Cat-eLogRightMy Cats Registered Keepers RightBrochis splendens

No. All keepers listed by when they started keeping this species. The longest an individual has been kept is 17 years, 10 months.
1 Jools (k: 4) since 2000-02-01 to 2017-12-01, that's 17 years, 10 months; who writes, "Collected in Peru 2000."
2 ali12345 (k: 3) since 2001-12-31 to 2016-03-31, that's 14 years, 3 months
3 MatsP (p: 2, k: 9) since 2005-05-01 to 2015-03-03, that's 9 years, 10 months; who writes, "Originally got 5 of them, but a couple have had "accidents".", "Added to supplement the original group of 6 that has dwindled to 3 over the past five years."
4 FuglyDragon (k: 6) since 2005-05-16 to 2013-06-21, that's 8 years, 1 months; who writes, "Awesome coloration once settled. Spawned once."
5 zenyfish (k: 6) since 2005-06-15 to 2006-08-15, that's 1 years, 2 months; who writes, "Delicate (7.9 ph water)."
6 loafingloach since 2006-01-01 to 2007-06-07, that's 1 years, 5 months; who writes, "timid without buddies, though the size of these guys may prohibit having a bigger group. I would give it a 55 gallon min with a shoal of at least 8. color up fast with good food. when given worms, they will get eye deep in sand for them."
7 synoguy (k: 3) since 2006-04-18 to 2009-07-18, that's 3 years, 3 months
8 Barracuda518 (k: 8) since 2006-05-15 to 2009-07-14, that's 3 years, 1 months
9 tcmfish (k: 3) since 2007-01-02 to 2011-06-02, that's 4 years, 5 months
10 Dick F. since 2007-01-22 to 2012-03-09, that's 5 years, 1 months
11 Keithj (k: 7) since 2007-02-23 to 2010-02-18, that's 2 years, 11 months
12 Floody since 2007-03-07 to 2009-03-07, that's 2 years, 0 months
13 Sandtiger since 2007-03-19 to 2011-05-08, that's 4 years, 1 months
14 CatBrat since 2007-03-31 to 2009-03-31, that's 2 years, 0 months
15 Coryman since 2007-04-04 to 2012-04-06, that's 5 years, 0 months
16 inkyjenn (k: 3) since 2007-05-01 to 2010-08-04, that's 3 years, 3 months
17 krzys (k: 4) since 2007-05-14 to 2020-10-20, that's 13 years, 5 months
18 chris 1 (k: 5) since 2007-05-15 to 2009-07-24, that's 2 years, 2 months
19 AU Chief (k: 11) since 2007-06-07 to 2015-07-15, that's 8 years, 1 months
20 AmLi (k: 2) since 2007-06-25 to 2015-01-22, that's 7 years, 6 months
21 kingaru since 2007-07-03 to 2009-07-03, that's 2 years, 0 months
22 joern (k: 8) since 2007-07-18 to 2009-07-18, that's 2 years, 0 months
23 Carp37 (k: 8) since 2007-08-03 to 2014-03-13, that's 6 years, 7 months; who writes, "Initially 3 adults and 11 juveniles from eggs laid 12/08/07. Lost 6 between July and February 2011."
