:D :D I have fed the babies that my adults have from time to time just about anything!! I start with microworms but before long they started eating flake food and frozen bloodworms. They can be kept with any cichlids that are not a lot bigger than they are. I have used Peacocks, Haps and ...
Congrats on the breeding,but the bad news is they have ich,most likely. I have dealt with it in the past with those cats by just slowly raising the temp to 88 degrees until they are better. Be careful with any other fish or plants as the high temps might not be good. Good luck!!
:D :D Welcome Chris. In my experience corys will lose barbels and possibly fins and tails whenever I used gravel. Always lost barbels!!! Until I kept them without gravel. I do noy believe it was the gravel,but the cleaner water I now have without gravel.And of course water changes. :D :D :D :D :D :D
They are definetly not L333. They are exactly what Royle Montalvo(Doc or Ffn) says they are. They are selectively bred(In Germany)King Tiger Plecos. They have wider white stripes than L333,King Tiger,or Queen Arabesque Plecos.
:D :D Well you should be somewhat wiser. These are peoples experiences with the fish in question. I currently have 2 syno angelicus 10 inces long togrther in a 40 gal, and they chase one another from time to time there is no damage. They grew up together though. They are in with small cyps and do ...
If you look at your pictures backward,last one first. You then have the normal way a Para Pleco develops. They normally start out orange,and as they grow develop the spots. I find this pretty funny.
Yes it does look like L129. But to answer some of the other replies. The L204 can have wide or narrow stripes,or even spots and little striping at all.Just check the new agualog that has 18 pictures of L204.