Cat-eLogRightMy Cats Registered Keepers RightNotoglanidium macrostoma

No. All keepers listed by when they started keeping this species. The longest an individual has been kept is 7 years, 5 months.
1 jscoggs27 since 1989-02-01 to 1990-02-12, that's 1 years, 0 months
2 Silurus since 2007-03-11 to 2009-03-11, that's 2 years, 0 months
3 TP since 2007-04-20 to 2010-05-05, that's 3 years, 0 months
4 Dave Rinaldo since 2007-06-16 to 2009-06-16, that's 2 years, 0 months
5 amiidae since 2007-07-05 to 2009-07-05, that's 2 years, 0 months
6 CFC (k: 2) since 2007-09-03 to 2009-09-03, that's 2 years, 0 months
7 Junttis (k: 2) since 2007-12-20 to 2009-12-13, that's 1 years, 11 months
8 RickieH since 2008-06-04 to 2009-05-02, that's 0 years, 10 months
9 jippo since 2008-07-25 to 2012-10-28, that's 4 years, 3 months
10 MatsP (p: 2, k: 2) since 2009-02-07 to 2014-05-30, that's 5 years, 3 months; who writes, "Impulse buy, based on LFS mentioning that 'Did you see the Dwarf Giraffe Cats?'"
11 malawiman1 since 2009-02-27 to 2011-02-27, that's 2 years, 0 months
12 maynard1982 since 2011-07-17 to 2013-07-17, that's 2 years, 0 months
13 dmcat (k: 3) since 2012-06-14 to 2019-12-08, that's 7 years, 5 months
14 Pcpolo111 since 2012-10-23 to 2014-10-23, that's 2 years, 0 months
15 ScottishFish since 2013-01-27 to 2015-01-27, that's 2 years, 0 months; who writes, "A mostly nocturnal catfish. Best viewed in the aquarium with the use of a moonlight. This catfish appreciates sand in the aquaria as it can have a tendency to bury itself. Lots of retreats should be available preferably ones where the fish can just squeeze into. This fish can be housed with other fish as long as it is kept well fed. I have successfully kept it with larger schooling fish with no issues."
16 CatfishPownage63 since 2014-11-03 to 2016-11-03, that's 2 years, 0 months
17 DavidNMaddieHaveCats since 2015-12-18 to 2017-12-18, that's 2 years, 0 months
18 WadeNCreeks (p: 2, k: 3) since 2016-05-01 to 2020-04-14, that's 3 years, 11 months
19 Sabaji since 2016-07-06 to 2018-07-06, that's 2 years, 0 months
20 yellowcat (p: 2, k: 4) since 2017-08-16 to 2019-01-06, that's 1 years, 4 months; who writes, "Slightly less shy than similar parauchenoglanis species... A year later, slow growth, as shy as parauchen's, never see 'em either...", "Tiny 2" on arrival, one year on, @ 6" TL. A year later, little growth now likely @ adult size about 7"TL"
21 burgercats since 2018-07-05 to 2018-08-27, that's 0 years, 1 months
22 ianmarg (k: 2) since 2019-04-08 to 2022-01-07, that's 2 years, 8 months
23 Iamfish since 2019-05-18 to 2021-07-05, that's 2 years, 1 months
24 Bristlenose 94 since 2019-07-08 to 2021-07-08, that's 2 years, 0 months
25 Sfulford33 since 2020-08-01 to 2024-02-09, that's 3 years, 6 months
26 Charlie (k: 2) since 2020-10-17 to 2022-02-21, that's 1 years, 4 months; who writes, "One i want to breed. ....."
27 Fishmandavew (p: 2) since 2021-06-18 to 2023-06-18, that's 2 years, 0 months