24 mummymonkey (k: 7) since 2007-09-04 to 2013-08-30, that's 5 years, 11 months
25 notv19 since 2007-09-16 to 2009-09-16, that's 2 years, 0 months
26 ElTofi (k: 26) since 2007-10-10 to 2014-05-14, that's 6 years, 7 months; who writes, "Bred 3 times, I found the fry once it was 3 cm long. Poor result as I didn't do anything to help. add a 10 pces group this late April"
27 jollysue (k: 9) since 2007-10-15 to 2009-10-15, that's 2 years, 0 months
28 YSR50 since 2007-12-01 to 2025-03-13, that's 17 years, 3 months
29 Firestorming (k: 5) since 2008-01-11 to 2010-04-05, that's 2 years, 2 months
30 Schwec (p: 2) since 2008-01-15 to 2010-01-15, that's 2 years, 0 months
31 teddyman5 since 2008-01-29 to 2010-02-19, that's 2 years, 0 months
32 nooneknows since 2008-02-02 to 2010-02-02, that's 2 years, 0 months
33 anitabritt (k: 13) since 2008-02-09 to 2010-02-10, that's 2 years, 0 months; who writes, "13 wc youngsters. "
34 scat35 (p: 2) since 2008-02-17 to 2010-02-17, that's 2 years, 0 months
35 Troender (k: 5) since 2008-03-01 to 2014-01-04, that's 5 years, 10 months
36 griffl since 2008-03-11 to 2008-04-29, that's 0 years, 1 months
37 Plecofanatic1989 (k: 2) since 2008-03-15 to 2010-03-17, that's 2 years, 0 months
38 myrheksa (k: 11) since 2008-03-22 to 2010-03-22, that's 2 years, 0 months
39 Pungen (k: 11) since 2008-04-06 to 2010-04-06, that's 2 years, 0 months
40 kfreedman since 2008-04-13 to 2010-04-13, that's 2 years, 0 months
41 Brie since 2008-06-02 to 2010-06-02, that's 2 years, 0 months
42 gem400 since 2008-06-10 to 2016-06-16, that's 8 years, 0 months
43 evesonevo (k: 5) since 2008-08-12 to 2010-08-12, that's 2 years, 0 months
44 Kampfer (k: 2) since 2008-09-14 to 2010-12-26, that's 2 years, 3 months
45 coppernite (k: 5) since 2008-10-24 to 2010-10-24, that's 2 years, 0 months
46 Kets (k: 6) since 2008-11-01 to 2011-01-12, that's 2 years, 2 months
47 AlaskanCorydoras (k: 10) since 2008-11-14 to 2011-06-14, that's 2 years, 7 months; who writes, "By far my most active/energetic armoured cats. "
48 novice since 2008-12-26 to 2010-12-26, that's 2 years, 0 months
49 Nick44 (k: 3) since 2009-01-18 to 2011-02-10, that's 2 years, 0 months
50 theonetruepath (k: 4) since 2009-01-28 to 2015-10-09, that's 6 years, 8 months
51 Nitro Cory since 2009-02-01 to 2011-02-01, that's 2 years, 0 months
52 Segelkaerpfling (k: 8) since 2009-03-06 to 2011-08-22, that's 2 years, 5 months
53 Timthedrifter since 2009-04-23 to 2011-04-23, that's 2 years, 0 months
54 corymkl since 2009-06-04 to 2011-06-04, that's 2 years, 0 months
55 Cory_lover (k: 2) since 2009-06-23 to 2012-04-25, that's 2 years, 10 months
56 wonderdognc since 2009-07-05 to 2011-07-05, that's 2 years, 0 months
57 dbhewitt63 (k: 2) since 2009-08-12 to 2012-09-14, that's 3 years, 1 months
58 xShovelnose since 2009-08-14 to 2016-01-14, that's 6 years, 5 months; who writes, "My female died about 5 months ago. may get a replacement soon.... maybe even a "group"."
