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African and Asian Catfishes, An Interpet Guide To

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Title African and Asian Catfishes, An Interpet Guide To
Author & (Publisher) Dr David Sands (Salamander Books, 1986)
ISBN Unknown
Price £5.45 at the time of the review
Subject Matter As titled
Edition 1st, English

Article © Julian Dignall, uploaded January 01, 2002.

An excellent introductory book with over 50 species individually although briefly covered and pictured. Good, basic general care and maintenance information is the books strongest point. Both continents species are well represeted and although taxonomic information is out-of-date, this doesn't really impinge on the knowledge the book sets out to impart. If you don't have any catfish books and want to start down the road of knowing more you really can't go wrong at the price.

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