Food | Commonality of Use |
1. Bloodworm | 800% |
2. Brineshrimp (Artemia) | 100% |
3. Courgette (Zuccini) | 67% |
4. Omega One shrimp pellets | 50% |
5. Hikari Sinking Wafers | 40% |
6. New Life Spectrum | 33% |
7. Omega One Veggie Rounds | 29% |
8. Algae Wafers | 25% |
9. NLS Cichlis and small fish | 11% |
10. Hikari floating pellets | 10% |
11. Omega One Cichlid Pellets | 9% |
12. Omega One Veggie Flakes | 8% |
13. Cichlid sinking Pellets | 8% |
14. Angel Flake | 7% |
15. Spirulina Wafer | 7% |
16. Pleco wafers | 6% |
17. Hikari Algae Wafers | 6% |
18. Aqua One Shrimp Pellets | 6% |
19. Flake | 5% |
20. King british catfish pellets | 5% |
21. TetraFin pellets and flakes | 5% |
22. Tubifex | 5% |
23. Super Veggie Flakes | 4% |
24. Veggie Sticks | 4% |
25. Color Flakes | 4% |
26. JBL Novo Pleco chips | 4% |
27. Raw sweet potato | 4% |
28. Broccoli | 4% |
29. Brussels sprouts boiled | 3% |
30. Runner beans | 3% |
31. Repashy green, morning wood, soilent green | 3% |
32. Carrot Blanched | 3% |
33. Cooked prawns | 3% |
34. Fluval sinking pellets | 3% |
35. Tetra TetraVegie Algae Wafers | 3% |
36. Omega One Sinking Shrimp Pellets | 3% |
37. Wardley Shrimp Pellets Formula | 3% |
38. Hikari bloodworms | 3% |
39. Black worms | 3% |