59 docszoo since 2009-08-18 to 2012-02-20, that's 2 years, 6 months
60 flappinganimal since 2009-09-13 to 2011-09-13, that's 2 years, 0 months
61 topline since 2009-09-22 to 2011-09-22, that's 2 years, 0 months
62 saphphx (k: 3) since 2009-10-03 to 2011-10-05, that's 2 years, 0 months
63 rich815 since 2009-10-09 to 2011-10-09, that's 2 years, 0 months
64 harpchad since 2009-11-24 to 2011-11-24, that's 2 years, 0 months
65 jacobhayes79 (k: 3) since 2009-12-25 to 2011-12-25, that's 2 years, 0 months
66 keen-eyed (k: 7) since 2010-03-06 to 2012-03-06, that's 2 years, 0 months
67 joemc since 2010-03-12 to 2017-01-10, that's 6 years, 9 months
68 taninsama since 2010-03-20 to 2012-03-20, that's 2 years, 0 months
69 Shaun (k: 8) since 2010-07-29 to 2012-10-29, that's 2 years, 3 months; who writes, "5 WC, 3 Captive bred."
70 rhibear (k: 7) since 2010-09-09 to 2011-01-15, that's 0 years, 4 months
71 KansasGuppyGuy (k: 6) since 2010-11-01 to 2013-10-09, that's 2 years, 11 months
72 NC24 since 2010-11-17 to 2012-11-17, that's 2 years, 0 months
73 Beth since 2011-01-02 to 2013-01-02, that's 2 years, 0 months
74 FishandFire since 2011-01-27 to 2013-01-27, that's 2 years, 0 months
75 Piotr (k: 20) since 2011-02-02 to 2019-09-02, that's 8 years, 7 months
76 jenniebean (k: 3) since 2011-02-11 to 2013-02-11, that's 2 years, 0 months
77 tetra&catman since 2011-03-13 to 2013-03-13, that's 2 years, 0 months
78 hankinswood (k: 8) since 2011-03-14 to 2013-03-14, that's 2 years, 0 months
79 retroculus since 2011-04-04 to 2013-04-04, that's 2 years, 0 months
80 SHEAG since 2011-04-20 to 2013-04-20, that's 2 years, 0 months
81 crkinney (k: 3) since 2011-05-04 to 2019-06-11, that's 8 years, 1 months
82 slayer5590 since 2011-05-25 to 2018-10-24, that's 7 years, 4 months
83 Mark Roesner since 2011-05-29 to 2013-05-29, that's 2 years, 0 months
84 vb75 since 2011-06-24 to 2014-03-15, that's 2 years, 8 months
85 Anthonyck (k: 2) since 2011-11-02 to 2017-04-16, that's 5 years, 5 months; who writes, "These seem to be fragile among the pet trade in this area, rarely looking very healthy. One of original three has thrived. One added 4/16/15 from Aquarium Shop's Going OOB Sale."
86 sammy2875 since 2011-11-03 to 2013-12-04, that's 2 years, 1 months
87 elcucuu since 2011-11-09 to 2014-01-05, that's 2 years, 1 months
88 MHS since 2011-11-24 to 2013-11-24, that's 2 years, 0 months
89 tropical since 2011-12-26 to 2013-12-26, that's 2 years, 0 months
90 kiwiplymouth since 2012-01-04 to 2014-01-04, that's 2 years, 0 months
91 Roland since 2012-01-06 to 2016-02-22, that's 4 years, 1 months
92 wendy333 since 2012-01-20 to 2014-06-24, that's 2 years, 5 months
93 jeff.l since 2012-01-23 to 2014-01-23, that's 2 years, 0 months
94 sendthis since 2012-01-29 to 2014-01-29, that's 2 years, 0 months
95 fusco (k: 4) since 2012-02-12 to 2015-03-13, that's 3 years, 1 months
96 Phyllonemus since 2012-03-06 to 2012-10-16, that's 0 years, 7 months
97 catfish-pigeon (k: 2) since 2012-03-10 to 2014-05-19, that's 2 years, 2 months
98 TankTheHoplo (k: 2) since 2012-04-15 to 2014-08-02, that's 2 years, 3 months; who writes, "Best friends!"
99 Walkie-TalkieCatfish (k: 2) since 2012-04-30 to 2014-11-21, that's 2 years, 6 months
100 francistrus (k: 4) since 2012-05-06 to 2015-05-08, that's 3 years, 0 months
101 JamieDurrant (k: 15) since 2012-05-09 to 2015-01-09, that's 2 years, 8 months; who writes, "6 wild caught, the rest captive bred."
