
But not to worry guys!,only got these to go into my daughters Guppy tank as I have just started it for her and fancied something different to clean the bottom.
Been looking at the photo's on this forum and think they could well be a metae ...
I have just found these corys at my LFS, they were in the same tank as some C.Sterba and the manager said that they came in with the last batch of corys, he also said that they could be a cross bred fish??? :-\ I was a bit put off by that statment but decided to get three of them anyway and am ...
I would not even bother to try it at this time of year if I was you, the air temp in my area was -12 today, also you need to get the fish through customs for whatever country you are sending to, I really think that all the fish will be dead long before they reach their destination.
I used this to treat an Angelfish that I thought was sick, "Jungle Labs Parasite Clear" http://www.junglelabs.com/pages/details.asp?item=TB635 http://www.bigalsonline.com/Parasite-Clear_8102657_82.html?green=17345441252&tc=default I also had about 9 small corys in the tank at the same time and ...
Talking about effing thing's up, I went to the LFS on Saturday and asked the Guy serving for a couple of hatchet fish, while he was catching them he also managed to net a cherry shrimp at the same time, and said that I could have that one for free b-)
...well good thing I got three more today then! (1 more panda and 2 swartzi's) #:-S :d
Congratulations on your new Corys :YMAPPLAUSE: , would like a couple swartzi myself, but have not seen any for sale up here in North York, which may be a good thing anyway, or else I’m going to need another ...