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by IndefactorX
26 Oct 2003, 23:28
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: My Pond, 56k b-ware
Replies: 18
Views: 3676

do you know of any other large growing cold water catfish?
by IndefactorX
24 Oct 2003, 22:27
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Aquarium salts..
Replies: 5
Views: 1481

Silurus wrote:What do you want to use the salt for?
i bought it in the case that i may have to fight some ich, and also HITH on my oscar

all the fish right now are preaty healthy so i dont have any immediate use for aquarium salt
by IndefactorX
24 Oct 2003, 22:22
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Aquarium salts..
Replies: 5
Views: 1481

Aquarium salts..

alright.. this is my first time using/buying aquarium salt **as a medication** and it states that you should add one round tablespoon of salt for every 5 gallons!

i'm a bit nervous about using it because that seems like a preaty high concentration and i just need some guidance before i use it, it's ...
by IndefactorX
24 Oct 2003, 21:49
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: My Pond, 56k b-ware
Replies: 18
Views: 3676

Silurus wrote:
oh and does anyone know the mature size of a breeding Blue channel?
Blue catfish mature at sizes of 400-600 mm (16-24").

is there any way to sex them? any distinguishing characteristics of female or male
by IndefactorX
24 Oct 2003, 02:09
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: My Pond, 56k b-ware
Replies: 18
Views: 3676

I wouldn't put it past one considering the mouth size of a 4' RTC.
what i was trying to say is that if you introduced the two species at the same size the RTC would just out grow the channel so fast and eat it.
RTC also bully fish they can not eat, I had a friend lose a small 18" Hemibagrus wyckii ...
by IndefactorX
23 Oct 2003, 23:05
Forum: All Resolved Issues
Topic: New nav menu
Replies: 33
Views: 8285

looks good so far, tho it does seem a bit bland.. no offense, but maybe it will look better once it's incorperated
by IndefactorX
23 Oct 2003, 21:45
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: My Pond, 56k b-ware
Replies: 18
Views: 3676

magnum4 wrote:In my experience channels grow a bit too slow after about 24" for RTCs and the RTC would just eat them.
can a 4' RTC actually mouth a 2' channel cat?
by IndefactorX
23 Oct 2003, 21:12
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: My Pond, 56k b-ware
Replies: 18
Views: 3676

IndefactorX what are the dimensions of your pond?
Couldn't you just heat the swimming pool and make that a tropical pond for an RTC that is the size it would need to be!!

lol, i would, but i want a swimming pool :shock:

aside from that i might soon be building a 10,000 gallon pond on the other ...
by IndefactorX
23 Oct 2003, 04:13
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: My Pond, 56k b-ware
Replies: 18
Views: 3676

it's north texas so the lows are usually around 27 - 29* F

There is a river by here and during the spring you can usually catch channel cats
by IndefactorX
23 Oct 2003, 04:06
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: My Pond, 56k b-ware
Replies: 18
Views: 3676

i don't know of any other decent large growing bottom feeders, if anyone knows of any that would look nice in the pond, please let me know.. Later i will also be adding a blue channel cat that is now around 9" long and is currently in a grow out tank so i can atleast get him to a similar size to my ...
by IndefactorX
23 Oct 2003, 03:54
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: My Pond, 56k b-ware
Replies: 18
Views: 3676

My Pond, 56k b-ware ...
by IndefactorX
28 Jun 2003, 22:46
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: This is taking it way too far
Replies: 15
Views: 4241

Aquatic industry specialists are worried TK-1 may be the first of many GM pet fish destined for Britain. In particular, some tropical fish are being bio-engineered to tolerate cold and could colonise UK waters if they escaped, disturbing the present ecosystem.

How exactly do fish "Escape" ??
by IndefactorX
28 Jun 2003, 22:44
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: This is taking it way too far
Replies: 15
Views: 4241

if anyone were to get that fish i'd hope they dont keep any cats or oscars in the tank with them, they make for an easy target
by IndefactorX
28 Jun 2003, 08:48
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Replies: 6
Views: 1637

make a note that high protein foods aren't always the best, the higher the protein and the more you feed, the more pollution is going to end up in your water as the unused protein is converted to amonia and other chemicals released as waste, as long as the protein level isn't above 50% then good ...
by IndefactorX
27 Jun 2003, 04:29
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: New pond...
Replies: 9
Views: 1939

as for filters, there is a HUGE debate EVERYWHERE as to what works and what doesn't, the more you research into it, the more you are going to find people contradicting eachother and all of them making valid points as to why there's is right, to be honest, it would be much better if you built your ...
by IndefactorX
27 Jun 2003, 04:20
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: New pond...
Replies: 9
Views: 1939