102 lasteeves (k: 10) since 2012-05-13 to 2014-05-26, that's 2 years, 0 months
103 slimrs since 2012-05-28 to 2014-05-28, that's 2 years, 0 months
104 JamesStuddart (k: 10) since 2012-05-30 to 2017-01-01, that's 4 years, 7 months
105 miku (k: 10) since 2012-05-31 to 2014-10-15, that's 2 years, 4 months
106 B-2 since 2012-06-16 to 2014-06-16, that's 2 years, 0 months
107 yogi88 since 2012-06-21 to 2014-06-21, that's 2 years, 0 months
108 gossei (k: 6) since 2012-06-26 to 2017-05-25, that's 4 years, 10 months; who writes, "Wild caught from GR's trip to Peru in 2008?"
109 miguel mitchel since 2012-08-19 to 2016-01-26, that's 3 years, 5 months
110 FerocactusLatispinus (p: 2, k: 4) since 2012-09-13 to 2012-11-15, that's 0 years, 2 months; who writes, "R.I.P. Copper. Poor guy was thin when I bought him, and I found him today stuck on the filter intake tube, shockingly emaciated more than usual. Must have had an internal parasite from day one...", "R.I.P. Bruiser, Cruiser, and Skinner. They were very amiable and active little cats, but sadly weren't the overall healthiest of of our LFS's imports."
111 technogeek (k: 3) since 2012-09-15 to 2014-09-22, that's 2 years, 0 months
112 elephant since 2012-09-15 to 2014-09-15, that's 2 years, 0 months
113 KillieOrCory (k: 8) since 2012-09-24 to 2014-09-24, that's 2 years, 0 months; who writes, "Bred 10 September 2012"
114 andersonpe since 2012-10-27 to 2014-10-27, that's 2 years, 0 months
115 andyC since 2012-11-01 to 2015-05-09, that's 2 years, 6 months
116 jac (k: 30) since 2012-11-02 to 2016-09-18, that's 3 years, 10 months
117 mrsjdean since 2013-01-12 to 2015-01-12, that's 2 years, 0 months
118 Apostolis (k: 10) since 2013-01-14 to 2013-11-03, that's 0 years, 9 months
119 guppy09 since 2013-01-17 to 2015-01-17, that's 2 years, 0 months
120 uaru (k: 4) since 2013-01-25 to 2015-04-12, that's 2 years, 2 months
121 unstoppablejayd since 2013-01-30 to 2015-01-30, that's 2 years, 0 months
122 TDMG82 since 2013-02-10 to 2018-04-01, that's 5 years, 1 months
123 keig0006 (k: 2) since 2013-02-14 to 2015-03-03, that's 2 years, 0 months
124 steveh28 (k: 6) since 2013-02-24 to 2015-02-24, that's 2 years, 0 months
125 duxallinarow since 2013-05-05 to 2015-05-05, that's 2 years, 0 months
126 Lars Jamne (k: 5) since 2013-06-07 to 2015-09-07, that's 2 years, 3 months
127 rmc (k: 4) since 2013-06-08 to 2015-06-08, that's 2 years, 0 months
128 cjdesmit (k: 5) since 2013-06-26 to 2015-06-26, that's 2 years, 0 months
129 Joost (k: 10) since 2013-07-10 to 2013-12-04, that's 0 years, 4 months
130 mace since 2013-08-18 to 2015-08-18, that's 2 years, 0 months
131 schant (k: 7) since 2013-09-22 to 2017-10-22, that's 4 years, 1 months
132 mani29 (k: 4) since 2013-10-13 to 2016-05-14, that's 2 years, 7 months
133 Sean B since 2013-10-21 to 2015-10-21, that's 2 years, 0 months
134 emacartoon since 2013-10-24 to 2016-02-21, that's 2 years, 3 months
135 daniel60 (k: 20) since 2013-11-19 to 2015-11-19, that's 2 years, 0 months
136 Ozboy (k: 15) since 2013-11-25 to 2016-01-27, that's 2 years, 2 months
137 francoisMtl (k: 4) since 2013-11-27 to 2017-12-02, that's 4 years, 0 months
138 parrot1974 (k: 6) since 2013-11-30 to 2025-03-13, that's 11 years, 3 months; who writes, "Bought male (smaller and slightly darker) before adding three more, 2 suspected females - bigger and lighter. He frolicked around them when they were introduced."
