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Below are the aquaria of Nick Crane. Showing all aquaria currently in use. You can also view all users with My Aquaria lists. You can expand this list to include aquaria no longer in use.

1. L46 Hypancistrus Breeding Tank (1)
No image stored

No species assigned to this aquarium.
Dimensions 61 x 45.7 x 45.7cm (24 x 18 x 18")
Volume 127.4 litres, 28 UK gallons or 33.7 US gallons
pH 6.5 to 6.8
Temperature 28.0-30.0°C or 82.4-86°F (Show species within this range)
Current Strong(air)
Water Very mature tank with livebearers (endlers) companions. Large weekly water change 30 - 50%
Furniture Fine sand substrate. Size 2 Clay Breeding Caves 10cm x 2.5cm Bogwood Almond Leaves
Filtration 250L Sponge Filter
Lighting Central Fish House lighting & above tank 11w link light
Heating Fish House Central Heating
Feeding No foods recorded
Created 2011-09-02 Running for 13 years, 6 months, 13 days
Updated 2011-09-02
2. L66 Hypancistrus Pleco Breeding Tank
No image stored

No species assigned to this aquarium.
Feeding No foods recorded
Created 2011-09-02
Updated Never
3. LDA72 Ancistrus Breeding Tank
No image stored

No species assigned to this aquarium.
Feeding No foods recorded
Created 2011-09-02
Updated Never