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by stallion81
16 Dec 2006, 02:41
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Synodontis Granulosus breeding
Replies: 1
Views: 1071

Synodontis Granulosus breeding

Hello. I've read the previous posts that it has been done. Any ideas on how? I'm not the guy lookig to make big money on it.I've owned Multis for 4+ years(breeding for 1.5+years), and have a breeding sized group, that I've only got a few # of fry due to my real job. Sometimes, I prolly miss alot of ...
by stallion81
16 Dec 2006, 01:59
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: SYNO MULTI eggs
Replies: 5
Views: 1483

Same thing here tomr. Only 1 cat, but its fine and healthy. I was outta town the last couple days, and came back to a very young Hap 44(not 2" yet) holding. Her mouth looked like it was gonna burst. So I stripped in hope of a cat or 2. All eggs(30ish), but not sure how long she was holding. So I ...
by stallion81
07 Dec 2006, 03:50
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: SYNO MULTI eggs
Replies: 5
Views: 1483

Thanks. I'm starting to figure that out. I did just strip a female Litho today, and have 1 Cat(very small and white, earlier stage then I've ever seen before), but also have 7 eggs with tails and heads appearing, and 2 just as eggs. I'm hoping all seven are cats, as they are hatching as what I ...
by stallion81
27 Nov 2006, 02:54
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: SYNO MULTI eggs
Replies: 5
Views: 1483


Hello all. May have asked before? but donot remember? I'm now into stripping for catfish. Is there anyway to tell the cat eggs from the cichlid eggs? All times prior, I have had cichlids spit cats, or have stripped free swimming cats. Is there a noticeable difference in size/color? Thanks for your ...
by stallion81
18 Oct 2006, 02:13
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Syno Multipunctatus hosts
Replies: 6
Views: 1848

Thanks for the replies folks. My local breeder has sucess with Lithos and Fryeri, but concerned on cross breeding if no cats(do have Fronts to feed too). I will be stripping now, but no need for mass numbers. My Ngara(1M/10F/75g) seem to have "caught on", but may have missed a few due to lack of ...
by stallion81
17 Oct 2006, 03:25
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Syno Multipunctatus hosts
Replies: 6
Views: 1848

Syno Multipunctatus hosts

Hello all. I'm looking for a list of ligitimate hosts for breeding Syno Multis. I have currently bred with small luck, with Aulonacara Ngara(without stripping), but now have egg tumblers. I have a group of Lithobates, but are looking for other suggestions(selling Ngara so want fry).I'm going to an ...
by stallion81
24 Sep 2006, 02:30
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Has it been done?
Replies: 1
Views: 958

Has it been done?

Hello all. Long time no speak. I have had a group of 7 adult Syno Multis for a long time(breeding signs in show tanks). I broke up the group and put 3(1M/2F) in with Aulonocara Ngara. I have had several Ngara fry(pull female and let spit). Then seen the cats jump the spawn (4 months in). Pulled the ...
by stallion81
30 Nov 2005, 23:01
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Multipunctatus spawning
Replies: 2
Views: 896

Not a bad idea Todd. Well I'll prolly put 5(adults) downstairs and keep the 4 juvies upstairs in the show tank. But I'm gonna try it with hosts. Believe it or not, they were at it again last night. This time it was a different female. I'm gonna have to do sumptin quick, I just hope moving tanks won ...
by stallion81
28 Nov 2005, 13:18
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Synodontis "multipunctatus" breeding w/o host
Replies: 2
Views: 940

I just watched mine do it on Wed night. No mouthbrooding cichlid pairs in the tank.I have a group of 9, 5 adults,2 at 3.5",2 at 1.5". They have been together for 3 -4 years now(adults).
by stallion81
25 Nov 2005, 15:57
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Multipunctatus spawning
Replies: 2
Views: 896

Multipunctatus spawning

Hello all. Just sharing my T-day joys. Wed night I got to expeirience a Synodontis Multipunctatus spawning. Cats are not in with host cichlids. This was a natural egg scattering spawn. 1 female was very gravid and swollen.1-2 males were "chasing" her around the tank. She would stop at times and ...
by stallion81
28 Sep 2005, 00:30
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: size of tank for breeding multipunctatus
Replies: 4
Views: 1223

Bare bottom or a little sand is good. I would use a few pieces of slate(depending on the cichlid you use). Keep slate low lying so Synos have a place to hide and cichlids have a piece to lay on.
by stallion81
28 Sep 2005, 00:24
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: best for breeding multipunctatus
Replies: 15
Views: 6077

Just goes to show, diff fish have diff personalitys. I hope that it is obvious that you cannot use the same M/F's all the time. They will "figure" it out. Just my 2 cents though, and I will be using Hap Ahlis for myself(and am betting on good success). Good luck no matter which fish you choose.
by stallion81
27 Sep 2005, 00:12
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Stocking question: small loaches and synodontis
Replies: 13
Views: 3183

I have kept Border loaches with both. I doubt you have to worry bout the loaches. Its the 2 Synos that will be a problem in the future. I forsee aggresion problems between the 2 in the future. But you never know, attitudes differentiate in fishies.
by stallion81
27 Sep 2005, 00:06
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: best for breeding multipunctatus
Replies: 15
Views: 6077

I will have to suggest using AHLI's(Haps). EL's are a bit small mouthed. I have witnessed great success with these. Try to get as many female Ahlis as possible. I have not personnally tried this, but will be attempting in a 55g this winter. I will use 1M/1F S Multi and 1M/10F Ahlis.This setup has ...
by stallion81
26 Sep 2005, 23:54
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Multipunctatus and Petricola - Cost?
Replies: 2
Views: 1038