139 kvnbyl (k: 12) since 2013-12-02 to 2017-03-15, that's 3 years, 3 months
140 JSamuels since 2014-01-03 to 2016-06-29, that's 2 years, 5 months
141 Nabobmob1 (k: 7) since 2014-02-20 to 2016-04-12, that's 2 years, 1 months; who writes, "Trio will only spawn in a 5 gallon tank?"
142 Dark Rose (k: 5) since 2014-02-25 to 2016-03-02, that's 2 years, 0 months
143 Herr.Skoglund since 2014-03-07 to 2016-03-07, that's 2 years, 0 months
144 SeanL (k: 16) since 2014-04-28 to 2018-05-30, that's 4 years, 1 months
145 sleepyhead since 2014-05-19 to 2016-05-19, that's 2 years, 0 months
146 sushi1980 (p: 2) since 2014-05-31 to 2014-11-11, that's 0 years, 5 months
147 reverendturtle (k: 2) since 2014-06-21 to 2021-05-27, that's 6 years, 11 months
148 chewy922 since 2014-06-23 to 2016-06-23, that's 2 years, 0 months
149 camtang since 2014-08-02 to 2016-08-02, that's 2 years, 0 months
150 evojoey since 2014-08-06 to 2016-10-17, that's 2 years, 2 months
151 Supercorygirl since 2014-08-24 to 2014-10-01, that's 0 years, 1 months
152 Csababá since 2014-09-14 to 2016-09-14, that's 2 years, 0 months
153 Mathias (k: 6) since 2014-10-06 to 2016-10-30, that's 2 years, 0 months
154 Mol_PMB (k: 8) since 2014-10-08 to 2017-02-18, that's 2 years, 4 months
155 secuono (p: 2) since 2014-10-10 to 2016-10-10, that's 2 years, 0 months
156 adcc (k: 10) since 2015-01-18 to 2017-10-18, that's 2 years, 9 months
157 Gandalfdgrey since 2015-02-12 to 2017-02-12, that's 2 years, 0 months
158 hovmoller (k: 13) since 2015-04-01 to 2019-06-24, that's 4 years, 2 months
159 kwalker since 2015-04-09 to 2017-04-09, that's 2 years, 0 months
160 Tamcon83 (k: 7) since 2015-05-02 to 2017-05-06, that's 2 years, 0 months
161 Eggheadfish since 2015-05-22 to 2017-10-02, that's 2 years, 4 months
162 Sugeknight since 2015-06-02 to 2017-06-02, that's 2 years, 0 months
163 Cory Ben since 2015-07-06 to 2017-07-06, that's 2 years, 0 months
164 mcesario since 2015-07-07 to 2017-04-17, that's 1 years, 9 months
165 marco0raimondo (k: 3) since 2015-08-01 to 2018-07-03, that's 2 years, 11 months
166 Valk176 since 2015-08-22 to 2019-01-27, that's 3 years, 5 months
167 aquaman since 2015-10-22 to 2017-10-22, that's 2 years, 0 months
168 Carolus since 2015-11-27 to 2017-11-27, that's 2 years, 0 months
169 scandicman (k: 6) since 2016-02-20 to 2019-02-26, that's 3 years, 0 months
170 Lisa C (k: 8) since 2016-03-29 to 2020-08-31, that's 4 years, 5 months
171 sundaydriveguy since 2016-04-26 to 2018-04-26, that's 2 years, 0 months
172 GeirO since 2016-05-15 to 2018-05-15, that's 2 years, 0 months
173 DHarris since 2016-06-05 to 2018-06-05, that's 2 years, 0 months
174 FredMotorhead (k: 15) since 2016-06-28 to 2018-05-07, that's 1 years, 10 months
175 matte s since 2016-10-13 to 2018-10-13, that's 2 years, 0 months
176 catquariauk since 2016-10-28 to 2018-10-28, that's 2 years, 0 months
177 TheNativeAquarist (k: 2) since 2016-11-13 to 2019-02-12, that's 2 years, 2 months
178 protopterus since 2017-03-14 to 2019-03-14, that's 2 years, 0 months
179 angerygrover (k: 4) since 2017-03-22 to 2020-05-01, that's 3 years, 1 months
180 Nadiboy since 2017-03-28 to 2019-03-28, that's 2 years, 0 months
181 Topuff (k: 4) since 2017-04-02 to 2020-05-13, that's 3 years, 1 months; who writes, "First three fish in the tank and so far so good! Will add four more next weekend when stock comes in. There are amazing to watch!"
