Cat-eLog Right Loricariidae Right Panaqolus albivermis Right Food Data

Food Commonality of Use
1. Bloodworm 400%
2. Tropical Granules 150%
3. Brineshrimp (Artemia) 100%
4. Cucumber 75%
5. Courgette (Zuccini) 60%
6. Algae Wafers 50%
7. Hikari Algae Wafers 29%
8. Hikari Carnivore Tablets 25%
9. Aquarian Tropical Flake 22%
10. HBH Algae Wafers 20%
11. Tetra Pleco Multi Wafers 18%
12. Flake 17%
13. Artemia dry 15%
14. Cucumber Blanched 14%
15. Zucchini raw 13%
16. Aqua One Bloodworms 13%
17. Ocean Nutrition Brine Shimp Plus Flake Food 6%
18. Shrimp mix 6%
19. Rainbow Trout 5%
20. Bloodworm (Freeze-dried) 5%
21. Tomato 5%
22. HBH Basic Flake 5%
23. HBH Better Sinking Bits 4%
24. HBH Cichlid Pellets 4%
25. HBH Color Bright 4%
26. HBH Krill 4%
27. HBH Meat Lovers 4%
28. HBH Mysis 4%
29. HBH Oscar Show 3%
30. HBH Plankton 3%
31. HBH Shrimp Pellets 3%
32. HBH Super Cichlid Floaters 3%
33. HBH Veggie Graze 3%
34. Tetra Jumbo Min 3%
35. Bogwood 3%
36. Fresh Cucumber 3%
37. Omega One Veggie Rounds 3%
38. New Life Spectrum Thera A 3%
39. Repashey meat pie 3%
40. Repashy Morning Wood 3%
41. King british catfish pellets 2%
42. Benkers G 2%
43. Tropical Green Algae Wafers 2%
44. Zuchini 2%
45. Hikari Sinking Wafers 2%
46. Tetra bits 2%
47. Hikari Vibrabites 2%
48. JBL Novo Pleco chips 2%
49. Tubifex Worms 2%
50. Algae Pellets 2%
51. Cichlid sinking Pellets 2%
52. Raw Prawn 2%
53. Collard Greens 2%
54. Sweet Peas 2%
55. Cocktail shrimp 2%
56. Aqua One Shrimp Pellets 2%
57. Hikari spirulina brine shrimp frozen 2%
58. Fluval bug bites pleco 2%
59. Various pellets 2%
60. Aqua one algae wafers 2%
61. Aqua One Tropical Flakes 2%
62. Bog wood 2%
63. Repashy bottom scratcher mixed with super green 2%
64. Repashy Grub Pie 2%
65. Vitalis Plec Pellets 2%