Search found 57 matches

by Squidward
03 Sep 2012, 22:24
Forum: Asian Catfishes
Topic: Dwarf Pangasius
Replies: 3
Views: 2607

Dwarf Pangasius

Hi All

My lfs has something called a dwarf pangasius, which they claim gets to a max of 20cm.

Is there such a thing?
Are they correct?
Has it been mis-identified!
Or just incorrect info?

I have tried to have a look on the net, but haven't come up with much.

by Squidward
09 Mar 2012, 14:20
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: New L114
Replies: 11
Views: 2854

Re: New L114

Mine gets sinking catfish pellets, tetra prima, blood worm, minced fish, and courgette once a week.
by Squidward
27 Feb 2012, 20:32
Forum: For Sale (UK & ROI)
Topic: Pier Aquatics Stock
Replies: 33
Views: 18863

Re: Pier Aquatics Stock

sidguppy wrote:scroll's only 3 posts up!

lazy monday morning?
Doh, guess I missed that!
Monday morning......
Lazy - no
Lack of sleep - yes!
by Squidward
27 Feb 2012, 09:00
Forum: For Sale (UK & ROI)
Topic: Pier Aquatics Stock
Replies: 33
Views: 18863

Re: Pier Aquatics Stock

Does Pier ship fish?
Or is it collect at the shop only?
by Squidward
27 Feb 2012, 08:53
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: New Leporacanthicus triactis 
Replies: 5
Views: 1252

Re: New Leporacanthicus triactis 

I bought one of these recently.
Very nice fish.

Mine is still very shy. But I am sure that as it settles down, it will come out more.
by Squidward
16 Feb 2012, 09:25
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Farlowella
Replies: 6
Views: 2411

Re: Farlowella

don't worry because the food that they enjoy is cleaning the algae glasses!!!!

in my tank I used to feed them spirulina tablets! but not at night (because there are other plecos biggest and strongest who take away them the food... I prefer to feed them during the day.

MIne must exist solely on ...
by Squidward
14 Feb 2012, 15:16
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Farlowella
Replies: 6
Views: 2411

Re: Farlowella

Thanks - so it is normal.

I know they were both the same colour when I got them. And I think the colour change must be quite recent.

I leave vegetables in the tank overnight for the other Plecs in the tank, but have never seen them feed on it.
They must be eating something as they have been with ...
by Squidward
14 Feb 2012, 14:07
Forum: Asian Catfishes
Topic: Akysis Vespa where can I get some
Replies: 10
Views: 2337

Re: Akysis Vespa where can I get some

Have you done a search on Aquarists Classified?
by Squidward
13 Feb 2012, 14:56
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: L24 / L25
Replies: 6
Views: 1971

Re: L24 / L25

RickE - I don't have the capital to by a small gorup of youngster to ensure there is a true pair among them x(

Mat - I have seen young L114 going for about £40 each. Mine cost me something like this. The L024 & L025 coming down to these sort of prices would be a lot more affordable :YMAPPLAUSE:
by Squidward
13 Feb 2012, 12:46
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Farlowella
Replies: 6
Views: 2411


When I bought these two Farlowella about a year ago, they were both the colour of the fish on the left.
But on the weekend, I noticed the one on the right seems to have gone a bit of a darker colour.

Is this normal?

I haven't seen the 2 of them this close together in recent times, so this was the ...
by Squidward
13 Feb 2012, 12:42
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: L24 / L25
Replies: 6
Views: 1971

Re: L24 / L25

Hi Squidward

Rare Aquatics have / had some . Not Herts I know, but it might help.

I contacted Rare Aquatics this morning.
They expect the smaller ones to be in the region of £150. Gulp. A bit more ...
by Squidward
09 Feb 2012, 10:59
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: L24 / L25
Replies: 6
Views: 1971

L24 / L25

I heard from someone at my lfs that Pseuda L24 & L25 are now off the Brazil banned list.
Can anyone confirm this?

If so, does anyone know what lfs in the North London/Herts area has any.

by Squidward
09 Feb 2012, 10:52
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: L-114 shyness
Replies: 4
Views: 1222

Re: L-114 shyness

Mine started out very shy. I never saw it for the first few months that I had it.
But as it got bigger it came out more and more. Particularly at feeding time.
by Squidward
23 Jan 2012, 21:24
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Rogue Plec?
Replies: 5
Views: 1249

Re: Rogue Plec?

What makes you think the fish are being eaten alive and are not just dying due to something that got out of kilter whilst you were away? Dead fish will be eaten by pretty much anything.

I've seen a few fish that have been badly attacked but still alive.

Whatever is attacking them seems to go ...
by Squidward
23 Jan 2012, 07:51
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Rogue Plec?
Replies: 5
Views: 1249

Rogue Plec?

