Cat-eLogRight My Cats Registered Keepers Right Kryptopterus vitreolus

No. All keepers listed by when they started keeping this species. The longest an individual has been kept is 10 years, 11 months.
1 Blairc (k: 6) since 2004-04-26 to 2009-06-09, that's 5 years, 1 months; who writes, "These timid Cats are very good eaters, and can be fed on a diet of flakes, frozen and live food. They are extremely sensitive to changes in water conditions, and will go white when stressed. These fish enjoy having peaceful tankmates and a good plant. These Catfish are my favourite fish, and have been through the thick and thin of my fishkeeping career."
2 snowball (k: 25) since 2005-06-21 to 2013-08-18, that's 8 years, 1 months; who writes, "They split up into two groups during the day, both sheltering under overhang wood. At night they all school along the front of the tank in the current. I feed them at night, but they will come out during the day when they smell food."
3 kcmt01 since 2007-01-20 to 2015-02-10, that's 8 years, 0 months
4 Persephone since 2007-02-27 to 2009-02-27, that's 2 years, 0 months
5 Moontanman since 2007-03-01 to 2016-07-10, that's 9 years, 4 months
6 gage since 2007-03-20 to 2009-03-20, that's 2 years, 0 months
7 Richie Hell since 2007-05-21 to 2009-05-21, that's 2 years, 0 months
8 adimeatatime (k: 10) since 2007-05-28 to 2009-05-28, that's 2 years, 0 months
9 Marsdinho since 2007-05-31 to 2009-05-31, that's 2 years, 0 months
10 Igowoof since 2007-06-14 to 2009-06-14, that's 2 years, 0 months
11 artemis1 since 2007-06-20 to 2009-06-20, that's 2 years, 0 months
12 Jools since 2007-06-24 to 2012-07-14, that's 5 years, 0 months
13 spot86t since 2007-06-28 to 2013-08-04, that's 6 years, 1 months
14 pleco_keepin_bear since 2007-07-22 to 2009-07-22, that's 2 years, 0 months
15 H (k: 5) since 2007-08-29 to 2009-08-29, that's 2 years, 0 months
16 bang (k: 2) since 2007-09-01 to 2009-10-07, that's 2 years, 1 months
17 fishmosy (k: 4) since 2007-09-20 to 2010-12-23, that's 3 years, 3 months
18 mouseninja (k: 3) since 2007-11-03 to 2009-12-23, that's 2 years, 1 months
19 lene.keiserud since 2007-12-09 to 2009-12-09, that's 2 years, 0 months
20 c arri10 (k: 5) since 2008-01-02 to 2010-02-26, that's 2 years, 1 months
21 fischkringli (k: 6) since 2008-01-03 to 2011-03-07, that's 3 years, 2 months
22 Plecofanatic1989 (k: 3) since 2008-01-12 to 2010-01-14, that's 2 years, 0 months
23 nooneknows (k: 6) since 2008-02-02 to 2010-02-23, that's 2 years, 0 months
24 theonetruepath (k: 2) since 2008-03-08 to 2013-05-09, that's 5 years, 2 months
25 fraggle (k: 5) since 2008-03-09 to 2010-03-09, that's 2 years, 0 months
26 Plunt since 2008-03-16 to 2010-03-29, that's 2 years, 0 months
27 jb92 (k: 3) since 2008-03-28 to 2010-03-28, that's 2 years, 0 months
28 mante-religieuse (k: 6) since 2008-04-19 to 2010-05-23, that's 2 years, 1 months; who writes, "2 died from ICH 2 weeks after I got them. 6 are perfectly healthy"
29 loachy_406 (k: 4) since 2008-04-20 to 2010-05-29, that's 2 years, 1 months; who writes, "They are quite active when the light is off, but otherwise they stick to the shade, or in the hollow rock."