182 Electrocat since 2017-04-28 to 2019-04-28, that's 2 years, 0 months
183 CoryCats655 (k: 7) since 2017-06-23 to 2019-06-23, that's 2 years, 0 months; who writes, "I just got these little guys today since Wet Pets had a huge sale on their stock. They are very small, but I'm confident they'll do OK."
184 EthanRuss (k: 3) since 2017-07-01 to 2019-10-04, that's 2 years, 3 months
185 jmw975 (k: 9) since 2017-08-17 to 2021-09-05, that's 4 years, 0 months; who writes, "Tank raised"
186 chaosfrog142 (p: 2, k: 6) since 2017-09-03 to 2019-09-03, that's 2 years, 0 months
187 L-Cait since 2017-09-19 to 2019-09-19, that's 2 years, 0 months
188 Mogl (k: 12) since 2017-11-25 to 2020-02-22, that's 2 years, 2 months
189 skming since 2017-11-26 to 2019-11-26, that's 2 years, 0 months
190 riverotter (p: 2) since 2017-12-21 to 2019-12-21, that's 2 years, 0 months
191 8ullfrog since 2018-02-15 to 2020-02-15, that's 2 years, 0 months
192 WildNature since 2018-04-07 to 2020-04-07, that's 2 years, 0 months
193 dmcc445465 since 2018-04-11 to 2020-04-11, that's 2 years, 0 months
194 scoobiemandan since 2018-05-01 to 2022-03-26, that's 3 years, 10 months
195 Reindas (k: 9) since 2018-05-05 to 2022-03-12, that's 3 years, 10 months
196 Asystole since 2018-05-12 to 2020-05-12, that's 2 years, 0 months
197 Baloo (k: 6) since 2018-07-29 to 2023-07-09, that's 4 years, 11 months; who writes, "Sold to me misidentified as B. Britskii."
198 ianmarg (k: 4) since 2018-10-26 to 2023-01-26, that's 4 years, 3 months
199 Baardman (k: 4) since 2018-11-06 to 2025-03-13, that's 6 years, 4 months
200 chaetolollo since 2018-11-08 to 2020-11-08, that's 2 years, 0 months
201 Auranolas since 2018-11-24 to 2020-11-24, that's 2 years, 0 months
202 Boerge (k: 6) since 2019-01-16 to 2022-03-18, that's 3 years, 2 months
203 Webo (p: 2) since 2019-02-03 to 2019-09-03, that's 0 years, 7 months
204 heroin_nee since 2019-02-08 to 2021-02-08, that's 2 years, 0 months
205 Dragon159 since 2019-03-10 to 2021-03-10, that's 2 years, 0 months
206 jodilynn since 2019-04-21 to 2022-06-13, that's 3 years, 1 months
207 k_u_j_a since 2019-05-31 to 2021-05-31, that's 2 years, 0 months
208 Doradid (k: 5) since 2019-07-31 to 2021-07-31, that's 2 years, 0 months
209 Sergavto07 since 2019-08-28 to 2021-08-28, that's 2 years, 0 months
210 Theo21 since 2019-10-12 to 2021-10-12, that's 2 years, 0 months
211 Swedgin since 2019-11-06 to 2021-12-14, that's 2 years, 1 months
212 Viper since 2019-11-20 to 2021-02-24, that's 1 years, 3 months
213 styx since 2020-01-07 to 2022-01-07, that's 2 years, 0 months
214 Elquatica since 2020-01-27 to 2023-05-01, that's 3 years, 3 months
215 Salmon since 2020-01-28 to 2022-01-28, that's 2 years, 0 months
216 Mac since 2020-03-24 to 2022-03-24, that's 2 years, 0 months
