@JoeO: Thanks once again for the helpful info.
Is their any value in feeding Cory fry infusoria? Have read about it on a lot of forums, but not sure if it is suitable for Cories.
Search found 6 matches
- 10 Aug 2009, 16:22
- Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
- Topic: Hatching & Raising fry question...
- Replies: 8
- Views: 2133
- 10 Aug 2009, 07:19
- Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
- Topic: Hatching & Raising fry question...
- Replies: 8
- Views: 2133
Re: Hatching & Raising fry question...
Hi Joe thanks for the reply.
There must be at least 50 or more that hatched.
It is a 30L tank with a sponge filter.
With the fry in the tank, what is the best way to vacuum? With a length of airline tubing? Too scared to use anything bigger in case I siphon up the fry. LOL
My tank is currently bare ...
There must be at least 50 or more that hatched.
It is a 30L tank with a sponge filter.
With the fry in the tank, what is the best way to vacuum? With a length of airline tubing? Too scared to use anything bigger in case I siphon up the fry. LOL
My tank is currently bare ...
- 09 Aug 2009, 23:16
- Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
- Topic: Hatching & Raising fry question...
- Replies: 8
- Views: 2133
Re: Hatching & Raising fry question...
Thanks for the advice.
I left the unfertilised eggs with the rest until the batch had hatched, as I saw that I had no problems with fungus. Seemed to have no ill effects. Looks like all the fertilised eggs, with the exception of about 5 have hatched.
Now that my batch have hatched, I have moved them ...
I left the unfertilised eggs with the rest until the batch had hatched, as I saw that I had no problems with fungus. Seemed to have no ill effects. Looks like all the fertilised eggs, with the exception of about 5 have hatched.
Now that my batch have hatched, I have moved them ...
- 06 Aug 2009, 22:59
- Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
- Topic: Hatching & Raising fry question...
- Replies: 8
- Views: 2133
Hatching & Raising fry question...
First of all, thanks for the great site and information. I have already learned so much from going through the posts on the forum.
I am new to fishkeeping, having only set up my first tank in mid May,
My Bronze Corys have now spawned for the second time, and I have followed the advice of putting ...
First of all, thanks for the great site and information. I have already learned so much from going through the posts on the forum.
I am new to fishkeeping, having only set up my first tank in mid May,
My Bronze Corys have now spawned for the second time, and I have followed the advice of putting ...
- 06 Jul 2009, 22:15
- Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
- Topic: Cory help needed
- Replies: 6
- Views: 949
Re: Cory help needed
Thanks to everybody for the advice. Now I now a bit more about what I can feed them. They are most probably still settling in, I will keep an eye on them over the next few days.
I think 100L is about 26 US Gallons. I am in the process of constructing hiding areas for them and adding driftwood and ...
I think 100L is about 26 US Gallons. I am in the process of constructing hiding areas for them and adding driftwood and ...
- 05 Jul 2009, 23:19
- Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
- Topic: Cory help needed
- Replies: 6
- Views: 949
Cory help needed
My wife heard that I wanted to get corys for my tank and surprised me by bringing home 4 Bronze corys on Saturday (apparently the last 4 they had).
My problem is that I am not sure what food I should be feeding them.
The story so far:
I have a recently cycled 100L tank. Currently (until Saturday ...
My problem is that I am not sure what food I should be feeding them.
The story so far:
I have a recently cycled 100L tank. Currently (until Saturday ...