Search found 5 matches
- 28 Feb 2004, 16:53
- Forum: Other Catfishes
- Topic: Something Wrong with American Catfish?
- Replies: 21
- Views: 9173
Very true. Anyone collecting from the wild is well advised to get a list of protected species from the Conservation Department or DNR and familiarize themsevles with it before collecting. Sometimes the species are on the list due to a limited and threatened habitat but has a heavy population where ...
- 28 Feb 2004, 03:44
- Forum: Other Catfishes
- Topic: Something Wrong with American Catfish?
- Replies: 21
- Views: 9173
Re: American Native Catfish
To those interested in American Native catfish,
I offer the Stonecat and the Tadpole Madtom for sale through my website, "". I have found them both to be easy to keep in the aquarium, as long as you keep them with fish that are too small to fit in their mouths.
I always ...
I offer the Stonecat and the Tadpole Madtom for sale through my website, "". I have found them both to be easy to keep in the aquarium, as long as you keep them with fish that are too small to fit in their mouths.
I always ...
- 15 Feb 2004, 03:51
- Forum: Speak Easy
- Topic: Howdy
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1026
I'm not so sure about the easier-to-catch. It depends on the technique used. I seine riffles mostly, or dipnet shallow pools in the middle of the night with the help of a spotlight. I seldom come up with any catfish other than madtoms this way, and have yet to be "skunked" if there is a population ...
- 15 Feb 2004, 01:00
- Forum: Speak Easy
- Topic: Howdy
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1026
- 14 Feb 2004, 22:28
- Forum: Speak Easy
- Topic: Howdy
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1026
This looks like an interesting site. I have a couple of aquariums and keep fish native to North America, including several species of madtom. Currently I have Slender Madtoms, Tadpole Madtoms, Stonecats, and one Brindled Madtom.
I've noticed most of the North American catfish discussion here is ...
I've noticed most of the North American catfish discussion here is ...