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Below are the aquaria of Allie.89. Showing all aquaria currently in use. You can also view all users with My Aquaria lists. You can expand this list to include aquaria no longer in use.

1. Betta & Amano Shrimp
Betta & Amano Shrimp

No species assigned to this aquarium.
Dimensions 40.6 x 33 x 33cm (16 x 13 x 13")
Volume 44.3 litres, 9.7 UK gallons or 11.7 US gallons
pH 6 to 7.5
Temperature 22.5-26.0°C or 72.5-78.8°F (Show species within this range)
Current Gentle
Furniture - floating Bacopa (money wort) - Micro sword - Crypotcoryne Wendtii - Amazon Sword - Temple Compacta - Mopani driftwood - Indian Almond Leaf - 3 Marimo moss balls
Filtration Fluval 3-stage filtration with oversized Mechanical, Chemical and Biological media
Lighting 7500K LED lamp
Heating Tetra Submersible 50 watt heater
Feeding No foods recorded
Created 2017-04-04 Running for 7 years, 11 months, 24 days
Updated 2017-04-04