30 ZedMuir since 2008-04-25 to 2010-04-25, that's 2 years, 0 months
31 mini-fée since 2008-05-10 to 2010-05-10, that's 2 years, 0 months
32 AimsPink since 2008-08-09 to 2010-08-09, that's 2 years, 0 months
33 griffl since 2008-08-18 to 2008-12-15, that's 0 years, 3 months; who writes, "One expired on 9-4-08. Second expired on 12-15-08 "
34 iam1ru12 (k: 4) since 2008-10-25 to 2010-10-25, that's 2 years, 0 months
35 ash104a (k: 6) since 2008-12-05 to 2010-12-05, that's 2 years, 0 months
36 Nick44 (k: 5) since 2009-01-12 to 2011-08-04, that's 2 years, 6 months; who writes, "Bought from Ely Aquatics. Absolutely perfect adult specimens. Feeding on flake and Freeze Dried Tubifex"
37 HX67 (k: 20) since 2009-01-14 to 2011-03-06, that's 2 years, 1 months
38 LLLL since 2009-01-18 to 2011-01-18, that's 2 years, 0 months
39 kiwiplymouth since 2009-01-23 to 2011-01-23, that's 2 years, 0 months
40 andycapdnz (k: 5) since 2009-02-01 to 2011-02-08, that's 2 years, 0 months
41 boogie (k: 6) since 2009-03-22 to 2011-03-22, that's 2 years, 0 months
42 blaqksotu16 (k: 6) since 2009-05-10 to 2011-05-10, that's 2 years, 0 months
43 acidise since 2009-06-23 to 2010-11-19, that's 1 years, 4 months
44 mangopleco since 2009-08-11 to 2010-04-19, that's 0 years, 8 months
45 kouen (k: 9) since 2009-09-09 to 2010-07-10, that's 0 years, 10 months
46 allpuffedup (k: 5) since 2009-10-01 to 2010-02-19, that's 0 years, 4 months
47 dmcat (p: 2, k: 10) since 2009-12-19 to 2020-12-17, that's 10 years, 11 months
48 Industrial (k: 7) since 2010-01-01 to 2012-09-11, that's 2 years, 8 months; who writes, "School tightly with aggressive fish in the tank (such as angels), but are much calmer with a gentle current and peaceful fish. Some will frozen bloodworms out of my hands and some have even been slightly territorial towards other species."
49 Irish Goliath since 2010-02-11 to 2012-02-11, that's 2 years, 0 months
50 L number Banana (k: 3) since 2010-02-15 to 2014-12-25, that's 4 years, 10 months; who writes, "Can be hand fed with frozen brine shrimp, they tickle your palm :-) Very cool fish to watch, sometimes bicker among themselves and will often chase larger tetras away from food. Update winter 2012: lost three when lid broke and they jumped out."
51 coelacanth since 2010-02-25 to 2015-03-23, that's 5 years, 0 months
52 ocnluv13 (k: 2) since 2010-03-22 to 2012-03-22, that's 2 years, 0 months
53 bronzefry since 2010-03-24 to 2012-05-13, that's 2 years, 1 months
54 judeblackburn (k: 6) since 2010-04-23 to 2014-08-17, that's 4 years, 3 months
55 roadkingray since 2010-06-23 to 2012-06-23, that's 2 years, 0 months
56 Grimfilth (k: 7) since 2010-08-29 to 2013-01-16, that's 2 years, 4 months
57 djechoskittykat since 2010-10-31 to 2012-10-31, that's 2 years, 0 months
58 Hansen (k: 2) since 2010-11-09 to 2013-10-30, that's 2 years, 11 months
59 Dee (k: 5) since 2011-01-29 to 2015-07-23, that's 4 years, 5 months
60 Quo (k: 4) since 2011-04-01 to 2017-01-17, that's 5 years, 9 months
61 Dalek Tzet (k: 2) since 2011-04-20 to 2013-06-15, that's 2 years, 1 months; who writes, "I cannot get groups of these to thrive, they always whittle down to one or two, who are fine for months. add another, instant death. I can't win. They like to glare balefully from under plants, eat anything."
