You searched for species with distribution of Indian waters, North Eastern India Waters, Padma, Ganges, Koshi and sorted by species.
There are 4 results. Refine search or start over.
1. Amblyceps mangois (i:13, k: 11)
Size: 125mm (4.9")
Temp: 15.0-22.0°C (59-71.6°F)
pH: 6.4-7.4
IUCN: Least Concern
2. A. waikhomi (i:1, k: 0)
IUCN: Not Evaluated
3. Batasio macronotus (i:1, k: 1)
Size: 89mm (3.5")
IUCN: Data Deficient
4. Glyptothorax indicus (i:9, k: 4)
Size: 110mm (4.3")
IUCN: Least Concern