Your soo lucky you asked, you are gona wana get a UV filter for your pond because, in any case EVEN IF ITS INDOORS algal bloom is a *(#%, make sure you get a properly sized uv filter, and also note that the algae that grows on the side walls of your liner or whatever is good and you dont need to ...
by IndefactorX
24 Jun 2003, 22:15
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Plecostomus acting abnormally
Replies: 6
Views: 1524

what are your water parameters? Ph, nitrites nitrates etc etc, and what size tank do you have him in
by IndefactorX
24 Jun 2003, 20:33
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: First pl*co
Replies: 7
Views: 1738

what kind of vegetable mater?
by IndefactorX
24 Jun 2003, 19:21
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: First pl*co
Replies: 7
Views: 1738

so thats why we put the little * in pl*co hahaha, thats interesting
by IndefactorX
24 Jun 2003, 19:09
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: First pl*co
Replies: 7
Views: 1738

First pl*co

Hi guys, i just got my very first pl*co to add to my collection, its a common pl*co and i know very little about this cool little critter, any care tips, things i should know?? just a little help and a couple of warnings is all i need ^_^ thanks in advance
by IndefactorX
21 Jun 2003, 18:39
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Natural water flow in a river setup
Replies: 8
Views: 1962

they have specialty doughnut tanks for this kind of setup, cant give you a price estimate on one tho, but you would have alot more luck with one of those than in a regular tank
by IndefactorX
21 Jun 2003, 03:51
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Bringing down NitrAtes
Replies: 7
Views: 1652

yah, i think i figured that by now ^_^ .. i figured out what the reason is, i used penicilin to kill the ick and the other stuff that had gotten to my fish before and what i am preaty sure that happend is the penicilin also nuked the biological filter causing my tanks amonia nitrite and nitrate ...
by IndefactorX
21 Jun 2003, 01:01
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Bringing down NitrAtes
Replies: 7
Views: 1652

i've been doing regular water changes, as the temperature*or lighting causes alot of the water to evaporate, i'm concerned that quite possibly some chlorine in my tap water has neutralized my biological filter, that or quite possibly the antibiotics that i had to use to save my fishes from ick ...
by IndefactorX
21 Jun 2003, 00:15
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Bringing down NitrAtes
Replies: 7
Views: 1652

could adding water plants help as well?? or is this only in the case of nitrItes
by IndefactorX
20 Jun 2003, 23:52
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Bringing down NitrAtes
Replies: 7
Views: 1652

Bringing down NitrAtes

my tank is doing quite fine right now, its a temporary habitat for a 2" oscar a 6" blue channel cat and a 3" pictus cat, its a 20 gallon tank but what concerns me a bit is that my nitrAtes are extremely high, at 100ppm, my ph is at 6.5 and i just treated for amonia. how can i bring down my nitrAtes ...
by IndefactorX
20 Jun 2003, 23:45
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Sleepy Oscar?
Replies: 3
Views: 963

its laying on the gravel when the lights are on, i'm looking at it right now and its swimming around, its laying down on the gravel less and less and it seems that the coloration is also getting a bit brighter*dunno* maybe it was just stress of moving from one tank to another, my nitrates are rather ...
by IndefactorX
20 Jun 2003, 21:59
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Pond Filtration system
Replies: 3
Views: 1098

yah, i just decided i'm going to get a UV filter for my pond, its gona run me about $130 and i've also got plans for a 3 stage bio filter system using some 4" pvc pipe, i'll post plans later on
by IndefactorX
20 Jun 2003, 03:02
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Pond Filtration system
Replies: 3
Views: 1098

Pond Filtration system

I'm running a carbon filter pond filter for my 1000 gallon pond, but the problem is my pond keeps getting a thicker green discoloration, its gotten to the point where i cant see 5 inches down into the pond, the fish dont seem to mind at all, actually they are thriving happily, but i would love to ...
by IndefactorX
19 Jun 2003, 20:54
Forum: Other Catfishes
Topic: Feeder fish
Replies: 3
Views: 1826

Feeder fish

Does anyone know of any online resources that i can order alot of feeder fish from for real cheap? any help would be great, i need to feed my blue and my albino catfish
by IndefactorX
19 Jun 2003, 20:12
Forum: Other Catfishes
Topic: how fast will it grow?
Replies: 2
Views: 2082

ok thanks :)

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