Hello. Prices in US$ in Chicagoland area. Baby Multis $5-7. Adults $18-25. Petricola a few more $'s for adults. LFS can range up to $50 a pop for both depending on store. Find a local breeder if possible. I personally would not pay more than $25 for an adult of either(and should be F0).
by stallion81
04 Sep 2005, 00:41
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Converting from Marine to Catfish
Replies: 4
Views: 1319

I keep/kept all my Synos in Peagravel, sand, and crushed coral substrates. None were noticably bad. Although my tap PH is 8 and tanks also, so no effect with crushed coral. Sand is prolly the best(not for the filters). But peagravel has never been a prob either. What types you lookin for?
by stallion81
03 Sep 2005, 23:59
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: How many Multipuncatus or Petricola?
Replies: 10
Views: 2394

Hello. You cant go wrong with 7 Multis. Thats my number till I added 2 babies.You might have luck with the Fulleborni. But they are hard to tell if they are holding or not, and I wouldn,t give cat fry a much of a chance in that tank. As for lights I have never tried the blue(moonlight) lights but ...
by stallion81
14 Aug 2005, 15:27
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Question: Synodontis Petricola in Community Tank
Replies: 8
Views: 5147

That statement was made IME,not just belief. My largest group of Colas was only 6 for about 1.5 years(55gal). I also stated "true" schoalers as they loosely schoal at times. I guess the statement was made in comparison to other "true" schoalers(ie Multis). When I first started keeping Synos I went ...
by stallion81
11 Aug 2005, 23:09
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Question: Synodontis Petricola in Community Tank
Replies: 8
Views: 5147

What size is the tank. IME Petricola are fine for a community if the tank is large enough. I donot beleive them to be true schoalers. With age they pretty much stay to themselves(unlike Multipunctatus). Possibly you have too many bottom feeders in a smaller tank? I also would not keep Cory's with ...
by stallion81
09 Jul 2005, 21:18
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: ich meds safe with multis
Replies: 2
Views: 826

Truthfully I've never had a c*****d with ICK, but have had Multis with it in the same tank. Use higher temps and salt(aquarium). Thats what I did and it was very successful. I'm not possitive that salt or high temp kills the ICK,but the temp speeds the process(cycle), and the salt helps the fish ...
by stallion81
08 Jul 2005, 13:37
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Synodontis sp?
Replies: 2
Views: 759

Thank you for your reply Dave. I believe you are correct with comparison. Good job as you possibly saved me from bidding on non syno cats. Thanks again.
by stallion81
08 Jul 2005, 12:17
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Synodontis sp?
Replies: 2
Views: 759

Synodontis sp?

Hello. I was wondering if any of you have heard of Synodontis sp Gold flake? There is a pair up on Aquabid,and refer to this site. Pic is bad, so they said they are mostly black with goldish to orange "flakes" so to speak. I cannot find info anywhere. Thanks for your time.
by stallion81
07 Jul 2005, 15:19
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Syno community?
Replies: 8
Views: 1871

First I will ask you what PH and hardness is your water out of your tap. I find it harder to adjust your H2O peramiteres, than it is to get a catfish adjusted. Especially if your running big/alot of tanks. Thats alot of water. I have owned 3 Angelicus, 1 Brichardi,3 Decorus which "prefer" softer ...
by stallion81
04 Jul 2005, 17:15
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Syno for a Bichir Biotope set-up
Replies: 5
Views: 1906

Angelicus. Don't know if they share the same waters though. And I believe if a Bichir ate a Syno, you would end up with 2 dead fish.
by stallion81
04 Jul 2005, 17:07
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Compatible African Catfish?
Replies: 7
Views: 2213

Hello. I currently house 4 types of Synodontis with 2 types of Polypterus. Stay away from the Ornate as they can get huge. Try a senegal, albino senegal, or Dehlzi as they dont get much over a foot. For the Syno, I would go with an Angelicus or Eupterus as these can both get 6" or over and prefer ...
by stallion81
04 Mar 2005, 21:31
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Syno Multimactatus or Hybrid?
Replies: 5
Views: 974

Thank you Silurus. But I never pasted anything since I was a kid LOL. I bought him/her from a reputable LFS, but it was aquired from a trade in. Guess they were wrong. I suspected it a bit as I reseached your site and found nothing that matched, but bought him anyway because he was beatiful. Maybe ...
by stallion81
04 Mar 2005, 20:55
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Syno Multimactatus or Hybrid?
Replies: 5
Views: 974

OK. well I just made the pics public, but not sure I have the link right? Any help appreciated. I use Yahoo Photos.
by stallion81
04 Mar 2005, 20:44
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Syno Multimactatus or Hybrid?
Replies: 5
Views: 974

Yeah I told you I'm not good on Comps LOL. how about this.Image Is there an easier way to do this?
by stallion81
04 Mar 2005, 20:32
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Syno Multimactatus or Hybrid?
Replies: 5
Views: 974

Syno Multimactatus or Hybrid?

Hello all. Well I've never posted pics before so here goes.Imagethe 2 pics are dcam0077 and 0079. Thank you for your help and let me know if this did not work.
by stallion81
06 Jan 2005, 15:09
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Proudly presenting.....
Replies: 15
Views: 2836

Hello. I've recently seen 3 of these for sale at a shop in Chicago. Original price was $240 , but were on sale for $195. I'm a big Syno fan, but thats alittle steep for me. Anyone interested let me know,as they may still have them.(Very good fish store)

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