Cat-eLogRightMy Cats Registered Keepers RightPanaqolus changae

No. All keepers listed by when they started keeping this species. The longest an individual has been kept is 8 years, 1 months.
1 pureplecs since 2006-04-28 to 2010-06-24, that's 4 years, 1 months
2 Borbi since 2007-03-02 to 2009-04-18, that's 2 years, 1 months
3 lordotterby since 2007-03-12 to 2009-03-12, that's 2 years, 0 months
4 CatBrat since 2007-03-31 to 2009-03-31, that's 2 years, 0 months
5 phaedraeos since 2007-05-12 to 2009-05-12, that's 2 years, 0 months
6 Jools (k: 3) since 2007-06-24 to 2015-08-02, that's 8 years, 1 months
7 emma since 2007-07-04 to 2009-07-04, that's 2 years, 0 months
8 Blue (k: 19) since 2007-08-03 to 2009-09-08, that's 2 years, 1 months; who writes, "Free swimming fru Aug 1st 2007 Feeding of pleco chips and decap bbs shows good growth of F1 with normal deaths as expected. Tank shift lost half the batch leaving me with 15 as of Sept 9th 2007"
9 NHL since 2008-04-07 to 2010-08-26, that's 2 years, 4 months
10 cichlidman16yearsold (k: 6) since 2008-12-23 to 2012-06-20, that's 3 years, 5 months; who writes, "my first group "
11 AleGer (k: 2) since 2009-06-08 to 2011-05-05, that's 1 years, 10 months
12 Chris5787 since 2009-06-09 to 2015-04-07, that's 5 years, 9 months
13 andi since 2009-12-01 to 2014-01-04, that's 4 years, 1 months
14 2wheelsx2 (p: 3, k: 9) since 2009-12-18 to 2012-09-01, that's 2 years, 8 months; who writes, "April 13, 1 died of mysterious ailment. No apparent injury, no loss of slime coat, no ich, no visible marks and stomach was normal sized full.", "Added 5 more to my group. Lost one to bloat. Dec. 27, 2010", "Added 4 new adults to replace some losses. Lost 2 after a bought of ich. May have been QuickCure. Stomachs were bloated."
15 dpk2313 since 2010-02-21 to 2012-02-21, that's 2 years, 0 months
16 Nat since 2010-06-24 to 2012-06-24, that's 2 years, 0 months
17 plecomanpat (p: 2, k: 2) since 2011-02-27 to 2013-02-27, that's 2 years, 0 months
18 Yakov_krepak (p: 2) since 2011-05-31 to 2012-04-10, that's 0 years, 10 months
19 ChanggyChinggy since 2011-08-14 to 2013-08-20, that's 2 years, 0 months
20 flatfish since 2012-03-14 to 2017-07-16, that's 5 years, 4 months
21 Dragonrat since 2012-10-14 to 2018-02-24, that's 5 years, 4 months; who writes, "Bought as Peckoltia Vittata"
22 ScottishFish since 2013-01-25 to 2015-01-25, that's 2 years, 0 months
23 Narwhal72 since 2013-04-16 to 2016-11-15, that's 3 years, 6 months
24 gem400 since 2013-12-10 to 2014-06-24, that's 0 years, 6 months
25 jvision since 2014-04-13 to 2014-08-17, that's 0 years, 4 months
26 Asset since 2014-06-10 to 2016-06-10, that's 2 years, 0 months
27 camtang since 2014-09-18 to 2016-09-18, that's 2 years, 0 months
28 LostYeti (k: 5) since 2014-11-21 to 2017-02-26, that's 2 years, 3 months
29 Coldhands (p: 2, k: 2) since 2015-04-13 to 2016-01-20, that's 0 years, 9 months
30 GHCHPlecos since 2015-08-26 to 2017-08-26, that's 2 years, 0 months
31 nullepigen since 2015-11-09 to 2017-11-09, that's 2 years, 0 months
32 catquariauk since 2016-10-28 to 2018-10-28, that's 2 years, 0 months
33 DHarris since 2016-12-03 to 2018-12-03, that's 2 years, 0 months
34 Redrain (k: 2) since 2017-01-01 to 2023-11-02, that's 6 years, 10 months
35 ElTofi (k: 2) since 2017-01-05 to 2022-07-10, that's 5 years, 6 months; who writes, "Had bought a 4 fish group in 2011. Gave them away. They were given away further. And I got back 2 of them this week."
36 caithless (k: 2) since 2017-02-02 to 2021-02-02, that's 4 years, 0 months
37 Rogier (k: 3) since 2017-04-20 to 2019-04-20, that's 2 years, 0 months
38 JDenman (k: 4) since 2017-12-19 to 2018-10-18, that's 0 years, 9 months
39 Loc since 2018-03-08 to 2020-03-08, that's 2 years, 0 months
40 richsfishes (k: 7) since 2018-09-20 to 2020-09-20, that's 2 years, 0 months
41 ChristianKline-CAK since 2018-10-19 to 2020-10-19, that's 2 years, 0 months
42 kaitlin.dozier (k: 6) since 2019-03-02 to 2021-03-18, that's 2 years, 0 months
43 celtic11 since 2019-03-09 to 2021-03-09, that's 2 years, 0 months
44 DrFish since 2020-02-10 to 2023-04-15, that's 3 years, 2 months
45 Catfish417 since 2020-05-22 to 2022-05-22, that's 2 years, 0 months
46 tspaceace68 since 2021-05-11 to 2023-05-11, that's 2 years, 0 months
47 pointpleco (k: 2) since 2022-02-26 to 2025-03-13, that's 3 years, 0 months; who writes, "Amazing markings on these guys. Lucky to find and get in quick to buy these. Very very rare in Australia. Have bred before for the previous breeder. Hope i can get them to breed again."