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Below are the aquaria of FishyMcFishFish. Showing all aquaria currently in use. You can also view all users with My Aquaria lists. You can expand this list to include aquaria no longer in use.

1. 64l

No species assigned to this aquarium.
Dimensions 61 x 30.5 x 35.6cm (24 x 12 x 14")
Volume 66.2 litres, 14.6 UK gallons or 17.5 US gallons
pH 6.6 to 7.2
Temperature 21.0-25.0°C or 69.8-77°F (Show species within this range)
Current Air (vertical)
Furniture Driftwood, anubias, limnophilla, spiky moss, rotala
Filtration 1 giant sponge filter and 2 smaller ones
Lighting L.E.D strip
Heating 50w heater
Feeding No foods recorded
Created 2017-10-19 Running for 7 years, 4 months, 25 days
Updated 2018-11-02
2. juwel trigon 190
No image stored

No species assigned to this aquarium.
Feeding No foods recorded
Created 2018-03-02
Updated Never
3. Left juwel lido
No image stored

No species assigned to this aquarium.
Dimensions 60 x 40 x 50cm (24 x 16 x 20")
Volume 120 litres, 26.4 UK gallons or 31.7 US gallons
pH 6.8 to 7.2
Temperature 21.0-25.0°C or 69.8-77°F (Show species within this range)
Current Medium
Furniture Moss Spider wood Amazon sword Crypts Valis
Filtration Juwel bioflow medium + big sponge filter
Lighting Spotlight and led strip
Heating 100w
Feeding No foods recorded
Created 2017-10-18 Running for 7 years, 4 months, 26 days
Updated 2018-11-02
4. Right jewel lido
No image stored

No species assigned to this aquarium.
Dimensions 60 x 40 x 50cm (24 x 16 x 20")
Volume 120 litres, 26.4 UK gallons or 31.7 US gallons
pH 6.8 to 7.2
Temperature 21.0-25.0°C or 69.8-77°F (Show species within this range)
Current Air (vertical)
Furniture Driftwood, amazon swords, valis, ceramic caves, slate caves
Filtration Canister, 3 large spunge filters, small powerhead
Lighting Spotlight and led strip
Heating 100w
1.Zucchini raw (live) daily
Created 2017-10-19 Running for 7 years, 4 months, 25 days
Updated 2018-11-02
5. Riparium
No image stored

No species assigned to this aquarium.
Dimensions 120 x 39.4 x 33cm (47 x 16 x 13")
Volume 156 litres, 34.3 UK gallons or 41.2 US gallons
Temperature 26.0-27.0°C or 78.8-80.6°F (Show species within this range)
Current Medium
Furniture Driftwood needle leaf java fern trident java fern java fern cryptocoryne beckettii petchii Hygrophila siamensis 53b various anubias species moss balls Caves
Filtration 4 sponge filters eheim professionel 4+ 350 powerhead
Lighting 2 Led spotlights
Feeding No foods recorded
Created 2020-12-12 Running for 4 years, 3 months
Updated 2020-12-12