Hi All,

I am having a bit of a disaster in my tank.
Over the festive period I went away for 2 weeks. Came back to a few fish missing.

Then over the past few weeks, every few days I find a half eaten dead fish in the morning.

My thoughts are one of my Plecs got hungry while I was away and started ...
by Squidward
05 Dec 2011, 20:33
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Interesting Corries
Replies: 8
Views: 1862

Re: Interesting Corries

RickE wrote:Yeah, saw them yesterday afternoon. Nice fish, very welll coloured.
Are you going to get some?
I am very tempted. £13 for the golds is semi reasonable. But £35 for the greens! Especially when you need to get a group!
by Squidward
05 Dec 2011, 17:30
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Interesting Corries
Replies: 8
Views: 1862

Re: Interesting Corries

RickE wrote:Squidward, was that MA St. Albans?
Yup, MA St Albans.
Have you seen them?

My main concern is that the colour is somehow artificial. But I guess not!
by Squidward
04 Dec 2011, 19:31
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Interesting Corries
Replies: 8
Views: 1862

Interesting Corries

Hi All,

I was at my lfs this morning and they had these interesting Corries.

The first they called Corydoras sp Green, and the second, Corydoras sp Bronze.
Though in these photos it is hard to tell which is which. But they are truly stunning.

The lfs told me they are wild caught in Venezuala ...
by Squidward
03 Sep 2011, 15:57
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: L114
Replies: 36
Views: 7076

Re: L114

5 Months later and my L114 has grown quite a bit.
by Squidward
03 Sep 2011, 15:53
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Plec ID Please
Replies: 8
Views: 1808

Re: Plec ID Please

MatsP wrote:Possibly , but the photo isn't clear enoough for me to say 100% - a side on shot would also help.

I will try and take a side shot.

The shape of the heads is slightly different. Is one a male and one a female?
by Squidward
03 Sep 2011, 14:51
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Plec ID Please
Replies: 8
Views: 1808

Plec ID Please

Hi All,

A lfs not far from me was closing down and selling these Plecs cheap. So I couldn't resist.

Any idea of what they may be?
Also, are they a pair? Or the same sex?
by Squidward
13 Jul 2011, 08:12
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Bamboo food ?
Replies: 9
Views: 1837

Re: Bamboo food ?

Aloe leaves ooze a lot of sap.
I would suspect that could lead to water quality issues if you put some in your tank.
by Squidward
12 Jul 2011, 21:41
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Hoplo
Replies: 19
Views: 4450

Re: Hoplo

Hi All,

Sorry to drag up this old thread.

Well I have had a few batches of Hoplos (2 groups of 3) and I have lost them all except my last one at the moment.

I got them as small fish. They grew quite quickly, but once they are a decent size, they succumb to a disease quite quickly - I am not an ...
by Squidward
19 May 2011, 19:15
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Channallabes apus
Replies: 15
Views: 3147

Re: Channallabes apus

jippo wrote:Looks like . For sure it's not .
You could be right.
I was watching it this evening at feeding time. It does have very small pelvic fins which it holds against its body.
by Squidward
18 May 2011, 14:10
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Channallabes apus
Replies: 15
Views: 3147

Re: Channallabes apus

No pelvic fins.

I couldn't get a photo of the whole fish with my cr*ppy phone camera :-Q
by Squidward
18 May 2011, 08:14
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Channallabes apus
Replies: 15
Views: 3147

Re: Channallabes apus

Junttis wrote:
Squidward wrote:Well went to my LFS this morning, and decided to get one.
Looks a bit like Gymnallabes to me?
I think that is a synonym.
by Squidward
14 May 2011, 19:11
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Channallabes apus
Replies: 15
Views: 3147

Re: Channallabes apus

Well went to my LFS this morning, and decided to get one.
by Squidward
12 May 2011, 08:15
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Channallabes apus
Replies: 15
Views: 3147

Re: Channallabes apus

Richard B wrote:Mine never bothered any of my other cats (synos, bagrids, etc)Small corys etc might be at risk (?) although they are spiny and not a lot will readily eat them
What size tank did you keep them in?
by Squidward
10 May 2011, 20:36
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Channallabes apus
Replies: 15
Views: 3147

Re: Channallabes apus

These do eat smaller fish & have a marked preference for "meaty" foods although in nature they eat a lot of insects. They are also great escape artists.....

5cm tank mates with soft bodies - tetras, platies etc might make a snack and i wouldn't guarantee the safety of anything this size in a ...
by Squidward
09 May 2011, 21:27
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: L114
Replies: 36
Views: 7076

Re: L114

Well I saw a flash of my L114 last night.
I put the lights on in the room where the tank is to check on my fish before going to bed. And saw the orange tail as it dissappeared into a pile of bogwood.
At least I know it is still alive. (*)

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