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by palgrnstar
15 Jul 2005, 16:36
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Synodontis nigriventris has strange large spot
Replies: 5
Views: 960

I can appreciate that. Unfortunately for me, I rarely see these guys, and my camera doesn't do well when I've tried to take other tank pictures. I guess the best I can do is describe in words. Sorry!

by palgrnstar
15 Jul 2005, 16:20
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Synodontis nigriventris has strange large spot
Replies: 5
Views: 960

Re: heater

Hi there...

I do have a heater, but I've never seen any of the fish even get close to it before. It is in the upper right hand back corner of the tank. Also, it doesn't seem to be very warm to the touch. Do you still think that might be the cause?

by palgrnstar
15 Jul 2005, 16:06
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Synodontis nigriventris has strange large spot
Replies: 5
Views: 960

Synodontis nigriventris has strange large spot


Here are the parameters of my tank, as measured just now:

Size: 20 gal tall
Pop: 3 neon tetras, 5 bronze corys, 2 upside down catfish
(all of the fish have been in the tank either their whole life or at least 2 years, except 2 neons, which I added to the tank 3 months ago)
Strata: small ...
by palgrnstar
15 Apr 2004, 14:35
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Help, cory has strange white globs!
Replies: 2
Views: 937

Cory bumps?


Thanks for your response... I guess it's a possibility, though this fish still seems absolutely fine! It eats like a little pig and swims around everything and everyone in the tank! Are there particular symptoms that I might look for with this?

by palgrnstar
20 Mar 2004, 16:06
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Help, cory has strange white globs!
Replies: 2
Views: 937

Help, cory has strange white globs!

Hello all,

I am having a problem with a cory. Before I get to the symptoms, here's my tank info:

1. Water parameters
a) Temerature: 80 degrees F
b) pH: 6.4
c) GH: 70 ppm
d) K: 70 ppm
e) Ammonia: 0 ppm
f) Nitrate: 0 ppm
g) Nitrite: 0 ppm
h) H2O Change: 25% once a week

2. Tank set up
a ...
by palgrnstar
22 Jan 2004, 20:24
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Help with sick community tank with the surprise cory fry!
Replies: 2
Views: 822


Sounds interesting, though I don't even know where to go about getting a seashell or coral! I went to my LFS again last night, and they did have the Proper pH 7.0 in stock. I also bought Maracyn Two and I began treating the tank today.
Last night the extremely bloated danio died, but the ...
by palgrnstar
21 Jan 2004, 23:26
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Help with sick community tank with the surprise cory fry!
Replies: 2
Views: 822

Help with sick community tank with the surprise cory fry!

1. Water parameters
a) Temerature range.
b) pH. =6.2 (though for months it was 7.0)
c) GH. =71.6 ppm
d) KH =71.6 ppm
e)Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, leavels. A= 0 ppm Nitrate= 0 ppm Nitrite= 0 ppm
f) Water change frequency = ~30 % weekly, last changed yesterday

2. Tank set up
a) Size. = 20 gallon ...
by palgrnstar
12 Jan 2004, 02:16
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Surprise fry! -- Trying to figure out what's best for them
Replies: 5
Views: 1497

Re: Surprise fry

Hi all...

Thanks very much for your advice. We bought a guppy breeder box, put some gravel in the bottom, and put the fry in. It sank to the bottom with the weight of the gravel, so in order to keep the lid from floating off I put a few big pieces of gravel on top of it.
We bought frozen baby ...
by palgrnstar
11 Jan 2004, 17:30
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Surprise fry! -- Trying to figure out what's best for them
Replies: 5
Views: 1497

Surprise fry! -- Trying to figure out what's best for them

Hi there...

I'm new to Planet Catfish, but I've been a member of several other fish forums for quite awhile. I'm hoping that some of you may have good suggestions for how to deal with my dilemma! This is essentially a question about catfish fry, but I think my unique tank circumstances may need to ...

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