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by I Prefer Dogs
16 May 2014, 08:26
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Synodontis Lucipinnis - mouth damage? Fighting?
Replies: 4
Views: 1871

Re: Synodontis Lucipinnis - mouth damage? Fighting?

I don't think they fight with only their mouths, like cichlids lip-locking. I think you'd see damage on their body and fins for sure.

It could be a disease or they scratch up their snouts on something in the tank (substrate or furniture) or there is a remote possibility they lip-lock fight with ...
by I Prefer Dogs
15 May 2014, 13:23
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Synodontis Lucipinnis - mouth damage? Fighting?
Replies: 4
Views: 1871

Synodontis Lucipinnis - mouth damage? Fighting?


I have 7x tank bred syno lucipinnis, 3x tank bred syno Multi hybrids and Malawi Cichlids. The lucipinnis are now about 2.5-3" (some a little bigger), and the Multis are bigger at around 3.5-4". They have all grown up together since small.

I noticed that 1 or 2 of my syno lucipinnis have white ...
by I Prefer Dogs
30 Sep 2010, 13:14
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: oily fish
Replies: 9
Views: 2225

Re: oily fish

What about Coley?
by I Prefer Dogs
06 Aug 2010, 14:32
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Pictures of Catfish wood caves wanted...
Replies: 3
Views: 1962

Pictures of Catfish wood caves wanted...

Looking for some inspiration in to how to scape a natural looking bogwood cave for a large catfish (7"-12"). Is it better to use a few larger pieces or lots of smaller pieces? Should I include any rocks or plants?

Do you have any pics to get me started?
by I Prefer Dogs
23 Jul 2010, 09:23
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Syno Petricola - the more the merrier?
Replies: 23
Views: 4439

Re: Syno Petricola - the more the merrier?

Aw mate, that's brilliant, I appreciate your time and effort. Looks amazing.
by I Prefer Dogs
22 Jul 2010, 09:49
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Syno Petricola - the more the merrier?
Replies: 23
Views: 4439

Re: Syno Petricola - the more the merrier?

Sounds great scleropages. Do you have any pictures or videos of the cats? I want to see how they look in a big group before I make a decision on whether this is the way I want to go.

My tank has a good volume of 390L but a slightly smaller footprint by 4" (it is 30" tall) - though I will be selling ...
by I Prefer Dogs
21 Jul 2010, 23:38
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Syno Petricola - the more the merrier?
Replies: 23
Views: 4439

Re: Syno Petricola - the more the merrier?

what are those squares at the bottom of your sand?

yup, look like my lucipinnis. I have 12 in a 75 gal. thet are awesome!

Yeah, as Richard said, it is egg crate, used (in my case) to disperse the huge weight of the rocks required in a Malawi setup.

Just so happened I got a pic of the cat in ...
by I Prefer Dogs
21 Jul 2010, 17:50
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Syno Petricola - the more the merrier?
Replies: 23
Views: 4439

Re: Syno Petricola - the more the merrier?

Here is a clearer pic, they all look the same apart from stomach size (some are plumper), which I believe indicates male/female?
by I Prefer Dogs
21 Jul 2010, 14:37
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Syno Petricola - the more the merrier?
Replies: 23
Views: 4439

Re: Syno Petricola - the more the merrier?

Hi Richard,

I have tead the Planet Catfish article and 1 thing doesn't add up.

My Synos have:

Small and numerous spots on the head with distinct edges - like Petricola
Black fin WITHOUT the triangle mentioned - like Petricola

However, the main spots on the body appear more irregular than they ...
by I Prefer Dogs
21 Jul 2010, 10:26
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Syno Petricola - the more the merrier?
Replies: 23
Views: 4439

Syno Petricola - the more the merrier?

I have had a small group of Petricola in my Malawi Tank now for just over 6 months. I have decided that I love these things so much that I am going to sell the vast majority of my Cichlids and convert to a Petricola only tank (with 1 or 2 choice Cichlids included to fill the upper parts of the tank ...
by I Prefer Dogs
14 Dec 2009, 19:08
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: Asterophysus batrachus (Gulper Catfish) - biotope...
Replies: 3
Views: 800

Asterophysus batrachus (Gulper Catfish) - biotope...

I am thinking about getting 1 or 2 Gulper Catfish (Asterophysus batrachus).

Tank will be:

40" x 18" x 30".

Powered by 2 externals rated at 1200L/H and 1000L/H.

Total Volume: 360 Litres or 93 US Gallons.

Which should be more than enough for these fish

However, I would like MORE info on these ...
by I Prefer Dogs
25 Nov 2009, 17:29
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Synodontis eupterus - and other Syno?
Replies: 13
Views: 2130

Re: Synodontis eupterus - and other Syno?

I'm starting to lean against another Cat to be honest.

The tank is 4x2x2(ish) bow front and holds around 350L.

It is heavily rocked with plenty of caves and PVCp pipes hidden about.

If I went for the above two species I'd have to get a group and I don't know if the tank is big enough with the ...
by I Prefer Dogs
25 Nov 2009, 16:38
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Synodontis eupterus - and other Syno?
Replies: 13
Views: 2130

Re: Synodontis eupterus - and other Syno?

Yes, S. euptera is fine at pH 7.5, but it's natural habitat is rivers in Africa, which generally are soft, acidic water at pH 6 or so.


But is that really true? In all my literature and info on the net, it is said that S. euptera exists in a number of rivers and tributaries from Central ...
by I Prefer Dogs
25 Nov 2009, 15:38
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Synodontis eupterus - and other Syno?
Replies: 13
Views: 2130

Re: Synodontis eupterus - and other Syno?

Thanks Mats.

Species I was looking at are:

Synodontis multipunctatus
Syno Petricola

However, I understand these require groups?


ps. my view on my Syno Eupterus is that he has been in a PH of 7.5 nearly all his life. He has alwaus lived with Malawi Cichlids from when he first went home. It ...
by I Prefer Dogs
25 Nov 2009, 15:18
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Synodontis eupterus - and other Syno?
Replies: 13
Views: 2130

Re: Synodontis eupterus - and other Syno?

I think we are getting slightly off topic here.

Question was:

Can Syno Eupterus happily co-exist with other Synodontis species or will it cause problems?
by I Prefer Dogs
25 Nov 2009, 14:42
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Synodontis eupterus - and other Syno?
Replies: 13
Views: 2130

Re: Synodontis eupterus - and other Syno?

My PH is 7.5 which I believe is perfectly fine for these fish.

All my cichlids are tank bred specimens that have been raised and kept in water PH of 7-7.5 all their life.

My syno was raised locally too and has existed in a PH of 7.5 all its life as well. It has never not been housed with Malawi ...
by I Prefer Dogs
25 Nov 2009, 14:09
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Synodontis eupterus - and other Syno?
Replies: 13
Views: 2130

Synodontis eupterus - and other Syno?

I have a lovely Synodontis eupterus is my Malawi Tank. I've had him for about a year now, and he is about 6" or so in size.

I was thinking of adding another Syno or two, but don't know if this would be acceptable? Would I be able to mix Synos or is it a bad idea from the start?

Either way, I'm ...

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