217 Eitel since 2020-03-27 to 2022-03-27, that's 2 years, 0 months
218 NataTrue since 2020-04-24 to 2022-04-24, that's 2 years, 0 months
219 Catfish417 since 2020-05-22 to 2022-05-22, that's 2 years, 0 months
220 mikey since 2020-07-25 to 2022-07-25, that's 2 years, 0 months
221 Rex Taco since 2020-09-18 to 2022-09-18, that's 2 years, 0 months
222 BigBen since 2020-10-17 to 2022-10-17, that's 2 years, 0 months
223 snowball (k: 2) since 2020-11-20 to 2023-01-14, that's 2 years, 1 months
224 Bonita since 2020-11-22 to 2022-11-22, that's 2 years, 0 months
225 Bryum09 since 2020-11-23 to 2022-11-23, that's 2 years, 0 months
226 Jordanlewis100 (k: 3) since 2020-12-16 to 2022-09-04, that's 1 years, 8 months
227 awkwardgryphon since 2021-01-27 to 2023-01-27, that's 2 years, 0 months
228 diesel (k: 10) since 2021-02-08 to 2023-03-01, that's 2 years, 0 months
229 jgr1994 since 2021-02-14 to 2023-02-14, that's 2 years, 0 months
230 mariquito since 2021-08-18 to 2023-08-18, that's 2 years, 0 months
231 Tsouthwick51 since 2021-08-29 to 2023-08-29, that's 2 years, 0 months
232 HillsideAquatics since 2021-10-10 to 2023-10-10, that's 2 years, 0 months
233 MissNoodle (k: 5) since 2021-11-12 to 2024-02-06, that's 2 years, 2 months
234 bkfame since 2022-02-05 to 2024-02-05, that's 2 years, 0 months
235 jcover since 2022-08-03 to 2025-03-13, that's 2 years, 7 months
236 Ashtard since 2022-09-24 to 2024-09-24, that's 2 years, 0 months
237 Gary@Utopia since 2022-11-24 to 2024-11-24, that's 2 years, 0 months
238 fishguy1978 (k: 5) since 2022-11-26 to 2024-12-18, that's 2 years, 0 months
239 Roryrory since 2023-01-01 to 2025-01-01, that's 2 years, 0 months
240 Aomii since 2023-01-23 to 2025-01-23, that's 2 years, 0 months
241 Joey2201 (k: 2) since 2023-03-01 to 2025-03-13, that's 2 years, 0 months; who writes, "Breeding dances etc but no sign of eggs"
242 evilxyardxgnome since 2023-03-25 to 2025-03-13, that's 1 years, 11 months
243 Yorick K. since 2023-06-03 to 2025-03-13, that's 1 years, 9 months
244 Ridz006 since 2023-08-15 to 2025-03-13, that's 1 years, 6 months
245 supergecko (k: 3) since 2023-11-10 to 2025-02-14, that's 1 years, 3 months
246 Casscats (k: 11) since 2023-11-23 to 2025-03-13, that's 1 years, 3 months
247 Sddav14 (k: 14) since 2024-02-16 to 2025-03-13, that's 1 years, 0 months
248 Bigdaddyfindogg since 2024-04-20 to 2025-03-13, that's 0 years, 10 months
249 sokka since 2024-07-03 to 2025-03-13, that's 0 years, 8 months
250 Fish777 (p: 2, k: 4) since 2024-12-11 to 2025-03-13, that's 0 years, 3 months; who writes, "Only corydoras in this tank. Moved my orange squeaker cat in from a pair of spawning turkana Jewel's I just bought cheap. I now have a 100+ fry . They hate corydoras as well ."