62 milutin (p: 2) since 2011-04-29 to 2013-04-29, that's 2 years, 0 months
63 Anthonyck (k: 2) since 2011-05-01 to 2017-04-16, that's 5 years, 11 months; who writes, "Lost one of original six early on. Remaining species are doing well, though a couple are growing much more rapidly than others. Inconsistent shyness; seem very sensitive to any changes, water cleaning, noises, etc. June 2012: lost one when moving tank. Did not get water temp balanced quickly enough, and a few kryptopterus seemed to "sink" because of the temperature change. One did not survive this disturbance; all others recovered completely. Feb 14 2015 - two adults remain in the 75 gal. Again the move claimed a few."
64 bekateen (k: 5) since 2011-05-01 to 2014-04-16, that's 2 years, 11 months
65 arapaimag (k: 6) since 2011-05-21 to 2013-06-19, that's 2 years, 0 months
66 Apostolis (k: 2) since 2011-06-15 to 2016-06-05, that's 4 years, 11 months
67 browny85 since 2011-10-08 to 2012-05-10, that's 0 years, 7 months
68 fleshwound (p: 2, k: 3) since 2011-11-24 to 2013-11-24, that's 2 years, 0 months
69 indiCa since 2012-06-19 to 2014-06-19, that's 2 years, 0 months
70 Sfamnun (k: 9) since 2012-07-12 to 2016-01-13, that's 3 years, 6 months
71 AvengedKombat since 2012-10-23 to 2013-11-11, that's 1 years, 0 months
72 glasscats since 2012-11-01 to 2016-07-14, that's 3 years, 8 months
73 linuxrulesusa (k: 2) since 2012-12-11 to 2015-01-02, that's 2 years, 0 months
74 000 since 2013-01-28 to 2016-03-10, that's 3 years, 1 months
75 in_the_seance (k: 8) since 2013-02-01 to 2014-10-10, that's 1 years, 8 months
76 DKcincy (k: 5) since 2013-02-15 to 2015-11-01, that's 2 years, 8 months; who writes, "These guys went nuts when i offered them frozen brine shrimp"
77 Rebah since 2013-06-03 to 2022-03-10, that's 8 years, 9 months
78 Sean B since 2013-10-18 to 2015-10-18, that's 2 years, 0 months
79 crazy4bettas (k: 6) since 2013-11-03 to 2016-03-15, that's 2 years, 4 months
80 Valb68 (k: 6) since 2013-11-26 to 2016-02-13, that's 2 years, 2 months
81 dpm1 (k: 5) since 2014-01-24 to 2016-08-24, that's 2 years, 7 months; who writes, "Kept in a mixed community where they are pretty much the biggest fish. They hover in the rear but aren't shy or skittish including hand feeding, unmoving during maintenance, and will come forward as soon as the lights dim (and sometimes before, especially if feeding). Can be sexed when carrying eggs but other times almost impossible. Unfortunately didn't see any actual breeding or egg laying."
82 VickyEll7 (k: 4) since 2014-02-09 to 2016-07-31, that's 2 years, 5 months
83 kvnbyl since 2014-07-13 to 2015-03-15, that's 0 years, 8 months
84 Johnny579 since 2014-11-12 to 2016-11-12, that's 2 years, 0 months
85 fishy1 (k: 3) since 2015-08-23 to 2018-07-16, that's 2 years, 10 months
86 Atmichaels (k: 6) since 2016-03-12 to 2018-03-12, that's 2 years, 0 months
87 datfish (k: 8) since 2016-06-01 to 2017-09-17, that's 1 years, 3 months; who writes, "Kept in a dense riparium that receives only natural sunlight, so longer dawn and dusk. The main shoal breaks into three smaller ones during the day, with two swimming only six or so inches apart and a pair accross the tank. At dawn they all group together in the densest part of the plants. During their peak sunlight hours they are more active, exploring the planted sections. During dusk they come out into the open to search for food."
88 marco0raimondo since 2016-06-01 to 2016-06-04, that's 0 years, 0 months
89 Lycosid (k: 13) since 2016-10-20 to 2022-05-01, that's 5 years, 6 months
90 MattHunt (k: 7) since 2016-12-10 to 2020-02-19, that's 3 years, 2 months; who writes, "Shoal size 7. Newcomers took 36 hours to come out from the plants. Lost 1 15/2/18 - I suspect age as was swimming tail down for a week before hand but not discoloured."
91 CoryCats655 (k: 6) since 2017-06-28 to 2019-06-28, that's 2 years, 0 months
92 caninesrock since 2017-06-28 to 2017-06-28, that's 0 years, 0 months
93 OregonOutdoorsChris (p: 3, k: 12) since 2017-07-30 to 2022-06-16, that's 4 years, 10 months; who writes, "Not shy at all. Swim in open water despite plenty of hides available. Recognize people as food provider and swim to the front when people are present. Readily eat flake, tubifex, mosquito larva, etc... Didn't predate on nano fish such as Boraras, but did stress them out."
94 Tanganyikafreak (k: 4) since 2017-08-04 to 2018-12-30, that's 1 years, 4 months
95 Goodeid608 since 2017-10-18 to 2019-10-18, that's 2 years, 0 months
96 pointpleco (k: 10) since 2017-12-09 to 2024-10-16, that's 6 years, 10 months; who writes, "Very cool looking fish if you can see it. Sits back in the plants a bit and likes a strong current as it loves to swim. Also fun to feed it a bit of food that has a bright colour as you can see the food move through it's body."
97 booitsme3109 since 2018-01-22 to 2020-01-22, that's 2 years, 0 months
98 Hsapsed (k: 2) since 2018-02-17 to 2022-02-08, that's 3 years, 11 months; who writes, "Always swimming just in front of the fx6 filter intake day or night"
99 angerygrover since 2018-04-16 to 2020-04-16, that's 2 years, 0 months
100 darth mystus (k: 11) since 2018-12-01 to 2024-10-16, that's 5 years, 10 months
101 fishguy1978 (k: 2) since 2019-01-07 to 2023-12-17, that's 4 years, 11 months; who writes, "These are kept in a 20g with Java moss and Java fern. There are several Pristella tetras and a BN."
102 FerocactusLatispinus since 2019-06-14 to 2019-12-02, that's 0 years, 5 months; who writes, "R.I.P. Glasser. It was all alone in a bare display tank in the store, so I thought I'd give it a chance in my heavily planted community aquarium. Aside from additional conspecifics and low-dGH water, its living conditions were just right. Lived nearly 6 months."
103 lochness (k: 4) since 2020-01-30 to 2024-10-16, that's 4 years, 8 months; who writes, "I thought I only had 3 but turns out I have 4 very large specimens that will soon be 3 yrs in this setup. They were about an inch big when I first got them and are now approx 4 inches - i will do my best to get a photo in soon. They are the most elusive glass cats I have ever owned in my 30+ yrs in this hobby."
104 AkbarFish since 2020-03-21 to 2022-03-21, that's 2 years, 0 months
105 naturalart (k: 5) since 2020-07-06 to 2022-07-06, that's 2 years, 0 months
106 TheDoctor since 2020-09-04 to 2024-10-16, that's 4 years, 1 months; who writes, "Likes to play in the currents created by my external filtration and internal filtration as well as the current from my wave maker Both are seen daily 18/03/2023"
107 GreenSynoMan since 2021-04-02 to 2023-06-02, that's 2 years, 2 months
108 krzys (k: 4) since 2021-04-13 to 2024-10-16, that's 3 years, 6 months
109 elderpav since 2021-06-13 to 2023-06-13, that's 2 years, 0 months
110 qui2424 since 2021-12-04 to 2023-12-04, that's 2 years, 0 months
111 Aqua1967 since 2022-11-27 to 2024-10-16, that's 1 years, 10 months
112 justin1644 since 2023-06-07 to 2024-10-16, that's 1 years, 4 months
113 Cintain (p: 3) since 2023-09-05 to 2024-08-17, that's 0 years, 11 months
114 jakethedog24 since 2023-12-12 to 2024-10-16, that's 0 years, 10 months
115 eva.ciel since 2023-12-23 to 2024-10-16, that's 0 years, 9 months
116 N_F_S since 2024-04-08 to 2024-10-16, that's 0 years, 6 months